New RPS - JA/JP - between the days and nights

Feb 09, 2006 10:39

New jsquared!

So, ok. The beta thanks run DEEP for this one. Thanks firstly to stone_princess for being so amazing and kicking my ass with this. Anyone who's ever betaed for me KNOWS what dealing with my punctiation and comma issues for 13,500 words can be like, and she's just - well - a princess, actually! Thank you!

Thanks to robanybody for always being my second set of eyes (as well as my HART. oh, maxxx ♥) And finally, more thanks than I can even express to winterlive. Danny was the one who I first mentioned this too and helped me with the whole plotting and pov, etc. Then when it was done I sent it to her and she said, YAYE! But. Uhm. Right here? Well. It needs mor. And I said, here? And she said, yes. And then I said, ok, now? And she said, uhm, mor here too. And I said yes, yes, ok. You are right and I am just lazy and I wrote mor and then sent it to her again and was like, now? And she said YES and I said THANK GOD.

*smish smish*

You're wonderful, baybee.

Anyway. Here it is.

(eta - ok. I guess this is officially the longest thing I've written since I got this lj, because it doesnt all fit in one post. I'll link to the ending at the bottom of this and then just leave the comments open on that entry to make things easier. BWEE! Longest fic in five years and its jsquared. That's gotta mean something, right?)

Title - between these days and nights
Pairing - JA/JP/OFC, and JA/JP
Rating - NC17
Summary - She ran her hands down Jen's chest and flicked open the top button of his shirt, then turned around to include Jared in her smile. "Bedroom."

between the days and nights

Legends was exactly the kind of place that Jared couldn't stand.

Everything was black marble, shiny chrome or lacquer. There were three separate dance rooms off the sides of the main bar area; house music in one, club in another. Jared couldn't tell what the hell was playing from the third, only that it sounded loud and obnoxious as he walked past on the way to the men's room.

It was a full cast party though, to celebrate the show being picked up for the rest of the season. Everyone was there; actors, directors, technicians. They'd rented out the entire main room where the restaurant usually was and pushed all the tables around the perimeter of the room. Huge buffet tables were set up. Everyone was wandering around, laughing and mingling. Eating and drinking after getting the good news from the network.

There was no way Jared could ever have blown it off, ever. And when it came right down to it he was happy. Happy the show was doing well, happy the network was happy.

Plus, the way Jared figured it was that however miserable he was in a place like this, Jen was a thousand times more miserable. Which was actually kind of funny.

Jensen hated loud, obnoxious club type places. He hated being the center of attention. Talked to all the time, interviewed. Whenever the two of them went out at night, if Jen had his say they'd wind up in some shitty dive with three channels on the TV and nothing but warm, tap beer behind the bar. No one bugging them. No one recognizing them.

Jensen was easy-going, laid back. He hated making a fuss and getting all done up to go places and impress people. For a guy who was so easy to get along with, Jared was still surprised sometimes at the way Jen clammed up and got all nervous sounding at press things and in interviews. Jared had never thought Jen would be the type to blush so damn easy.

The music changed then; something with a deep pulsing bass line and what sounded almost like moaning layered in with it. Jared shook his head. Who the hell was playing the music in this place? He took a sip of his drink and scanned the crowd, looking for Jensen. Maybe between the two of them they'd be able to find who was in charge and get something decent playing over the speakers.

He finally spotted him, halfway across the room talking to Eric. The minute Jared's eyes rested on Jen he looked up like he knew Jared was watching.

Jen raised his eyebrows and Jared could read the sign all the way on the other side of the room. Dude. Save me. All of the sudden the music wasn't so terrible. Maybe Jared didn't need Jen's help after all. He smiled at Jen (who just glared back) wiggled his fingers in a wave, and turned around to face the bar. Screw him. Jared needed another drink, and he'd been trying to get Jen back for weeks now for the time he changed all the clocks in Jared's townhouse. So maybe Jared was a little bombed that night when Jen dropped him at home. He wound up at work two hours early with a fucking hangover the next day, all thanks to Jensen.

So, no. No rescuing of the co-star just yet, no matter how mean it might be. Jared put his glass down on the bar and smiled as the bartender wandered over.

"Another?" she asked.

"Scotch and soda," Jared answered.

The bartender smiled back before walking off with his glass. She was cute in the way that most girls who worked at the hottest clubs in the city were. Long blonde hair, pretty smile. She wasn't Jared's type, exactly. He usually went for dark-haired, dark-eyed girls. A little more ethnic looking than the whole blonde-hair blue-eyed thing this girl had going on. But still--pretty enough, and when she came back with his drink she leaned her elbow on the bar and gave him a bright grin.

"You with the party?" she asked.

Jared nodded. "Yep."

"TV show or something, right?"

Jared took a sip of his drink. Nice and strong and he lifted his glass in a silent toast. "That's right."

"Well, good luck," she said, rapping her knuckles on the bar before walking away.

Jared watched her wander off to make a few more drinks for some people. The song changed, a few more minutes passed. Jared was nearly done with his drink again, when he felt movement at his side and then Jensen's glare burning holes into the side of his head.

"Thanks," Jen spat. "Thanks a lot for the help back there."

Jared laughed easily. He leaned his elbow on the bar and turned to look at Jensen who was--yep. Totally fuming.

"Relax, Jen," Jared said easily. He lifted his glass and toasted… nothing. Jensen was still glaring at him. "All right, look. You left me with Jeff before that-"

"I got a phone call," Jen interrupted.

"And I didn't say anything," Jared finished. "So just pipe down and get yourself a drink." He waved the bartender over. "It's early still and they're the ones getting us home. I don't know about you man, but I, for one, am not planning on being dropped off sober."

Jensen knocked Jared's shoulder and pushed in front of him. Jared laughed to himself. Jen was all talk. He'd stay pissed for thirty seconds maybe, and then Jared would get him to crack. Make some joke or tell Jen a funny story about something. Just a normal, run-of-the-mill night out for the two of them.

The bartender came back over, and this time after she smiled quickly at Jared, she smiled at Jensen even longer.

Jensen didn't even seem to notice, fool that he was. Just ordered a beer and kept ignoring Jared standing behind him.

"The bartender's really cute, huh?" Jared said, leaning in close to Jen's ear as she walked away.

Jensen shrugged. "Sure."

"Totally your type, isn't she?" Jared asked, and as he said it he realized it was completely true. She was exactly Jen's type, from the long, blonde hair and bright, blue eyes to the plain colored tank top and pants. She had a thick silver bracelet around her wrist, dotted with glittering, turquoise stones.

Jared leaned forward on the bar and whispered against Jen's ear, "I was talking to her before, you know. I can put in a good word for you."

