Timeline & Rules Update

Jun 06, 2009 13:52

Firstly, yelloerainboe has generously offered to help me with the awards! Many thanks & be sure to keep an eye out for her around the comm!

Thank you as well to those who offered to help with the winning banners! We'll be contacting you once voting is over.

Onto the Rules & Timeline update.

1. We've decided to extend the Excalibur Award timeline:

Nominations will now be accepted until June 30th.
Voting will run until July 30th.
Winners will be announced and contacted starting on August 5th.
* these dates are still subject to possible change

2. Next, please note that RPF and fics written by anonymous authors are accepted into the Awards now.

3. If you are the anonymous author of a fic which was nominated and you don't want it on the nominations list for whatever reason, don't hesitate to contact us at excalibur.nominations@gmail.com, or PM us and we'll take your work down.

That's all for now! Further rules, guidelines and the nomination form can be found at this entry.


! mod post, awards update

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