Fic: His Son is Safe

Mar 02, 2008 17:39

Title:His Son is Safe Author:EtheralFlaim Genre:Gen, Angst Fandom:Prison Break Characters:Michael, Lincoln, LJ Disclaimer:I do not own these characters, I'm just borrowing them for a bit. Summary:It would have taken a single word. Author's Notes:This is a companion piece to pamalax's "My Son is Safe" from Michael's point of view. Read it here.
"I gotta go."

The words require more effort than I could ever have imagined. They freeze my stomach, ice my throat, and sear my own ears with their coming.

I watch as Lincoln melts in front of me. His strong form wilts with the knowledge that he can't change my mind, can't turn me from what I know I must do.

What he doesn't know is that he can. A single word is all it would take. If he asked me one more time to stay, I would be unable to resist.

I hold my hand out for the keys, hoping with every second that Lincoln will keep them and more importantly keep me, right here with he and LJ. I can still feel the weight of the absent gun weighing down my hand. My brain is split evenly between staying with the only two people left to me and defending the one person who believed in me more than herself. It would take no more than a strand of hair to tip the scale in their favor, but instead the cold, hard car keys fall into my outstretched hand tipping the balance irretrievably toward revenge.

In that moment I know that the grip of the gun will feel at home in this hand, the trigger will rest easy against my finger, and the recoil will be my last comfort in this life as my bullet finds its home in the center of Gretchen's forehead.

Lincoln and I wordlessly embrace. His strength flows into me and he holds me to him as though he knows that it will be the last time he sees me. I take in every detail of the moment; his short hair rubbing against my scalp, the slow intake of breath as he savors our final moments together. His fingers against my jacket, separated by thin layers of fabric from the indigo tracings which saved his life and ended my own.

As I hug him tighter, I begin to compartmentalize my love for my brother, this man who was everything to me for so long. His love for LJ will keep them safe, and I cannot let them burden me where I am going.

I break the embrace and turn my back on everything. I walk toward nothingness, toward oblivion. There are some lines across which a man should never step, and I am about to cross the last of them.

And from that, there is no coming back. Comments are welcome. Note: A call goes out to anyone who would like to take a stab at LJ's perspective of this. pamalax and I did this bit as an experiment, and we're really interested to see what LJ was thinking through this!

gen:prisonbreak, gen:michael/lincoln, fandom:prisonbreak, fic

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