"Dude, shut up," Jen said, jabbing an elbow in Jared's ribs. He looked like he was about to say something else, but just then she came back with a pint of the nasty dark beer Jen drank.

"Here you go," she said, putting it down in front of him.

Jen mumbled a thank you and picked it up. Jared waited just until Jen was actually swallowing to lean forward and ask "So, hey. What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Brooke," she said as Jensen nearly choked on his drink. Jen was gonna kill him and Jared didn't even care.

"Hi, Brooke." Jared ignored the way Jensen was stepping on his foot. "I'm Jared and this here," he wrapped an arm around Jen's shoulders and pulled him up against his side, "is my friend Jensen."

Brooke smiled and held a hand out. "Hi."

They chatted aimlessly for a few minutes, about the show and the club and the weather. Gas prices and what fruits were in season and where to get the best cut of meat. Jared told her about the new truck Jen had been looking at, and hey, Brooke's uncle worked at a car dealership right here in Vancouver. Did they maybe want to meet up with him sometime to go over some rates?

Jen kicked Jared's shin again, but then he actually smiled at Brooke and started making conversation. It took another minute or so (Jared jumped in once more with the story about the time he drove his new car right into the gas pump when he went to fill it up for the first time) but then Jen was good. Smiling and talking to her. Jared waited until no one was paying him the slightest bit of attention, then picked up his drink, excused himself, and hightailed it to the other side of the room. He was being a good friend. Sometimes Jen just needed a little push in the right direction.

The rest of the night passed quickly. Jared hooked up with Eric again and went over some things for the show. Episodes they were going to try; some new locations. There was a thing coming up soon. Something about the car being stuck under water and hey, did Jared know the right way to ever get himself out of a submerged vehicle? Jared said no, so Eric told him (roll down the windows and let the water in the car before trying to open the door, Jared. Thanks, Eric. I'll remember that.), and by the time Jared started yawning and looked at his watch, he realized it was almost one in the morning.

He found Jensen still at the bar, half-sitting, half-sliding off his barstool. He had his head in his hand and was laughing easily with Brooke, his face smiling and open. She was telling a story it looked like, something which caused her to make wide, sweeping arcs through the air with her hands. Jensen slapped his hand on top of the bar and burst out laughing. Jared walked over and smiled, ready to get in on the joke.

"Hey, guys." Jared sidled up next to Jen and gently bumped against him. Jensen lifted his head and grinned wide. It looked like Jared was forgiven.

"Jared, hey," Jen said, carefully. He blinked his eyes slowly. Brooke probably had no idea because he was really good at hiding it, but Jen was shot. Jared knew Jen well enough to know just when his eyes started getting that hazy look to them, the way his cheeks would start to flush, that Jen was done for the night.

Jared curled his hand around the top of Jen's chair. Jen leaned back; Jared could feel the warmth of Jen's body against his fingers. "I was gonna get the car to drop me off soon," Jared told him. Jen looked up and blinked again. "You want a lift?"

Jensen glanced down at his watch, then rubbed a hand over his face. "Maybe, yeah. I didn't realize it'd gotten so late." He slid off the stool and reached for his jacket. Jared grabbed it for him and slung it over his arm. Jen just shrugged. "So, hey," Jen said, turning to Brooke who was watching the two of them quietly. "It was nice meeting you."

"Yeah. You too," she said, nodding at first Jensen, then Jared. "Get home safe guys."

Jensen waited until she walked away to turn to Jared and smile. "Nice girl."

"Uh huh." Jared started toward the door. He could feel Jensen walking right behind him, and reached back at one point to grab Jen's arm. Most everyone from the show was gone already, but the adjoining rooms were packed. The music was loud and grating. People were spilling out from the dance floors, into the halls and around the edges of the room. Jared pulled Jen carefully through any groups of people they hit. About halfway to the door he felt Jen flip his hand over so he was holding onto Jared's sleeve.

They finally made it and pushed outside. The air was cool and damp, and Jared handed Jen his jacket, helping him with the collar when it got twisted. Jen grinned at him. "Thanks."

"No problem." Jared slapped him on the back and dug his phone from his pocket. After he made the quick call to the car service, they leaned against the building to wait.

"The party wasn't so bad, right?" Jared asked.

Jen shrugged. "Beer was cold."

Jared grinned. "And plentiful, it seems" he teased. Jen gave him the finger. Jared rocked back on his heels and stared straight ahead. "It was a fun night though. I mean, the show's doing good, and, you know, hey. The bartender, Brooke. She was-"

Jensen rolled his eyes. "Oh, hey. Look at that," Jen said, ignoring anything Jared was saying. There was a Lincoln Town Car pulling up at the curb and Jen smiled as he opened the door. "Car's here."

Jared laughed quietly and followed Jensen into the car. "Whatever, man. Your loss," he said. Jensen just made a soft sound in his throat and leaned his head back. The doors closed them away from the rest of the world, and Jared shut his eyes for just a minute to relax.

When the driver woke him up in front of his house half an hour later, Jensen had already been dropped off.


Almost a full week passed before Jared had the idea to go back to the club that night.

Shooting ran long that day. The weather had been shitty, and half the outside scenes had to be reworked into an abandoned warehouse instead. Rain made the ground soft and muddy, and by the time they were done for the day Jared didn't know which he was more: cold, tired or hungry.

"You want to go out tonight?" he asked Jensen as they headed back to their trailers. The rain had lightened to a mist. Jared raked his hands through his hair and pushed it back from his face. "Get something to eat? A few drinks, maybe?"

"That sounds awesome," Jen said and held out a fist. "Gimme an hour or so at home to get showered and changed, okay?"

Jared knocked his knuckles against Jensen's. "An hour is good. I'll pick you up," Jared said, smiling.

Jensen smiled back. "Well all right," he drawled. "I'll see you then."

Jared watched him walk off before hitting his trailer to grab his things for the night. So what if maybe he had an ulterior motive in telling Jensen he'd drive? He was only doing it for Jen's own good. Jared knew Jen would never go back to see Brooke on his own. That was a given. Jen thought about things too much. Always wondering if this was the right thing to do or that. The first or the second. The third or the fourth. He never just did something just for the hell of it.

The only way Jen was going to go back there was if Jared brought him himself, so that's what Jared planned to do.


Jared could hear music coming from inside Jen's house before he even answered the door. Something loud and thumping. Jared could almost place it, but not quite. It was right there on the tip of his tongue and if he could just-

He was just about to bang again when the door swung open, Jensen waving him inside.

"You're early, gimme another minute," Jensen said before walking back out of the room.

