New RPS - JA/JP - continued

Feb 09, 2006 10:40

And now, then ending!


Jensen opened the door after the third time Jared knocked.

"I brought beer," Jared said, lifting the twelve-pack up and pushing his way into Jen's house. The radio played softly in the background and the muted TV flickered from the entertainment center. Jen had been watching the Mavericks game on the satellite. That was something they always did together, and Jared felt a swell of anger flood through his system.

"You know, if you're this much of a dick to the girls you sleep with, it's no wonder none of them ever call you for a second date," Jared said tightly. He dropped the twelve-pack on the kitchen table and ripped the side open. Yanked out a bottle for himself and popped the top, tossing the cap into the sink.

Jensen followed him into the kitchen. "Excuse me?"

Jared leaned back against the counter and took a long pull of his beer. Jensen was glaring at him, his arms folded tightly across his chest.

Jared let the silence hang. Too fucking bad.

"You heard me," Jared finally said, half his drink gone. "I gotta tell ya, Jen, your morning after routine really sucks."

Jen was quiet again, then said "You know, I don't have to listen-"

Jared moved so fast he nearly dropped his drink on the floor. He put the bottle on the table and grabbed Jen by the arms, yanking him close and kissing him.

Nothing for a second. Just Jared kissing Jen who just stood there, stiff and unyielding. Jared pulled away and looked into Jen's eyes. "Goddammit, Jen. Kiss me back," Jared said, his voice sounding rough and thick in his own ears. "Come on, just-"

Jensen moved, pushed Jared back against the counter, but then he was kissing him, his hands buried deep in Jared's hair. Jared relaxed; he felt his bones get heavy and loose as he wrapped his arms around Jen's back and kissed him until he had to break away for air. "I wanna do this right," Jared said slowly. He kissed the corner of Jensen's mouth. "I don't want to fight about this. I want-"

"I know. I just-" Jen's voice was quiet. Jared could feel when Jen took a deep breath and when it hit him what the problem probably was, he felt flushed and queasy. The last thing he ever wanted to do was fuck things up; maybe push Jen toward something he didn't really want or need. Jared inhaled slowly. He didn't want to be 'that guy', the friend who made things weird and awkward because he wanted something more, and maybe that was exactly what he did.

"Okay, wait." Jared took a step to the side, putting some room between them. He ran a hand through his hair. "Listen," he said seriously. "This isn't what you want, is it? I mean-I'm sorry, man. I just-"

"That's not it," Jensen said softly.

Jared swallowed hard. "Jen." He waited until Jen looked at him, his eyes cautious, before he said, "I think we need to be real clear for a minute, here, all right?" Jared waited until Jen nodded. He could see Jensen mentally steeling himself and Jared couldn't help it. He reached out and brushed his thumb across Jensen's forehead. "Do you want this?" Jared asked. His voice sounded too slow, too thick, and he cleared his throat. "Us, like this?"

Jensen breathed out. "Yeah," he finally said. Something curled deep and low in Jared's belly. "Yeah I do."

"Then you gotta help me out with this, man." Jared shook his head, but he slipped an arm around Jen's shoulders. Pulled him closer until that hard chest was against his. Until he felt Jensen's mouth touch his neck and press a soft kiss there. "You gotta stop…"

"Being such a dick?" Jensen supplied.

Jared laughed and kissed the side of his head. "Yeah. That'd be a start."

Jensen's fingers twisted in Jared's shirt. He nodded his head and his hair brushed Jared's cheek and neck. "I just-" Jared felt him shrug. "I just freaked, I guess. I mean, you gotta admit. Going home with Brooke that night was one thing, but…" he trailed and shook his head. "I didn't want you to leave when she asked," Jensen explained carefully. He looked up with clear eyes. "I wanted you to stay. But after a while-" He laughed and it sounded almost bitter. His fingers tightened in Jared's shirt and Jared took a deep breath. This was truth, right here. "After a while I didn't care that she was there at all. And that freaked me the fuck out."

"So instead you decided to be a dick and try to kick my ass on the set?" Jared supplied. He was smiling though, because at least now he knew.

Jensen snorted. "Tried. Man, I did kick your ass on the set."

