Fic: His Son is Safe

Mar 02, 2008 17:39

Title:His Son is Safe Author:EtheralFlaim Genre:Gen, Angst Fandom:Prison Break Characters:Michael, Lincoln, LJ Disclaimer:I do not own these characters, I'm just borrowing them for a bit. Summary:It would have taken a single word. Author's Notes:This is a companion piece to pamalax's "My Son is Safe" from Michael's point of view. Read it here.
A single word is all it would take. )

gen:prisonbreak, gen:michael/lincoln, fandom:prisonbreak, fic

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Comments 12

pamalax March 2 2008, 23:58:35 UTC
Oh man! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :o(

The thought that Michael might have wanted Linc to talk him out of it never crossed my mind.

To think that Michael might have been pulled back from that edge if Linc pushed him but wasn't because Linc didn't think he'd listen is ...

*whimpers with sadness*

Nothing sadder than that and honestly very possible as these two, men in general *g*, aren't always good at communicating what they're really feeling.

Very nicely done!
Thanks so much for playing along. Here's hoping we can get a 3rd writer to tell us what LJ is feeling.


etherealflaim March 3 2008, 02:37:28 UTC
Thanks for the response!

The thought that Michael might have wanted Linc to talk him out of it never crossed my mind.
I don't know if it's because I identify so strongly with Michael, but I would like to think that I can get in his head pretty well, and it's the FIRST thing that I thought of.

I really wanted to capture in this ficlet both how much Michael really wanted to be rescued by his brother but also how obligated he felt to do what he was going to do. And with your companion piece, we know that Lincoln didn't think that Michael would listen and so didn't even try. It smacks of the inevitability that has been carrying this show to sadder and more depressing depths every season, so I felt that it was really in-character for the two of them.

I hate that we don't know what they were actually thinking in the show, but where would we be as fic writers if we did!


happywriter06 March 3 2008, 20:07:16 UTC
I'll take a stab at LJ's POV.


pamalax March 3 2008, 20:48:16 UTC
YAY! I was so hoping someone would step in and give us LJ's thoughts. He's a smart kid who has to see what his father and uncle are going through.


bluedelft March 3 2008, 00:09:44 UTC
Pam sent me this way and so long she did!

What an amazing companion piece to go along with Pam's.

What he doesn't know is that he can. A single word is all it would take. If he asked me one more time to stay, I would be unable to resist.

WOW! Love this part!



etherealflaim March 3 2008, 02:40:41 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

WOW! Love this part!
This part was intended to be the part of the story that handcuffs it to pamalax's story, and doubles the sad-factor. Poor Michael wants to be rescued, and poor Lincoln doesn't think he can. This story needs a "Bring Kleenex" warning =)

Thanks for reading (and commenting)!


anisapologist March 3 2008, 01:11:48 UTC
Word to everything you wrote! If Lincoln was a good brother, he would have forced Michael to stay, tie him up in a closet if he had to (oh...that's I digress!) or something. I can't believe he's going to let Michael destroy himself even more than he already has! Great ficlet!


etherealflaim March 3 2008, 02:44:50 UTC
I think Lincoln would have gladly done everything in his power to keep his brother there if he didn't already feel so guilty and powerless as far as his brother's feelings for Sara go. He feels responsible for her death, and he probably feels as if telling Michael to stay would be selfishly preventing his brother from the closure he deserves. I think we see later, as Lincoln is standing in the doorway, that he is beginning to wish he had some way of stopping Michael on his road to self-destruction.

Unfortunately, I think it all comes back to the fact that they both love one another too much.


anisapologist March 3 2008, 06:57:23 UTC
I think we see later, as Lincoln is standing in the doorway, that he is beginning to wish he had some way of stopping Michael on his road to self-destruction.

Yes, I agree. I am not a huge fan of DP, but I thought he played that scene well.I said my hubby, "He looks like he's really blaming himself right now."

I think it would be awesome if he went after Michael, stopped him, killed Gretchen himself....and ended up back on Death Row where he was at the about full circle!


etherealflaim March 3 2008, 07:58:11 UTC
Not a fan of DP! But he's so... hot and steamy =)

Have you seen Blade Trinity? Ooooooh, if you haven't you really should. Dominic Purcell plays Drake (Dracula) and it's hot.



happywriter06 March 3 2008, 20:06:35 UTC
You're killing me. I never thought that Michael would want Linc to tell him to stay but now that I've read your piece, I can see that. I can see him torn between these two things - wanting to live because he has Linc and LJ and wanting to avenge Sara, which means (to him) his death.

I'll take a stab at it because now I have plot bunny. Like I don't already have other fics to finish. lol.


etherealflaim March 6 2008, 01:07:43 UTC

I'm glad the product of my twisted brain made so much sense to the wider world. I thought about that angle immediately, whatever that says about me personally.

which means (to him) his death
Yeah, I was trying to hint that he might take it upon himself to make that happen if it didn't in due course, but I don't know if I succeeded. It wasn't a major point, as his emotions are still the same either way, but I thought it was a detail of my idea that deserved to be at least alluded to.

Thanks for your kind words and for reading!!


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