Jensen was wearing a buttoned-down black shirt with some weird blue pattern on it and a pair of jeans. "Wear your good boots," Jared called after him, then wondered how his life wound up at the place where he was giving fashion advice to Jensen Ackles.

Jen came back into the living room holding a pair of cowboy boots in one hand, and work boots in the other. "These?" he asked, lifting the cowboy boots higher.

"Yeah." Jared nodded.

"Where are we going?" Jen asked. He sat down on the edge of the couch and pulled the boots on.

"I don't know, wherever." Jared shrugged a shoulder. "I thought maybe we'd head back to that place the party was at last week. You know, the one we went to that night with-"

"I know which place you mean," Jensen said slowly. He finished pulling on his boots and stood up, leveling a look at Jared. Jared raised his chin, met Jensen's eyes. Jensen squinted and walked closer. He stood in front of Jared and straightened his back so he was using his full height. Jared stood up straighter and used his extra few inches to his advantage. "Just what in the hell are you planning?" Jensen asked cautiously.

Jared swallowed. "I'm not planning any-"

Jensen smacked him on the side of the head and walked away. "Whatever. I don't care. I just want to get drunk."

Jared jiggled the keys in his pocket. "I think we can handle that," he said, following Jensen out the front door.


The place was quieter tonight that it had been the last time Jared and Jen were there. Two of the three dance rooms weren't even open yet, and the main room they'd been in for the party was set up more as a restaurant. People were eating dinner quietly. Tiny white candles flickered on the tables. Jared could smell steak and garlic and some kind of sauce, and his stomach rumbled.

"Oh, God. I'm starving," he practically moaned. A waiter walked past him with a plate of some shrimp looking thing and Jared had to stop himself from tripping the guy and stealing his food.

"I can't even remember the last time I ate," Jen agreed. The hostess came over and showed them to a table, and Jared sat down. They got a few looks, nothing in particular, more of the 'those guys might look familiar from something somewhere' variety. Nothing to be concerned about.

Jared lifted the thick, leather-bound menu and flipped it open. Him and Jensen ignored each other while they decided what they wanted, and when the waitress came over they each ordered a drink, a shrimp appetizer, and the house steak.

"Excuse me," Jared said pleasantly, tapping the waitress on the sleeve before she walked away. He could feel Jensen glaring at him from across the table and jerked his foot back before Jen was able to stomp on his toes. "Can you tell me if Brooke's working tonight?"

The waitress smiled. "She sure is. Should I tell her to stop by and say hello?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," Jared said, nice as anything. "If she has a minute just tell her Jen and Jared wanted to say hi."

"I'll be sure to do that."

The waitress walked off and Jared picked up his water glass and took a sip. He looked up at the ceiling. Really nice lighting fixtures in this place. He fiddled with his napkin. He-

"You're an ass, you know that?" Jensen hissed. He was leaning forward over the table. Jared caught his eye and grinned.


"Excuse me," Jen mimicked. He actually did a pretty decent Jared impersonation, if Jared were being honest. "Can you tell me if Brooke-"

"Tell you if Brooke what?"

The voice came from just over Jensen's shoulder. Jared watched Jen drop his head and mutter "Great," just as he saw Brooke walk up from behind him, a smile twitching at the edges of her mouth.

Jared leaned back in his chair. "Hey, Brooke."

"Hi, Jared."

Jared waved a hand in front of him. "You remember my friend-"

"I remember, sure," she said, coming around to stand next to Jensen's chair. "Hi, Jensen," she said. Jen shot up from his chair and wiped his hands on the thighs of his jeans.

"Hey, Brooke," Jen said, giving her a smile.

"Did you guys eat already or..."

"Just ordered," Jared filled her in. "Figured we'd get a bite to eat, maybe a few drinks." He sat up straight in his chair. Jensen had his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans and rocked back on his heels. "Are you getting on work or off?" Jared asked her.

"I'm on for another half hour or so," Brooke said. She glanced at Jensen then back to Jared, and Jared was reminded just how pretty she was. Her hair was pulled back tonight, and her lips were shiny and painted a dark pink.

"Well, you can-" Jensen cleared his throat and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. "I mean, that is, if you want to we're gonna be here for a while, right Jared?"

"That's right." Jared watched as Jen and Brooke both ignored him.

"And I mean, if you were free and wanted to come back over-"

"Yeah," Brooke said quickly, then added "I mean, I'd like that." Just then a waitress appeared with their drinks, and Brooke took a step back and lifted her hand in a wave. "I'll be back in a little bit."

Jared watched her walk off and took a sip of his drink. Jensen sat back down and kept his eyes on the table, grabbing his napkin and draping it over his lap. Jared snickered. Jensen ignored him. The waitress came back a few minutes later with their appetizers, and Jensen waited until he had a shrimp speared on his fork before pointing it at Jared and saying "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" Jared laughed.

"But you were gonna, and I don't want to hear it." Jensen ate his shrimp. Jared stabbed one of his with his fork. "I don't want to hear a damn word from you."

Jared stuffed the shrimp in his mouth. "Jen, I was just gonna say-"

"Save it," Jensen warned.

Jared grinned and raised is eyebrows. "The food is really good. That's all!" he added when Jen gave him a skeptical look. "That's all I was gonna say." He waited another beat. "Really!"

"Mmhmm." Jensen looked off to the side and ignored him.


"So then-" Jensen took a huge breath and wiped his eyes. "She goes onto the set the next day-Alli this is," he clarified, in case anyone forgot who they were talking about in a split second "And all her shoes are glued to the floor."

Brooke broke out in hysterical laughter, and for as many times as Jared had heard the story, he laughed again too. Jensen was a hell of a storyteller once he got going, and tales from the Smallville set always went over good.

After they were done with dinner Brooke had met them back at their table. They paid the check and she got the three of them a little booth off to the side of the restaurant. Jared paid for a few bottles of liquor, Jensen got some beers for them, and they'd been there ever since, drinking beer and doing shots of vodka and tequila.

Not that any of them seemed all that drunk. Jared figured it was from the huge dinners him and Jen had along with the fact that for as much as hey were drinking they were all drinking kinda slow. Plus, Brooke had a hell of a tolerance, it seemed. She was keeping up with them shot for shot in the beginning, and was just now starting to slow down as the night went on.

When she got up to go to the ladies room, Jared watched her walk off and turned back to see Jensen admiring the same view. "She's really hot," Jared said, and this time, Jensen just smiled back and said "That she is."

She came back a few minutes later, but instead of sitting down, she stood to the side of the table and gave them a tired smile. "Guys, it's getting kinda late so I think I'm going to-"

"I'll give you a ride," Jared said, jumping up. He caught Jen's eye and saw him give a slight nod. "You've been drinking, I mean, and-"

"Oh, I'm fine, really," Brooke said. She tucked a hunk of hair behind her ear and added "I can just leave my car here and call for a ride home."

