ernestinewalker Apr 01, 2013 20:53
i'm not coming to your house, i'm tagging paul i'm tagging, richard simmons says i'll survive, kazoo solo, everyone knows you have body issues
ernestinewalker Mar 28, 2011 15:23
i like drugs, kazoo solo, my world is not your world, babblebabblebabble, bacon!, isch, everything is awesome, old n fruity, real life, grunt martha, compassion, absolutely nothing!, rant away, angela lansbury could whoop your ass, five wise men, why aren't you in bed?, confessional, no one particularly cares, los paranoias, not exactly a zen master, words and stuff, statistics n junk, did we care?, stay away from kids, doctor erny, old people are boring, casualties are inevitable, words like violence, dick eating monsters