"My Son is Safe" 1/1

Mar 02, 2008 09:58

Title: "My Son is Safe"
Author: Pamala
Characters: Lincoln Burrows - mentions of LJ & Michael
Category: Post finale ficlet
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I know they're not mine. I'm old and tired so, PTB, please don't slap me around for playing with your toys.
Summary: While Lincoln is worried for Michael he's a father who will do anything to protect is child.
Authors notes: Some Michael loving gals may not like my take on this scene. I adore Michael but saw Linc as father whos child was nearly killed so the parent in me kicked in here.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY foxriver_lady

Added note: After convincing the wonderful etherealflaim to take up Michael's POV (that fic is right above this one) for this same scene we'd love to get a volunteer to write LJ's POV for the series. Come on! You know you want to and really how cool is it to have all three Burrows men's thoughts and feelings fic'd at that one painful, sad moment.

My son is safe.

Safe and by my side.

Everything taking place around me drifts away as my mind mutters ' LJ's safe ... he's safe now,' over and over again deep inside my weary brain.

Standing right next to me, safe and sound at last, its all I can do to pry my eyes away from his smiling face.

When I do manage to look away all I see is my brothers outstretched waiting hand looming in front of me.

I see it and understand it's meaning but that voice in my head whispering *keeping my child safe is all that matters now* overrides everything else stealing away any argument I'd normally offer up.

He needs to go ...

... and I need to stay.

The keys feel like balls of lead in my hand as a move to lift them.

While I understand and respect the reasons why he's doing it I know going after these people, this *Company*, is a kin to suicide.

If he doesn't lose his life, he will lose his soul.

Part of me wants to try and talk him out of it but, one look in his eyes, I can see clearly he simply won't listen.

Deep down I wonder, if I had the strength to try and he actually heard me, would I be able to find the words to stop him when I know his pain and feel that same fire of vengeance burning in the pit of my own stomach.

I would do the same if we're only me but...

My son is here now.

My boy is safe and by my side.

All of it, every possible outcome of that one moment in time racing around inside my head I let go of the keys and my brothers fate knowing that in the end -- Michael is a man ... LJ is only a boy -- my son's safety is the only thing I can think of for now.

michael, lj, g, lincoln, gen, pamala

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