"Yeah, you could," Jensen said, standing up too. "But why would you when Jared can drive you. You're okay to drive, right, Jared?" Jen asked him.

"Totally fine." Jared had stopped drinking way before the two of them had. He had maybe a few drinks at dinner and then one or two shots the whole night after that. Driving wasn't a problem.

Brooke was looking between them. From Jensen to Jared and back again. Finally she smiled. "Well, if you're sure it's no problem."

"He's sure," Jensen said, sliding an arm around her waist. He caught Jared's eye and smiled. "Right?"

Jared grinned back and pulled his jacket on. "Not a problem at all."


Brooke lived in a tiny house just outside of the city. Jared was able to get them there no problem, and he pulled up in front of her driveway and left the truck idling. "This is a really nice-" Jared started to say.

"Do you guys want to come in?" she interrupted. "For, you know, coffee or something?"

Jared caught Jen's eye in the rearview mirror and tried to shoot him a question. What do you want to do? Jen got it though, because the next thing he knew he heard Jen say, "Yeah, okay. Coffee sounds good."

They followed her up the driveway; small, pink, potted plants lining the walk. Jared followed Brooke and Jensen was behind him. She unlocked the door and Jared followed her into the house.

The rug was thick and a soft lavender color. The couches and curtains were a filmy gray. A white puffball cat streaked across the floor and Jared tried his best not to crush it under his boot. Brooke flicked on a few more lights and Jared turned around. Jensen had his hands stuffed in his pockets and was looking around the same way Jared was. Jared caught his eye and Jensen shrugged slightly.

"So, hey. You guys want a drink or some coffee or…" Brooke trailed off and laughed nervously. The whole night seemed to shift then, from easy and casual, to something more. The air suddenly felt thick. Jared sucked in a breath, surprised when he could hear it rattle in his chest.

He'd stepped away from Jensen without realizing it. The edge of the couch hit the back of Jared's calves and he blinked slowly, watching everything with a strange sort of detachment.

Brooke had taken off her jacket and tossed her purse on the floor. She rubbed her hands over her arms and Jared swallowed hard. He looked over at Jen who was just watching her, his hands clenched in fists. Jared needed to just-get out of here. Do something. He had thought Brooke would be good for Jen from the start, and damn, it might have taken some time, but now it looked like Jen was agreeing with Jared on that point, so. Time for Jared to get the hell home.

Except he couldn't move. Jared felt like his shoes were made of lead or his body was frozen in place. He knew he should leave but he couldn't. All he could do was watch the two of them. Watch them look at each other. Watch as they walked closer. He felt like he was spying, but in plain sight. Like he was standing there but no one noticed him yet.

Brooke had crossed the room and was standing in front of Jen. He had his fingers curled lightly around her upper arm. Jared could see how pale her skin was under the color of Jen's hand. She was wearing a dark brown shirt that fell off her shoulder and a white tank top underneath. Totally Jen's type, Jared thought again to himself as he watched Jen run his hand up her arm, his thumb stroking across her skin.

Jared took a deep breath and swallowed. "Well. I, uh-" he took a step toward the door and cleared is throat. This was good. He was moving now, able to get himself the hell out of here. This was what he set out to do, after all. Help Jen get the girl which-well-which didn't seem to be a problem now and-"I'm just gonna-"

"Wait." It was Brooke's voice, softer than Jared had heard it before. "I mean…" She turned her head to the side. A lock of hair pulled from the clip at the back of her head and fell over her eyes. "Stay?" she said quietly. "I mean, if you want to."

Jared stopped dead. Just-everything stopped. His breath, his heart. He felt his mouth drop open and his palms start to sweat. "I…" He had no idea what to say. What to think or do or-

But Brooke was looking at him still, and smiling. She slipped her hand into Jen's, and the touch seemed to break Jen out of the same fog Jared felt like he was in.

Jen looked at Jared. Jared wished he could see something, read something off Jen, but for one of the first times since Jared had known him, Jen was a complete mystery.

"Yeah," Jen finally said. His voice sounded thick and slow. Jared caught Jen's eye, tried to really see what he meant, but he couldn't find anything that gave him an indication that Jen wanted Jared to leave.

Fuck it all, Jared did want to stay.

"Stay," Jen said quietly. Jared watched him evenly, watched as Jen turned back to Brooke and slipped his fingers into the back of her hair. He pulled the clip out and tossed it to the floor. Jared could hear the soft click the plastic made when it hit the carpet.

Jen kissed her, was kissing her. His fingers were sweeping through her hair and she was making soft whimpers low in her throat. Jared felt himself move toward them, cross the room. He was half-hard in his jeans just from watching them kiss. Watching the way her small body fit up against Jen's frame. Listening to the soft murmurs the two of them made in the quiet of the room.

This was the most fucked up thing Jared had ever been involved with. He didn't--he'd never done anything like this before, and he'd be willing to bet money Jen hadn't either. Jared stood behind Brooke and laid his hands on her shoulders. Her skin was warm through the thin fabric of her shirt. Jared swept his thumbs down the back of her neck, under her fall of hair, and she shifted back from Jensen as she was kissing him, to lean against Jared's chest.

Jared dipped his head and pressed his lips to the back of her shoulder. She shivered under his hands. Jared heard her breathe out his name as Jen moved to kiss the side of her jaw. Jen's fingers slid down from the back of her head and brushed the tops of Jared's hands still on the back of her neck. It was the softness of Brooke's skin under his mouth and the roughness of Jen's skin against his hands that had Jared biting back a broken moan.

"Come on," Brooke said, breathing unsteadily. She ran her hands down Jen's chest and flicked open the top button of his shirt, then turned around to include Jared in her smile. "Bedroom."

Jared looked over at Jen one last time. One last, I can back out of this if you want. Jen just lifted his chin though, and without taking his eyes from Jared's answered "Let's go."

Down a short hallway, into a room that smelled like lilacs, and then everything blurred in Jared's vision. He could see a baby blue carpet, a huge four-posted bed with a bunch of pillows and a slick, white satin comforter. The cat streaked across the floor again, hissing this time as it ran over the tops of Jared's boots.

That was all Jared managed to see before Brooke's hands were pulling him further in the room. Her nails scraped against his chest; he could feel them through his t-shirt. He heard the thump of what was probably Jen's jacket hitting the floor, and then heard nothing but the sounds Brooke made as Jared pulled her against him and kissed her.

Her mouth was sweet and wet. She tasted like beer and peppermint gum and-God. Something else. Something dark and spicy. The minute he realized it was Jensen he was tasting, Jared was blindingly, achingly hard.

