
Feb 08, 2006 13:55

I'm having seperation anxiety from my old lj layout but I had to take down my banner (meep! sorry, shade!) because I was being a nimrod and reading my lj while at reception the other day and someone walked up behind me all: WHO ARE THOSE GUYS?? and I'm like *click* WOT GUYS? and yeah. So. I needed a new style (I have issues, dont ask) and I dont like ANY of them. They all have something I dont like but I think I finally settled on this one and its white and grey and black and couldnt be more boring if I tried but I think it'll have to do.

Wow. NONE of you cared about that, did you.

ANYWAY. I have one more thought about last night's Supernatural which I'll put behind the tag.

maygra said it better (and smarter and more eloquently, of course) in her lj today, but one of the things I really LOVED in Nightmare that really set my little YAY CONTINUITY heart all aflutter, was Dean having the *exact same reaction* toward Max when he realized Max was the evil one, as he did toward Roy in Faith when they thought that Roy was controlling the reaper.

The thing is, I think that by *showing* us this very clear (in Dean's head at least) line between what they hunt and dont, whats right and wrong, etc, they're working up to something BIG in that vain. Now. Whether it's got to do with Sam and Sam's powers, or Meg or their dad (OMG PAPA YAYE) I dont know, but. It was a very clear and specific *thing* in Faith and then again last night, and both times it was Sam who got Dean to not react with his gut instinct and ZOMG I really want to read like, GOOD backstory fic about Dean and what he believes and all the times that Sam wasn't around and such. Just. Yeah. That.

Also, on a slightly more shallow note, I want to LICK Dean's STUBBLE. Dear god. Were there more closeups of him last night than usual? Or just - I dont know. Am I having a fucking moment? Because Jesus fucking guh.

Funny Mr. E story! So last night he's going to go see one of his friends bands play at a bar, and they go on around 10 or so. So at like, 7, he says, I'm going to go lie down. Wake me up around 9. So I tell him ok, I'll wake you up when Supernatural goes on.

Nine pm rolls around, I wake him up, watch my show. He comes out of the bedroom around 9:30 and I flap my hands and go, OMG THIS IS A REALLY GOOD EPISODE. And he LOOKS at me like he wants to kill either me or himself and says: I KNOW. I'VE BEEN WATCHING IT IN BED.


Also. So the other night we're flipping channels, and has anyone ever watched Rollergirls on A&E? I just - so. ok. When it comes to girls that I *like* like, and that I would actually have a relationship with, I have to really know someone first, you know? Because girls? Can be fucked up. *g* But. When it comes to girls who I just LOOK at and think, omfg HOT, they're usually going to be like, tattooed and funky and hot and smoke cigarettes and drink beer and stuff. Yeah. I have a type. SO WHAT.

Anyway! This show? FULL of women like that, and I almost needed a fucking moment while watching it.

(Seriously. The one I was watching two of the chicks who are dating had like this mock wedding on a boat. One of them was wearing all white lingerie with her tattoos showing and walked down the aisle drinking a CAN OF BEER, and the other was in all black underwear and then they made out on the boat and omg. SO HOT. Seriously. It was PORN.)

So, yeah. It's hardly my new FANDOM, for those of you rolling your eyes, but I'm thinking it'll be an hour a week where I can watch a bunch of tattooed hot women kick each others asses and think dirty thoughts about them.

Also - hey - does anyone have a copy of *checks* Custard Pie by Led Zeppelin they can YSI or something to me? danny needs it and I like to give her what she wants because then maybe she'll write us fic. taken care of! apparently danny has been sniffing the glue again! everyone feel free to go about your bidness!

Finally! This weeks SV - can someone spoil me in the comments for it? I've only seen the TV previews and a) it looks creepy and b) I cant actually figure out what the whole deal is supposed to be. Anyone?

I'm celebrating humpday with a papa icon, kiddies. How about you!
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