Where I am and what I have(n't) done

Feb 13, 2011 20:13

And the exams are coming again. Yay. (I have math. And Russian. And then something I don't know the English name of but it has to do with health. And Finnish. But I don't have history! - and I'm paying for that one by writing, I don't know, some ten essays or of the like.)


I feel really useless. I've written a little over a page, a one single ( Read more... )

random, property, ranting, school, stories, real life

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Comments 10

hakasha February 14 2011, 02:11:48 UTC
good luck with your exams!

As for feeling useless for having written too little, I feel for you, I do. I deeply, deeply understand how you feel. I have two pages of the next Untamable chapter written. Two. And three days ago I think I finally figured out how to proceed with the story, but my keyboard is having issues and aaaaargh.

It also does not help that I have this massive, massive urge to write Merlin fic and that I've been writing down notes and ideas for it in random pieces of paper.

If you want, I can verbally kick your lazy arse every two weeks or so to see if I can get you to do stuff. it would be lovely to see the ending of Property soon.


esper_aroon February 14 2011, 15:09:10 UTC
Thank you, it will be needed. (Math on Wednesday, math on wednesday, I don't want-!)

Yes, I know. It's just so frustrating! And the worst thing is that whenever I want to write something, it's either original (probably a drabble) or SW. To make it better, I don't even have any ideo for a SW story but I want to write about it anyway. I mean, seriously?!

Haha, you could try that. It might even work. Occasionally. XD


i'm in yur LJs, kickin' yur arse (metaphorically) hakasha February 28 2011, 09:36:30 UTC
so, how did your exams go? Maths? Russian?

aaand have you written any fic lately? that's why i'm here again, you know. as promised, two weeks later here I come to verbally kick your lazy bum and see if I can get you to do something, *crosses arms over chest and taps foot menacingly* so. gimme. even a pager of whatever will suffice.


Re: i'm in yur LJs, kickin' yur arse (metaphorically) esper_aroon February 28 2011, 11:02:51 UTC
Ah... Well, Math went well. I don't know about others, yet... (and I'm freeking out here!) ^^

And, umm, I actually have written. It's just... umm Star Wars? (And a little tiny fraction of Property because I can't get over the point where Lavi is supposed blast in - or rahter, drive in like a nut, but that's not the point.)

(You can have the SW fic-thingie, drabble, something I don't really know what in case you want it...? ^^')


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