Jared shoved him. "You did not. I was totally-"

Jensen's mouth was soft and warm when he kissed Jared mid-sentence. he could feel Jen's mouth curve against his lips. "Jared," Jensen said seriously. "Shut up."

And it was good. It was fine. It was perfect. Nothing was ever better then when Jensen held Jared's face between his hands and slipped his tongue in Jared's mouth. It was everything.

"Come on," Jen said quietly. "Come upstairs."

Jared pulled away slowly. This was it now; no going back. He slid his fingers into Jen's hair and asked "You sure?"

Jensen dropped his head. "Yeah," he said, a smile curving his mouth. "I'm sure."


Nearly everything in Jensen's bedroom was black. Black lacquer furniture with silver trim. Thick black comforter over the bed. Throw pillows in charcoal gray and midnight propped against the headboard. The light on in the hallway cast everything in a silvery glow.

Jared pulled Jen onto the bed with him. Everything felt different this time. This wasn't some random thing that happened out of nowhere. It didn't come from anger or an argument.

This was him and Jensen deciding to do this. This was different.

"I've wanted to do this." Jared trailed off as he slowly undid the buttons on Jen's shirt. "I've wanted this for-"

"Jared." Jen pulled him forward, but this time the kiss was long and drawn out. Nothing quick or flashy. Jen slanted his mouth over Jared's and kissed him slow. He took his time, his tongue stroking across Jared's, stealing all the breath from his lungs.

Jared had thought about this. Since everything had happened with Brooke. Before that even if he was being honest with himself. From the minute Jared met him there was something about Jensen that he wanted to know better. Something about him that Jared wanted.

Having Jen laid out in front of him right now, shirt open, eyes fixed on Jared's face. His mouth, his hands-

"Jared." Jen's voice was rough, pleading. Jared trailed a hand down his smooth chest, across the waistband of his jeans. He slid his fingers under the denim and tugged, smiling as Jensen sucked in a breath.

"What do you want?" Jared asked quietly. He slipped his fingers down and popped the button of Jen's jeans. The hiss of the zipper practically echoed in the room.

Jen grabbed him by the hair and dragged him back up by the pillows. "I want you to stay right here," Jensen told him.

Jared swallowed hard as Jensen's fingers fumbled with the button on his pants. His hand smoothed across Jared's stomach, his fingers warm when they dipped down the front of his jeans. "Jen. You don't have to-"

"Jared, man. Will you shut the hell up already?" Jensen's breath puffed against Jared's ear. He set his teeth in the lobe and Jared couldn't help it. He squeezed his eyes shut and hissed out a breath. "I want to do this," Jensen said softly. His voice sent a chill down Jared's spine. "Let me do this, Jared."

Jensen had a callus on his thumb and his fingers were tight around Jared's dick. He lifted his hips when Jen nudged him, and then Jen was pushing his pants down and leaning over him to kiss his mouth. "I'm not gonna stop you," Jared said with a laugh that turned to a sigh when Jensen kissed the hollow of his throat.

The covers were soft against his back and Jared could hear a car horn outside beep softly in the distance. He felt like he was dreaming, floating. There wasn't anything else that mattered except this, here, now.

Jensen's mouth on his chest was warm; he kissed Jared's belly, his fingers moving on Jared's dick slow and careful. He touched Jared there, rubbed his fingers there and kissed him in just that spot. Jared's body felt like it was on fire, like every place Jensen touched was marked, branded or tattooed with the imprints of his fingers and tongue.

He could feel Jensen's breath just over the head of his cock, and then Jensen was licking him-his mouth was wet and hot and Jared slammed his fist onto the bed, curling the bedspread in his straining fingers.

"God, Jen. God." Jared tried to keep still, tried to keep his hips on the bed and his hands from Jensen's hair and just-it was Jensen and Jensen's mouth and Jensen was-

Jared sucked in a harsh breath. He couldn't-this was- He squeezed his eyes shut and saw bright white and then color and then-Jesus, that was Jen's tongue and his hand. His fingers were, oh God, his finger was wet and-

That was it. The feel of Jensen's hand, the thought of him stretching Jared with his fingers and tongue. Thinking of lying flat on his back and being able to look up, watching Jensen's eyes, his face, as he fucked Jared until the sheets were twisted under their bodies and wet with sweat, it was… Jared was done.