He broke the kiss, gave her a little push toward Jen who was standing behind her. Jen turned her by her shoulder and kissed her now, long and deep. His fingers were twisted in her hair and Jared watched as she reached up and ran her hands up his neck, into the short spikes of Jen's hair.

Jared needed a minute. Needed to take a breath, get himself under control. Because getting hard because of Brooke's hands or mouth was one thing, but that, that back there, that was something else entirely.

Brooke was undoing the buttons on Jensen's shirt. Jared could see the glint of a silver chain around Jen's throat and he wondered how he'd never seen Jensen wear that before.

Jared walked up behind her and closed his eyes as he settled his hands on her tiny waist. He could feel Jen give her a little nudge backward, and then Jared's hands were sliding up, under her shirt. He could feel the heat of the skin on her belly, the stiff lace over the cups of her bra. Jared cupped her breasts, ran his thumbs over the soft skin, and heard her moan into Jensen's mouth.

"God, god," she panted, breaking her mouth away from Jen's. Jared slipped his fingers around to her back, unhooked her bra and Jen took the hem of her shirt in his hands and pulled it up and over her head.

The shirt made a soft thump on the floor. Jared looked up and caught Jensen's eye again, but Jen just smiled and took Brooke by the hand, leading her toward the bed.

Jared's hands shook. He bit his lip and watched as Jen crawled up after her on the covers. Watched as Jen's big hands--hands Jared knew from playing Playstation or basketball or hockey-flicked over her nipples. She tossed her head back onto the pillow and hissed out a breath. Jared watched her hair spill like gold on the pillowcase, and before he even realized what he was doing, he was crossing the room and kneeling next to her on the satin comforter.

Brooke reached out a hand, her fingers digging hard into his thigh. Jared was up near her chest, and he bent down to kiss her softly on the mouth as Jensen unbuttoned her jeans, dragged the zipper down. She lifted her hips, moaned into his mouth and Jared kissed her harder, thrust his tongue deeper as she whimpered and gasped.

"Oh my god." Brooke's voice was low and broken. Jared lifted his head, watched as Jen slid her jeans down her legs.

The whole thing, the whole night felt to Jared like it was happening to someone else. It was like he went work today, then to get something to eat with Jen, and then got hit over the head and hallucinated everything from the time he dropped down his credit card to buy a bottle of tequila, until now. Never in Jared's life did he imagine he'd ever be here, doing this.

He leaned back and softly rubbed his thumb over Brooke's nipple. Her body was pale and smooth in the dim light of the room. Jensen was lying at the end of the bed and Jared really thought he'd be able to handle this all. It was him and Jensen and hell, there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for the guy--with the guy.

But Jensen was settled between Brooke's legs. He had his hands on her thighs, slowly pushing them apart. She gasped and tossed her head back, bit out Jensen's name and Jared kissed her while watching Jensen lower his head between her legs. Jared watched Jen's tongue flick out, pink and wet, and lick her slowly, his fingers gripping hard into her skin, her body shaking and twisting on the covers. Jen moved one hand, and slid a finger inside her, then looked up and caught Jared's eye, his gaze dark and wicked.

Need slammed hard in Jared's chest. His fingers, his hands, his cock. His skin felt too thin and tight. His blood itched as it ran through his veins. Jared couldn't breathe, couldn't think.

He pulled his head back, barely noticing the way Brooke had her hands twisted in Jen's hair. The way Jensen looked back down, as he continued to eat her out. The way she was writhing on the bed, her skin hot and slick with sweat, her labored breaths breaking over the silence of the room.

All Jared could see was Jensen. Jen's mouth and hands and tongue. The way he kissed her, his hands on her thighs. Jared pulled his own shirt off over his head. The room was hot and sticky and smelled like sex. Jared popped the button on his jeans and pushed them down his hips as Jensen raised his head and wiped a hand over his mouth.

"Jared. Are you-"

Jared shook his head sharply. "I don't know. I just-"

Brooke's laughter tinkled over the air, overly light and airy for what was going on in the room. "Just-someone fuck me," she said, her voice hazy. "I just-I don't even care who, really."

Jared heard Jen laugh. A short, sharp, burst, and then he was pushing his own jeans down his hips, stopping only to pull a condom from the pocket. "Well, all right, darlin," he drawled.

There was the rip of a condom packet and Jared was confused for a split second. He had to wonder if maybe he was drunk-so drunk he didn't even realize it-but then he felt Brooke's fingers curl around him, her palm soft and hot around his cock and he knew this was no dream.

"Oh, Brooke, yeah," he breathed, thrusting forward into her hand.

Jared could feel Jen's eyes on him. He looked over and Jen had just finished rolling the condom on himself. Jen held Jared's gaze the whole time he bent down to kiss Brooke's mouth. As he slid inside her, Jensen flicked his eyes up to make sure Jared was watching, and Jared pulled back from her hand and finished himself off, coming all over the sheets.

"Jensen," Jared whispered. "Jesus."

Jen wasn't paying attention though, his hands and teeth and mouth were all busy on Brooke's body, kissing her jaw, stroking her skin. Jared slid a hand across her chest, felt her nipple harden under his hand, and then Jensen was lowering his head to kiss her there, his tongue sliding over Jared's fingers.

Jared sucked in a breath. Jen had lifted his head and closed his eyes. He was moving faster, fucking her hard now, Brooke's legs wrapped tight around his waist. Her body sliding back further and further in the bed. Jared watched them-the way the muscles in Jen's back flexed and twisted in the dim light. The way he held himself over her, his arms strong and shoulders set. Jared leaned over and ran a hand down Brooke's stomach, between her legs, and she cried out his name as he slipped his fingers over her, feeling how wet and hot she was.

"Jared, fuck," Jensen ground out. Jared moved his hand until he could feel Jen's cock under the tips of his fingers. Brooke was-Christ--so wet and Jen was hard under Jared's hand. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her clit and she dug her nails into Jared's arm, her body going still as she came.

Jensen was still moving, still fucking her. Jared watched his face twist and his breath come short. He moved his hand so it was right up against Jensen's groin, his fingers still pressing down on Jen's cock as he moved inside her, and all of a sudden, the only thing in the world Jared wanted to do was make Jensen come.

"Jen," he bit out. "Jen, look at me." Jensen dragged his eyes up. He blinked at Jared slowly, his breath coming in deep, hitching breaths, and then Jared leaned over and kissed him.

He could feel it when Jen came. He felt it in the way his body went still, the way he bit at Jared's lip until Jared slid a hand around and grabbed his hair, holding his mouth in place. Jared kissed him harder than he ever thought about. Harder than he'd ever kissed a girl. As hard as Jensen seemed to need. As hard as he needed.

