Title: Difference
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
evil_little_dogCharacters: Riza, Roy, Ed, Al and Winry
Words: 282
Rating: K+
Summary: Riza voices a realization to Roy regarding the brothers.
Warnings: Continuation of “Brave New World”, which crosses over FMA manga with FMA original anime.
Disclaimer: Arakawa absolutely owns all.
fanfic_bakeoff prompt: observe
Part One:
Through the Back DoorPart Two:
AftermathPart Three:
RemindersPart Four:
Under Any CircumstancesPart Five:
Lost and FoundParts Six-Seven-Eight:
Cold Comfort, Equivalent Exchange and In the HallwayPart Nine:
DiscussionsPart Ten:
Telephone CallParts Eleven-Twelve-Thirteen:
Simple Requests, Tell Me a Story, No TearsParts Fourteen-Fifteen-Sixteen:
Similarities, Discussions II and PainkillersPart Seventeen:
Wake Up Call Part Eighteen:
Chance, 1,000 Yard StarePart Nineteen:
Thoughts OfPart Twenty-Twenty-One-Twenty-Two:
Waking, Curiosity, TreasurePart Twenty-Three:
DifferencesPart Twenty-Four:
Discussions IIIPart Twenty-Five:
Dress Up, Undercover Blues, Leaving Central, Mistakes, The World According To X X X
Riza was accustomed to sitting quietly and waiting on her target. Now, despite not having a weapon at the ready, she took her time observing the trio sitting diagonally from her. Right now, Alphonse slept, his still-too-thin body stretched across the bench seat, his brother’s new jacket thrown over him. Edward and Winry sat next to each other, conversing in low tones. If she looked out of the corner of her eye, she could also watch Corporal Mustang, who stared at the trio, his expression unguarded. She knew that dull glint in his eye, having seen it before. He was considering how much of this matter was his fault, what he could have done to prevent it. Possibly what he could do to make it right.
“There’s something very different about them,” Roy said quietly, as Edward grinned at Winry.
“You’ve noticed it, too?”
He turned so he could actually see her. “It would be difficult not to.”
Riza nodded, her gaze drifting back to the trio. It wasn’t just that this Edward was taller than Winry, instead of shorter, or Alphonse’s coloring - and current condition - was so very different. “Their attitudes,” she said suddenly.
“Look at Edward.” Riza nodded across the way.. His smile had somehow gotten impossibly huge, and he was laughing with Winry. Alphonse woke and complained they were too loud, making them laugh harder. The joy surrounding them, despite their circumstances, was an amazing contrast considering the boys she knew before.
“Maybe they didn’t have the same trials our Elrics did,” Roy said.
Riza turned her head to look out of the window, giving them their privacy. “Or maybe they’re made of different stuff altogether.”
Title: Sorrow In Her Eyes
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
evil_little_dogCharacters/Pairings: Alphonse, Edward, Winry (implied Ed/Win)
Words: 245
Rating: K+
Summary: Alphonse is thinking while watching Ed and Winry.
Warnings: Continuation of “Brave New World”, which crosses over FMA manga with FMA original anime.
Disclaimer: Arakawa absolutely owns all.
fanfic_bakeoff prompt: observe,
elric_family prompt: solution
Alphonse watched his brother, sitting across from him on the train bench with Winry. He saw what he often did when observing them together - their ease with each other, their closeness, which to him always went beyond mechanic and customer. Even though this Winry was older, she was still Winry. She laughed the same and smiled the same, and her joy was amazingly beautiful, just like always, and even Ed had to see that, despite what he always tried to keep hidden.
There had to be a solution to let her stay happy, Alphonse thought. One that would keep the smile on her face, and wipe away the sorrows keeping secrets in her eyes. He and Ed just needed to put their heads together, and they’d come up with a way to bring her Elrics back to her world, when they went home to their own.
Alphonse knew Ed would agree with him, that there needed to be an equivalent exchange. They couldn’t leave Winry here alone and go home to their Winry. This Winry needed her Elric brothers just like theirs did, and was waiting for them, too, so they couldn’t leave her without doing something for her.
They’d have to do the research to make it happen, but when had that ever stopped them? Maybe it would be hard, but they’d figure something out. It wouldn’t be right for joy to be one-sided in their world, and for sorrow to fill this one.
Title: Homecoming
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
evil_little_dogCharacters/Pairings: Pinako, Ed, Winry, Al, Den
Words: 141
Rating: K
Summary: The kids finally make it home.
Warnings: Continuation of “Brave New World”, which crosses over FMA manga with FMA original anime.
Disclaimer: Arakawa absolutely owns all.
fanfic_bakeoff prompt: Absent, Masquerade
Den’s ears raised and she let out a curious bark from her favorite place on the porch. Pinako wiped her hands on a greasy towel, pushing through the screen door that squealed and popped as she went through it. The people walking up the path made her smile, an absent space in her heart slowly filling with the sight of her granddaughter and the two boys with her.
“Welcome home,” she called in her scratchy voice, delighted at the sight of answering grins from the boys. But Al looked so strange, thin and weak, and Ed…he was taller than Winry. Pinako hmphed. “It’s about time you decided to grow, you pipsqueak!”
Later, she’d figure out what was masquerading as joy in Winry’s eyes. For now, she’d enjoy Ed’s screeching, and the sight of her three kids, finally home and together again.
Title: Over Dinner
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
evil_little_dogCharacters/Pairings: Alphonse, Edward, Roy, Winry, Riza, Pinako
Words: 1,090
Rating: K
Summary: Some discussions over dinner just hurt.