Jensen pulled off before he could come, his fingers still steady and sure. Jared wrapped his hand around Jen's-their fingers twisted together around him. Jen moved up Jared's body to kiss him, lips rough and bruising.

"Come on." Jensen's voice sounded like gravel. "Do it."

Their teeth banged together as they kissed and Jen bit down on Jared's bottom lip, Jared breathing into his mouth as he twisted and jerked and came.

"Goddamn, Jen. You're so fucking hot," Jared panted. He could feel Jen hard against his hip, and he wiped the come off his belly and took Jensen in his hand.

Jen hissed and his body jerked. "Oh God, Jared. I need-"

"It's all right," Jared said, moving his head so he was breathing right against Jen's ear. He could feel how hard Jen was. His body was tight and he was breathing heavy and sharp through his nose. Jared kissed his temple, tasting sweat and salt. He wrapped his other arm around Jensen pulling him closer, up against his side. "Come on," Jared said softly. "Come on, Jen."

"I just-I need to-"

"Then do it," Jared coaxed. Jen leaned his forehead against Jared's shoulder. His fingers were wrapped tight around Jared's arm. He could feel Jen's breath, hot and wet against his skin. "Whatever you need," Jared murmured. "Come on. That's it."

It wasn't the first time Jared made Jen come, but this time it was different. This time he leaned down and kissed Jen's mouth, swallowing his gasps and moans as he came. This time when he was done Jensen looked up at him, his eyes clear and bright. Jared watched Jensen take a long breath and then smile and Jared knew that from this point on things were going to be fine.

Jared waited a minute to try and breathe normally, before rolling onto his back and throwing his arms out to he sides. "Damn," he said before turning his head toward Jensen to grin. "So. Do you think maybe next time we can start without punching each other first? Or is that too much to ask for."

Jen hit him in the head with a throw pillow. "Oh, that's classy, Jared. No, really." He chuckled and added "Asshole. And you say my morning afters are bad?"

"Dude. Your morning afters are horrible," Jared clarified with a shake of his head.

Jensen kicked him in the shin. "Well," he said as he yanked off the rest of his clothes and grabbed a box of tissues from the side table. He pulled out a few and handed them to Jared before taking some for himself. "I guess you can let me know tomorrow if they get any better."

Jared smiled, he couldn't help it. They pulled the covers back and he scooted closer to Jen under the blankets. He dropped a kiss on Jen's shoulder and smiled when he felt Jen's hand slide over to rest on his waist.

"Yeah," Jared told him. "I'll let you know." Jen just nodded and smiled. Jared watched him until Jen's eyes slipped shut, then he closed his eyes himself.


The next morning Jared woke up to sun shining brightly through the windows. He rolled over onto his back and reached an arm out, smacking Jen on the side of the head as he moved.

"Shit," Jen mumbled, kicking his foot against Jared's leg. "Watch what you're doing, ass."

"Oh, yeah. That's a much better morning after," Jared teased. He cleared the sleep sound from his throat. "You're a fucking prince. You know, Jen, I gotta tell you--"

Jen moaned softly into his pillow. "You always talk this much first thing in the morning?"

Jared laughed then, hard and long and probably too loud for whatever ungodly hour in the AM it was, but-

This was them. It was them and it was good. He moved closer to Jensen and pushed on his shoulder until he was lying flat on his back. Jen rubbed his face and squinted up at the ceiling. "I really think I hate you," Jensen told him.

Jared pulled the sheet back and smiled wickedly. Jen was hard. Thick and hard and Jared ran his fingers lightly over Jen's cock, laughing quietly to himself when Jen hissed out a breath and pushed up against Jared's hand.

"You hate me?" Jared teased. He curled his fingers and stroked him slowly. Jen bit his lip and twisted his fingers in the sheets.

"Okay. Maybe hate was too strong a--Jesus Christ, Jared. Do that again."

Jared lowered his head and took Jensen in his mouth. He had a feeling it was time to start a new morning after tradition.

This one though was one Jared planned on keeping going for a long time to come.

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