Where I am and what I have(n't) done

Feb 13, 2011 20:13

And the exams are coming again. Yay. (I have math. And Russian. And then something I don't know the English name of but it has to do with health. And Finnish. But I don't have history! - and I'm paying for that one by writing, I don't know, some ten essays or of the like.)


I feel really useless. I've written a little over a page, a one single ( Read more... )

random, property, ranting, school, stories, real life

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hakasha February 14 2011, 02:11:48 UTC
good luck with your exams!

As for feeling useless for having written too little, I feel for you, I do. I deeply, deeply understand how you feel. I have two pages of the next Untamable chapter written. Two. And three days ago I think I finally figured out how to proceed with the story, but my keyboard is having issues and aaaaargh.

It also does not help that I have this massive, massive urge to write Merlin fic and that I've been writing down notes and ideas for it in random pieces of paper.

If you want, I can verbally kick your lazy arse every two weeks or so to see if I can get you to do stuff. it would be lovely to see the ending of Property soon.


esper_aroon February 14 2011, 15:09:10 UTC
Thank you, it will be needed. (Math on Wednesday, math on wednesday, I don't want-!)

Yes, I know. It's just so frustrating! And the worst thing is that whenever I want to write something, it's either original (probably a drabble) or SW. To make it better, I don't even have any ideo for a SW story but I want to write about it anyway. I mean, seriously?!

Haha, you could try that. It might even work. Occasionally. XD


i'm in yur LJs, kickin' yur arse (metaphorically) hakasha February 28 2011, 09:36:30 UTC
so, how did your exams go? Maths? Russian?

aaand have you written any fic lately? that's why i'm here again, you know. as promised, two weeks later here I come to verbally kick your lazy bum and see if I can get you to do something, *crosses arms over chest and taps foot menacingly* so. gimme. even a pager of whatever will suffice.


Re: i'm in yur LJs, kickin' yur arse (metaphorically) esper_aroon February 28 2011, 11:02:51 UTC
Ah... Well, Math went well. I don't know about others, yet... (and I'm freeking out here!) ^^

And, umm, I actually have written. It's just... umm Star Wars? (And a little tiny fraction of Property because I can't get over the point where Lavi is supposed blast in - or rahter, drive in like a nut, but that's not the point.)

(You can have the SW fic-thingie, drabble, something I don't really know what in case you want it...? ^^')


Re: i'm in yur LJs, kickin' yur arse (metaphorically) hakasha February 28 2011, 16:02:18 UTC
yay~ i'm sure the others went well too. ^__^

ooh, nice! as long as you're writing something, it's fine. and nah, you don't need to actually show me what you write, just tell me you've written it and I'm satisfied. xD so, guess i'll be checking on you in two weeks? xDD


hakasha March 14 2011, 20:06:40 UTC
two more weeks, and i'm checking on you and your writings again. don't be laaaaazy, your readers are anxious! XD

got the results of your exams yet?


esper_aroon March 15 2011, 12:56:16 UTC
Dear, it's been two weeks already? (...well, I wrote a little more of that SW fic-thingie... but... umm... do graphics count?)

Exams, exams. They went alright. There was a few that didn't go as well as I hoped to, but then again there was a one that definitely went better than I thought it would. ^^


hakasha March 19 2011, 15:10:43 UTC
sorry, totally forgot to reply to this. ^^; yep, two weeks. hmmm. i'm not sure if graphica count or not. i feel more inclined towards "not", though. 's jus not quiiiite the same as fic.

glad to hear the exams went alright =)


i'm in yur LJs, kickin' yur arse (metaphorically) (again) hakasha April 11 2011, 20:38:20 UTC
SO. how's the writing going?

(this time I left 4 weeks pass before checking in on you. XD) don't think my regular & metaphorical arse kickin' has much of an effect, though, should i stop bothering you every two (or four, as it is) weeks?


Re: i'm in yur LJs, kickin' yur arse (metaphorically) (again) esper_aroon April 12 2011, 08:17:23 UTC
No, you're right, it isn't really helping. Metaphorical arse kicking doesn't seem to work on me... There goes that plan. Sigh. I just fail so hard.

Though! I have written! A (very) little, but Property too. Which is just... härregod, vad är det? Otroligt! And, also, I have exams again. (And that is just a too goddamn good excuse, but seriously, why do I always have to get subject like history, geography and social studies in a row?)


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