Warnings: Continuation of “Brave New World”, which crosses over FMA manga with FMA original anime.
Disclaimer: Arakawa absolutely owns all.
The meal was amazing, even if Al couldn’t eat everything he wanted. Pinako had been surprised when Ed had turned down rice, but had gone on to fix a wonderful dinner. Granny Pinako’s stew, Winry’s apple pie, fresh milk from the Nedobeck farm, lemonade - it all combined to make something that felt so much like home it was all Al could do to not break down over the table. He managed to keep control of himself, though. There’d been enough sorrow lately.
Al finally pushed back with a sigh, patting his stomach. It really was rounded, and he hoped he hadn’t eaten so much to make himself sick. Ed didn’t seem to be in any better shape, spoon still dangling from his mouth, a sated expression in his eyes. Captain Hawkeye had finished earlier, just a few crumbs left over from the pie on the plate in front of her. Corporal Mustang set down his fork, wiping his mouth delicately. Winry was busy cutting a slab of pie for Ed. Over in the corner, Den gnawed on a bone Pinako had fished out of the stewpot, and Pinako was sipping at a cup of coffee that smelled good. Now, if it only tasted as good as it smelled.
“So,” Pinako said, “you boys come from some sort of a mirror world?”
It had been a weird discussion, explaining where they were from, and how they’d gotten here. Pinako had been fascinated by the differences in Al, that he was, as she said, “Old.”
“It’s a lot like this one,” Ed said, picking up his fork and cutting off the tip of his pie. “Really.” He took his bite of pie, moving it around his mouth. “Some changes, though.” He shot a look at Captain Hawkeye and Corporal Mustang, then turned his attention back to his dessert. “I guess how Al got his body back is different, too.” His expression taking a distant cast, Ed cut off another piece of pie, though he didn’t eat it. “Winry said…said your Ed disappeared, and Al came back as a kid. Ten years old, right?”
Pinako nodded. “Rose brought Al back to Resembool,” she said, “brought him home. He never gave up trying to find a way to bring his brother back.” She nodded to herself.
Winry stared ahead, without seeing what was in front of her. Maybe she saw images of the other two Elrics, Al didn’t know. “Ed gave up Amestris to get Al’s body back. And then he gave it up again, to save us all.” She lowered her head and smiled, a bittersweet curve of her mouth. “He’d better take good care of that automail. I spent a long time working on it.”
Al reached across the table, touching the back of Winry’s hand to get her attention. “What if they’d asked, would you have gone with them?” He couldn’t even begin to imagine a world without Winry in it. How could they have left her behind?
She didn’t answer immediately, obviously considering the question, and finally said, “I don’t know. It’d mean leaving behind everything I know, for,” Winry spread her hands, raising her eyes to meet Al’s. “I think you and your Winry spent a lot more time together than I spent with Ed and Al from here. I didn’t see them for four years, and then I traveled with them for a little while, until…” Her voice trailed off and she shook her head. “When I found out they were in trouble with the military, I went to try and warn them, and wound up getting captured by Mr. Mustang and his men.” Winry rubbed her wrist, lost in thought. “They spent the night here, and then it was the last I saw of them, at the train station the next morning, until Rose brought Al home.”
Al tried to piece together what Ed had told him with this new information.
Corporal Mustang cleared his throat. “In the midst of everything, I didn’t tell you, Miss Rockbell. I was with them before they left our world. Alphonse was trying to get Edward to stay, and asked, ‘What about Winry?’” Her head came up and she focused on Corporal Mustang. If he felt any discomfort, he didn’t show it. “Edward held up his arm,” Mustang lifted his own in demonstration, “and said, ‘Tell her she makes the best automail ever.’”
Pinako snorted. “She already knew that.”
“It’s still nice he’d say it.” Winry didn’t sound defensive, more resigned, Al thought.
He glanced sideways at his brother, who frowned, staring at the empty plate in front of him. Wondering if Ed was thinking about home, or Winry, or was even paying any attention to the conversation at all, Al decided it wasn’t really his business, or not enough to bring up in this room. He knew Ed had seen Winry before they went to fight in Central City. He hoped his brother’d said something better than ‘you make the best automail’ before he left. If he hadn’t, Al thought he might have to hit him.
“Do you want them to come back?”
Al realized Ed was the one who’d asked. How weird was it he’d voiced the question Al had been thinking about? Maybe not so strange.
“They won’t be able to,” Corporal Mustang said. “Edward went to the other world to close the gateway, and I destroyed it on this side.” He glanced sideways at Winry. “I should have told you earlier, Miss Rockbell, but…”
“It’s okay.” She shrugged but her smile faded abruptly. “Wait, if the gate’s closed, how are you guys going to get back to your world?”
“I don’t think Truth sent us the same way,” Al said softly.
Ed’s expression tightened. “We went through what I thought was Al’s door, since I gave up my alchemy to bring him home.” Al noticed Winry wince at that word, and gave her a tiny smile. “Truth must’ve sent us here.”
“We’d have to perform human transmutation to see Truth again.” Al traced the grain of the tabletop with a forefinger. “Unless we can come up with another way to do it.”
“I gave up alchemy as my toll.” Turning his head, Ed fixed Al with a glare. “You’re not risking yourself to get us back to Truth.”
“But you want to go home, too,” Winry said, and they both looked across the table at her. “I mean…she’s waiting for you!”
The realization this Winry didn’t have a reason to wait any more made Al feel sick.