
May 28, 2009 22:33

Excalibur Awards
The Merlin fandom is ever growing with authors scattered across many comms and journals that it's hard to keep track of all the fantastic fic out there. Excalibur Awards aim to bring together a collection of the best fic from all walks out there, at the same time having you recognising favourites!

Any genre or pairing is acceptable for nomination (gen, het, slash, femmeslash, OT3/4/5, RPF...) except for Merlin/Arthur (in this round) as there have already been awards specific to this pairing ( Merlin/Arthur Fic Awards) A note on possible exceptions is included in the Nominations and Guidelines section below.

Nominations & Guidelines

Anyone can nominate a fic, and authors are allowed to nominate themselves.

There is no limit to how many fics are nominated in a category, or to how many nominations you can submit.

Fics can be nominated for multiple categories.

If there are more than two fics with the same list of pairings (ie: multiple pairings in a single fic, such as "Merlin/Lancelot, Gwen/Nimueh") then they'll have their own category. However, if the fic is the only one nominated, it will be added into the pairing category to which the fic focuses upon most (so if the above fic has more of a focus on Merlin/Lancelot, then that's the category it would go into).

Anonymous fics can be nominated.

If you are the anonymous author of a fic and, for whatever reason, don't want your fic to appear in the nominations list, contact the mods at or via PM and we'll take the nomination down.

A note on Merlin/Arthur: While fics focusing on this pairing alone are not accepted, Merlin/Arthur within the bounds of OT3/4/5, or as a background pairing is fine.

Other questions, concerns, etc? Leave a comment to this post.

If anyone is willing, I'd love a hand with mod-ing and making banners for the winners :]

How nominations work...

Fill in this form and send it to In your email subject line, please include "Nomination for" and then the appropriate genre/pairing for your nomination. An example would be: Nomination for Uther/Gaius.

ETA: Please Subject-Line your nominations properly: we've had several nomination submissions from folk who did not follow the Subject-Line instructions above. We require this information to filter through nominations quickly and for easier cataloging. It would be a shame for someone's piece to fall through the cracks because the subject line was not properly done. If you are unsure what a Subject Line is, or how to change it, please PM the mods for instruction.

Fic Link:
Fic Title:
Fic Author:

Sample Form


Under the umbrella of genre (gen, or a particular pairing/pairings/OT3/4/5), here is your list of current categories:

- Best Overall fic
- Best Characterisation for [Character]
- Best Epic fic
- Best Episodoic fic * meaning it reads like an episode
- Best Episode Coda
- Best Drabble * defined as 200 words or less
- Best Alternate Universe fic
- Best Pre-Series fic
- Best Future!Fic

- Best Angst fic
- Best Dark fic
- Best Fluff fic
- Best Romance fic
- Best Drama fic
- Best Crack fic
- Best Humour fic
- Best Death fic
- Best Baby fic
- Best Hurt/Comfort fic
- Best Crossover fic
- Best Smut fic
- Best Kink fic
- Best Pre-Ship fic

- Most Shocking fic
- Most Insightful fic

- This Fic Made Me Love [Character/Pairing]

As this is the first time for these awards, if I've missed a category you think should be added, just let me know by including it in your nomination form or commenting to this post.

Sample Nomination Form

Fic Link:
Fic Title: Merlin Goes to Market
Fic Author: matchachillo
Genre/Pairing: Gen, slight Merlin/Nimueh
Suggested Category: Either gen, or Merlin/Nimueh pre-ship


Nominations are open from May 30th until June 30th.
Voting running until July 30th.
Winners announced beginning on August 5th. (Possibly spread out, depending on how many nominations are received)
* Dates subject to change

timeline, ! mod post, guidelines

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