Brooke was lying there, breathing hard and still catching her breath when Jared pulled away from Jensen. Jen watched him carefully, his eyes dark and unreadable, before he slipped from her body and got off the bed to get rid of the condom.

"Hey," Brooke said, breaking the silence. "You guys can stay here tonight, all right?"

Jensen walked back and climbed into bed on Brooke's other side. Jared could feel the mattress dip and he closed his eyes and rubbed a hand over his face. "Sure," he heard Jensen say. "We can stay." Jared looked over at Jen who was watching him with his eyebrows raised. "Right, Jared?"

Jared smiled weakly. "Yeah. That'd be perfect."


As far as mornings after went, the next day wasn't all that bad. Brooke had to work the early shift so her alarm went off before any of them were even up. Jared and Jensen managed to avoid directly looking at each other for any length of time while they found their clothes and got dressed, and when Jared asked her if she needed a ride back to the restaurant, she just shook her head and smiled.

"I can get one of my friends to give me a lift," she told him while running a hand through her hair.

She really was pretty, even first thing in the morning and looking all mussed. Jared couldn't help but smile back. He nodded and rubbed his knuckles across her cheek. "Okay."

He went to find his jacket and gave Jen and Brooke a few minutes to themselves. When Jen came back down the hallway, his face was blank and unreadable.

"Everything okay?" Jared asked quietly.

Jen nodded sharply and pulled his jacket on. "Fine," he said.

Jared wasn't sure whether to believe him or not, but it was Jensen. No matter what happened Jen was still Jen and Jared was still himself. They were still them and Jared had to remember that.

The morning air was cool and crisp. Jared zipped his jacket up higher and unlocked the car. He wanted to say something-anything--but everything that came into his head he immediately dismissed as stupid. You doing all right today, Jen? Hey, that was pretty fucked up last night, huh? So that whole thing where I kissed you and you came, you think that means anything?

Instead he cranked the heater up as high as it would go. Waited for the still frigid air to start blowing through the vents. Jen leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. No conversation necessary, it seemed.

Jared pulled away from the curb before the windows were even finished defrosting.


He didn't hear from Jensen at all that day, but that was normal, Jared told himself. After all, it was a Saturday and sometimes him and Jen didn't really see each other on the weekends.

Well, okay. So that was a lie. They pretty much saw each other every weekend, but they usually set plans for what they were doing during the week or the day before. It wasn't just an automatic thing or anything.

When the afternoon came and went with no call from Jen, Jared told himself that that was fine. They had a long night the night before after all.

And when Jared found himself at nine at night on the couch with Chinese takeout and a six-pack, he was able to tell himself that everything was totally normal. Nothing was wrong at all.


Sunday was a day off. A day of rest. Jared played with the dogs and worked out for a little while. He drank a few more beers and finished the Chinese food from the night before.

When he went to bed at ten o'clock he told himself it was just to get an early start on the day tomorrow. Rest up after a long weekend and all that.

Work was going to be fine the next day.


The funny thing about Monday though, was that it really was fine. By the time Jared got on the set Jen was already there and in makeup. He had his head tilted back in the chair and said hello as best he could as Mary slathered face makeup all over his skin. Jared grinned and grabbed a cup of coffee. He had a little time to kill so he got a doughnut and wandered over to Eric to see what was up first for the day.

They had some easy scenes. A few car shots, one action sequence in the basement of an abandoned warehouse. Jensen hit all his lines perfectly, and if there was a little more Dean than Jen in his eyes than usual, Jared just told himself that they were working. Professionals. Jensen wasn't going to let anything get in the way of their job and what they were there to do.

The shoot ended on time for once, and when Eric told Jared and Jen that he didn't need them until around noon the next day, Jared thought that was great. Maybe the two of them could head out for a while. Grab a few beers; catch the game on TV.

"I think I'm just gonna head home," Jensen said though, when Jared asked if he wanted to hang out. He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and met Jared's eye only for a second before looking away.

"Yeah?" Jared asked. "Because I could pick you up. Head over to the bar to watch some hockey? I think there's someplace showing the Leafs game and-"

"I'm good." Jensen cut him off sharply. Jared opened his mouth to say something else but snapped it shut instead. No need to piss Jen off by aimlessly rambling about something Jen didn't want to hear.

Jared held his hands palm up in the air and took a step back. "All right, then," he said easily. "If you change your mind you can-"

"I'll give you a call," Jensen finished.

There were a few extras wandering around the set. Jared smiled at them as brightly as he could, as wide as everyone expected him to, as he watched Jensen walk across the lot and disappear into his trailer.


Jared was late the next day. Just because Jensen didn't want to go out to watch the game and have a few beers didn't mean that Jared was going to sit at home and do nothing all night. He was barely in his house long enough to shower, shave, and change before he was back out the door and on his way to the bar.

He got a few looks when he showed up at the bar alone. Missy behind the bar wanted to know where his other half was, and Joe, one of the regulars, asked Jared if him and boyfriend had split up. Jared knew they were joking and he took it in good stride, but then he proceeded to suck down a six-pack of Miller's and half a bottle of tequila.

They were just friends, him and Jensen. This whole weird, bored, wrong, antsy feeling Jared kept getting every time Jen wasn't around was stupid. Jesus, it was Jared's idea to try and set Jen up with Brooke. Maybe Jen was out with her instead. That was the plan, after all.

The Leafs got their asses kicked, and after a few hours Jared had Missy call him a cab. He left her a huge tip, waved a hand over his head, and didn't think about Jensen the whole ride home.

Today though-today was a different story.

Jared's head was pounding. His eyes felt gritty and glued shut, and he could swear his mouth had a thin coating of fur in it. He'd just popped his fourth aspirin, and Mary in makeup was huffing and frowning, trying to cover the dark circles under Jared's eyes with concealer.

"You look like shit." The chair Jared was sitting in vibrated as Jen connected his boot to one of the legs. Jared ignored him. "Man, I hope they can figure out a way to make you look less dead, Jared. You're not playing one of the ghosts, remember?"

Jared slowly lifted his hand off the armrest and gave Jensen the finger.

Jensen barked out a short laugh. "Where the hell did you go last night? And when you were there, how fucking much did you-"

"Jen," Jared said, cracking his eyes open and trying to glare as best he could. "Shut up." He let his eyes fall back shut. Jared already hated today. He hated everything about it. It was sunny out, for once, and that was pissing him off. His face felt stiff and weird with all the crap on it, which was his own fault for getting so goddamned drunk he could hardly see by the end of the night. Everything was just-

"Here." Jared smelled coffee a minute later and opened his eyes. Jensen was standing next to him, holding out a cup of coffee like a peace offering. Jared took it from Jen's hand and gave him the best smile he could manage.

