Where I am and what I have(n't) done

Feb 13, 2011 20:13

And the exams are coming again. Yay. (I have math. And Russian. And then something I don't know the English name of but it has to do with health. And Finnish. But I don't have history! - and I'm paying for that one by writing, I don't know, some ten essays or of the like.)


I feel really useless. I've written a little over a page, a one single page, of Property's next chapter and I don't think it's going to be getting any better in the near future. I seriously don't like this block. I do not. My problem - just the one among the many - is that I'm too effing self-critical. I can't get anything done, 'cause I just stare at what I'v written and think how absolute crap it is and then I either delete it and try again or leave it at that and stop writing. I'm basically at the same situation I was when I stopped writing in Finnish and sifted over to English - I'm good enough to see my own mistakes but still no good enough to fix them. And it's driving me crazy.

And what Hoshino's doing with DGM is really getting into my interest of the fandom. And Star Wars is just too complicated for me to try it yet.

I suppose I would do a better short story writer.

And then off from complaining! (Yes, I know I do that too much.) There is this thing, the Scifi/Fantasy Big Bang for any fitting fandom or original, and I got to admit, I'm a little the giddy. I'd really want to participate, but... well, you just read not so few lines of complaint about block. So, yeah...

But I still have that scifi original stuck in my head and it's really kind of frustrating. (Also, I have quite a few other projects, too...)

...I really ought to get something done. Well, aside from SW graphics, anyway.

Gee, I need someone to kick my lazy but every once in a while or I'll never do anything. Aside from reading an inane amount of fics and ditching all the school work I should be doing. Really, I'm hopeless. ^^

random, property, ranting, school, stories, real life

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