Title: Brave New World - Aftermath
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
evil_little_dogCharacters: Winry, Sciezca, Havoc
Words: 335
Rating: Gen
Summary: Winry reacts to Ed leaving for good.
Warnings: Probably going to be part of a longer story, which ought to be its own special warning.
Disclaimer: I didn’t get what I wanted for my birthday so I’ll have to beg Arakawa-sensei harder next year.
Note: Written for the prompt of ‘distort’ for
Part One: Through the Back Door X X X
The soldier seemed to appear from nowhere, his gun at ready, but lowered when he realized. “What are you doing here? Never mind, you need to get out of here, now!”
Winry heard the words, though they sounded distorted and strange. Her heart thudded a hollow rhythm in her chest, leaving her with a feeling she couldn’t even begin to describe. Was her heart finally shattered with Ed’s disappearance?
Someone touched her arm, Sciezca, Winry remembered, was here too, though that thought seemed to come from a distance. Maybe this is what happened when a person had a mental breakdown.
Tilting her head back, Winry stared at the contrail of smoke, fading already. Ed had left behind his strange prostheses, a harried, “Thanks,” a crashed machine and a trail of smoke to show he’d managed to return to Amestris, only to leave it again. It wasn’t enough. There were things she’d wanted to say to him, and now she’d never get the chance.
“Miss Rockbell!”
Winry started, realizing someone had been repeating her name for some time by the worried tone to it. She blinked, lowering her gaze, finding a man she thought she’d recognized from previous meetings, though she couldn’t really place him. “Yes?” Her voice sounded hoarse and strange to her own ears.
“Glad you’re still with us, miss. I need you to come with me.” Not even waiting for a salute, he gathered Winry and Sciezca, like a hen did her chicks, guiding them through the rubble. “It’s a really good thing you hadn’t left yet, Miss Rockbell. The chief said you’ve got medical training, and there are some folks here who need it.”
Winry nodded. She’d get through this. There were other people who needed her, not just the Elric brothers.