"Thank you." The first sip was so hot it brought tears to Jared's eyes. It was scalding and strong and the best thing Jared had ever had, ever. Mary hit the back of Jared's chair and told him he was done. He stood up feeling slightly more human, and slung his free arm around Jen's shoulders. "You rule."

Jensen shrugged. "I know." He gave Jared a crooked smile, and Jared smiled back, feeling happy for the first time in days.


The happiness lasted just until lunch.

All morning things were good but progressively got worse. They were shooting a Sam and Dean fight scene; something along the lines of a not being able to find the bad guy, letting off steam, kind of shoot.

Dean was supposed to push Sam against the wall, and Sam had to grab Dean's jacket and shove him back. The problem was though, that every time Jared tried to shove Jen, Jen physically shoved him back harder, throwing Jared off his step.

"What are you doing?" Jared hissed after the third botched take.

Jensen glared at him and sucked in a breath through his teeth. "Nothing."

"Because you're shoving me around like-"

"I said nothing, all right?" Jen stalked off and waved a hand over his head. "We're ready," he called.

Jensen fucked it up again, though. And again. Every time Jared went to shove him, Jensen pushed back harder, angrier, meaner. By the time Eric called time for lunch Jared had a welt on his shoulder the size of a grapefruit and he was pissed.

"Want to play some hockey?" Jensen asked him wiggling his eyebrows.

"Why?" Jared grated. He pushed past Jensen and grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. "So you can try and break my ankle next? I think I'll pass."

"Dude." Jensen stopped where he was and lifted his hands in the air. "I don't know what you-"

"I'll meet you in your trailer in five minutes." Jared pointed a finger at him and Jen bristled. "Five minutes, Jen," Jared repeated and stalked off.


Four minutes later Jared was whipping open Jensen's trailer door and storming inside. The door smacked closed behind him. Jared found Jen sitting on the couch playing Madden 06 and wanted to kill him.

The trailer was a mess, like usual. The two of them did all their hanging out in Jen's trailer, and it looked like he hadn't cleaned up since the last random all-night drunkfest. A beer case was filled with empty bottles and stashed over in the corner of the room. Playstation games, DVD's and CD cases covered every available spot on the coffee table and floor. There were bags of chips and cookies and candy lying all around. Gummi bears and worms and watermelon slices, too, even though Jared told Jen he hated those fucking things. Jared kicked a pillow across the room and whipped the game controller from Jen's hand, yanking the wire from the console.

"Jared, man, what the fuck-"

Jen was still wearing one of Dean's shirts, dark red with a button down over it. The medallion hung from his neck, and when Jared grabbed Jen by the arm and yanked him up from his seat, it swung out of his shirt before falling back and hitting his chest.

"This is about Brooke, isn't it?" Jared said. His teeth were clenched and he gave Jen's arm a shake.

Jen sucked in a breath and straightened his back. "Don't start this, Jared."

"Don't-don't start this?" Jared could hardly believe what he was hearing. "I'm not the one who started it, Jen. You're the one who's been avoiding me-"

"Oh, please. I'm not avoiding-"

"--before kicking my ass out there under the guise of a fight for the show-"

"--you, and if you think I am-"

"I mean, Jesus, Jensen." Jared ran a hand through his hair. He let go of Jen's arm and threw his arms out to the side. "I didn't have to stay that night."

Jensen got quiet, his expression thunderous. "I didn't say anything about that."

"You didn't have to," Jared bit out. "God, you know, all you had to do that night was say something and I'd have fucked right the hell off-"

"Well why don't you just fuck the hell off now, then, huh?"

Everything went quiet. No matter what had ever happened with them-no matter what-Jared never heard Jensen talk like that. To anyone, let alone him.

He laughed bitterly. "You know what, Jen? Forget I said anything, all right?" Jared shook his head and turned to walk away. "Just-just forget it."

Jensen's hand grabbing his shoulder was a surprise and Jared had to hiss over the pain as his back hit the wall.

"The hell I will," Jensen said roughly.

Jared tried to push off but Jensen held him in place with a firm hand against his chest. "Jen, I just-" Jared took a deep breath. "This is stupid. I mean, I didn't have to stay that night-"

"I wanted you to stay," Jensen said, darkly.

Jared barely heard him though. "Christ. The way you're acting--" He held Jen's eyes and raised his voice. "I thought you wanted her."

His shoulder banged against the wall again as Jen gave him another shove. "Well, it wasn't her that I wanted," he shouted back.

Jared blinked. Jen's eyes had gone dark; his mouth set in a grim line. Jared heard the words playing in his head but couldn't get them to connect to each other to form a cohesive thought. He shook his head, opened his mouth to say who knows what, and then-

Jensen's mouth was hard against his. He was kissing to bruise, to mark, and it took Jared a split second to think What the fuck? before everything clicked into place and he kissed him back.

They pushed at each other; hands hard and rough. Jared could hear buttons pop and zippers rip. He pulled his head away and tried to focus, tried to see anything other than Jen's face right in front of him, closed off and angry.

The theme music to the video game was playing in a loop on the TV. Jared could hear it, low and muted. His shoulder throbbed where Jensen was pushing him. Jared's head ached and his chest was tight and every time he blinked all he could see was Jensen's face.

Jen's fingers wrapped tight in Jared's hair. He angled Jared's head the way he wanted and kissed across his lips, down his jaw. Jen's teeth scraped against his skin; Jared shivered and wrapped his hands in the back of Jen's shirt, the cotton warm from the heat of his body. Jensen moaned into his mouth and pulled back, blinking slowly.

"Jared," he said, in a voice deeper than Jared had ever heard him use.

"Yeah." Jared leaned his head against Jen's. He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. The back of Jen's shirt was wrinkled and Jared smoothed it out with his palms. "What?"

"I just…" Jensen's hair brushed Jared's chin as he shook his head. "I have no fucking idea," he finally said. His voice was quiet and Jared knew more than anything that they needed to talk about this-try and figure out what the hell they were doing. Instead, all Jared could do was lower his head and kiss him again.

He tasted exactly like Jared remembered, and then he wondered how long he'd been thinking about kissing him again. How long had he'd been thinking about this. About being here, right now, doing this, before anything even happened with Brooke, if Jared were being honest with himself. Before they even met her.

Jensen was his. The truth of that was never more shockingly clear. He had been since the day they met, and Jared just never realized it until now. He opened his eyes and Jen must have sensed it because a split-second later his eyes flicked open too.

Jared wanted to make sure Jen was watching him as he pushed Jen's jeans down his hips. He wanted to make sure Jen knew what he was doing, who he was doing it with. He wrapped his fingers around Jensen and didn't let him look away.

It was totally different from the last time Jared touched him, but it felt familiar all the same. Jared knew this. He knew him, and that was what made this what it was.

Jen was hot against his palm. Jared moved his hand slowly, tightened his fingers and touched the pad of his thumb to the head of Jen's cock. Jensen's body jerked; Jared swept the wetness away with his thumb and dragged it slowly down, moving his hand in shorter, sharper strokes. "God, Jared." Jen's voice was rough. His eyes slipped closed and he let his head fall back. Jared leaned over and pressed his mouth against skin rough with stubble, feeling his heart pulse under Jared's lips.

Jensen pulled away so quick Jared thought something was wrong. "Shit, Jen. I'm sorry-" he started to say, because something had to be wrong. Jensen was backing up, wiping a hand over his mouth and Jared had only a split second to think God, things are totally fucked up now before Jensen was back on him again, his hands at Jared's waist, shoving Jared's jeans down his hips.

It was the shock of it all. The fact that he wasn't expecting it, wasn't ready that had Jared's head cracking back against the plaster and his breath coming out bruised and broken. Jensen's hand was-his hand was hot and his palm was wet and-

And God. It was Jensen.

Jared's skin prickled wherever Jensen put his mouth. His neck, his jaw. Jared shoved up into Jen's fist; his fingers were slick and his hand moved quicker, faster, and--

"Jen, God, I'm gonna-"

Jensen bit down hard, set his teeth against Jared's collarbone and that was it. He shoved up into Jen's fist. Grabbed Jen's shoulders and came so hard his knees went weak.

When he was finally able to open his eyes he found Jensen just watching him. His cheeks were flushed with color and his eyes were dark. There were a thousand things Jared wanted to say--needed to say. Instead he kissed Jensen's mouth, and dropped to his knees on the floor.

"Goddamn," Jensen breathed. He slid his hand into Jared's hair his fingers twisting once, pulling gently, before loosening. Jared let him leave it there and licked the head of Jen's cock.

The floor was hard under Jared's knees, and he spread his legs wider trying to get comfortable. He gave Jen a small shove to try and get some more room and heard Jen's other hand slap against the wall in front of him, holding himself up. Jared took a deep breath and lightly wrapped his fingers around Jen. He stroked him slowly, carefully, listening to Jensen hiss and pant above him. Feeling his body quiver and shake. Jared closed his eyes and gently touched his mouth to the smooth skin of Jen's hip.

Jen's hand came down; his thumb brushed across Jared's cheek and he looked up. Eyes gone dark were looking at him, watching him, and when he caught Jared's gaze he sucked in a breath and wrapped his fingers around Jared's. The head of Jen's cock brushed Jared's lips and he flicked his tongue out slowly to taste. Christ-Jared didn't think he'd ever wanted anything as much as he wanted this right now. He wanted to feel him against his tongue, in his mouth. He wanted to drag his nails along Jen's skin. His thighs, his hips, his back. He wanted Jen to lose it to him completely.

Jensen pushed forward. "Please, Jared, just-"

Jared dug his fingers into his hips and pulled him in. Jared could taste Jense, salty and bitter and it was new but familiar all at once. It was strange, it was Jen, but it was what Jared wanted more than anything.

Jensen above him, making muffled sounds; bitten off curses. Saying Jared's name, over and over, his voice deep and smoky. Jared wanted to do this-wanted to be able to give this to Jensen for as long as he could. He wanted to be the one Jensen wanted, and the certainty of the idea rocked him.

For now though, Jared wasn't going to worry about it. All he wanted right now was to make Jensen come. He pulled on hiw hips, forcing him to move closer, and Jensen groaned, pulled back and gasped "Fuck, Jared, I'm gonna--"

Jen took a shaky step back and slipped from Jared's mouth. Jared blew the hair from his eyes and wrapped his fingers around Jen's hand, the both of them working him in short, sharp, strokes. "Yeah, Jen. Come on," Jared coaxed softly. He could hear Jensen exhale a long breath. Could feel him shake and twist and then he knocked his fist against the wall and came in both their hands.

They were both breathing hard, it took a minute for Jared to get himself situated. This was-this was huge, this thing, and Jared wasn't planning on having the conversation with his pants around his ankles. He got up off the floor and found some napkins to clean up with. Straightened his clothes back out. When he was finished, he looked over at Jensen who was already watching him.

"We can't just act like this didn't happen again," Jared said, before Jen had a chance to say anything. He'd get to the rest of it later, the part about him actually really wanting this. Small steps, Jared knew. Jensen started this off today by nearly socking Jared in the jaw.

Jen ran a hand over his face. "Yeah. I know."

"Jen, I just-" There was a sharp knock and Jared snapped his mouth shut.

One of the techs called through the door: "Guys, they need you back on the set in five."

Jared let out a long breath and sighed. "I've got to go get…" he trailed off and looked down at himself. "Fixed and stuff."

He heard Jensen laugh quietly. "Yeah, well. Me too," he said, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.

"I'll, uh-" Jared jerked a thumb toward the door. "But later we'll-"

"Right," Jensen pursed his lips and nodded. "Sure."

"Yeah," Jared added lamely. He lifted his hand in a wave and cursed himself for being such a dork. "I'll see you in a minute," he said, before leaving the trailer.


This time, Jared wasn't going to wait for Jen to come to him.

The rest of the day's shooting went all right. Now that Jensen had stopped trying to permanently injure his co-star, the afternoon sailed by. They did their scenes and the vibe between them was more on that it had been in the past few days. Even Eric noticed.

"What happened," he joked, after shooting the final scene of the day. "You two kiss and make up during lunch?"

Jared felt his face heat and he dropped his head. Jensen mumbled something. Thank God Eric wasn't really waiting for an answer from them, because Jared was scared to think of the answer they were actually giving.

It didn't take all that long for Jared to get changed and ready to leave when they were done for the day. Over to his trailer to switch clothes. He washed the crap off his face, combed his hair. If he was gone for fifteen minutes it was a lot, but when he wandered over to Jen's trailer the lights were all out and the door was already locked. Jared had a key but he was fairly certain that Jensen wasn't sitting in a locked, pitch-dark trailer hiding from him. At least he hoped not.

Jared decided to check the parking lot and sure enough, his truck, Eric's, and a few other random cars were the only ones left. Jensen's truck was no where in sight.

"Awesome," Jared huffed. "That's great."

So, yeah. Obviously Jared was going to have to go to him.


jared/jensen, rps fic

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