Fic: I Feel It in My Bones, G

Dec 08, 2012 09:13

Title:  I Feel It in My Bones
Character: Gabriel Sylar
Genre: Gen
Author: eriksselest
Word count: 646
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don’t own Heroes or any of its characters.
Notes: For the Advent Calendar (December 8th) and inspired by The Killer’s new Christmas song for this year. Enjoy! =)
Gabriel padded through his kitchen, bare feet and just beginning to get caffeine in his system. He looked out to the cool gray morning that lay like a blanket over the city. Snow imminent. It was nearly Christmas time - a mere two weeks away. He thought back to the years past. To that dark time. How many Christmases did he spend in that four year span alone with just the blood of his victims to warm him? There was one that he remembered vividly.


A light snowfall was dusting the streets of New York as people hurried about to and fro trying to get their last minute purchases. Christmas was only a few days away and every store Sylar passed had a large sale sign blocking each shiny new bobble.

Outside one of the stares stood a Santa ringing a bell. Sylar could see it instantly - the man's power. It radiated out of him like a force field. The man could induce emotions on others. It was the perfect power for that time of year. Not only could he lighten the moods of every person that passed - relieving them from all of their stresses, this also have the side-effect of making them more generous. His bucket was unusually filled to the brim.

Sylar knew he would have to agitate or distract him as not to feel the effects of his power. It would not do for him to experience a sudden pang of guilt or well-being while attempting to steal his power. Sylar pulled up the collar of his coat and adjusted his cap as he began to move just outside of the radius of this man’s power.

With this telekinesis, he began to guide a distracted woman right into the Santa and the donation bucket stand. As he was doing this he saw a mother bring her small son up to the Santa. Happily the boy said hello and as his mother picked him up and he dropped a dollar into the bucket. The Santa patted the boy on the head and thanked him as both went on their way.

Virginia never did this with him when he was a child. She disliked all of the commercialization of the holiday opting for the angels and mangers variety. To tell the truth, she barely went out of the house. Sue she would go grocery shopping, but that was about it. Her neighbors did a lot of the gift shopping for her. Virginia would give them some money and they would return with a small amount of packages each year.

Damn. It wasn’t often that Sylar let his prey go, but he guessed that he could be somewhat charitable this season. And it was such a shiny power. Nevertheless, Sylar turned and began to walk away.

The ringing of the bell just about faded from earshot as he turned the corner and spotted a very welcome sight. Mohinder was walking with another man. Maybe this was one of the men on Chandra’s list? Sylar gave a wolfish grin at this Christmas gift and tailed them back to Mohinder’s apartment.


Gabriel’s father once said to him that few things matter when on the hunt. He would have believed it back then. Now he knows different. Gabriel grabbed his music player and preceded out the door towards Mohinder’s lab, bell and bucket in hand, ready to persuade mimic that Santa. He gave a chuckle at the first song to pop on in the shuffle.

Dear Santa,

I’m writing you a letter,
I’m sure you've got it all figured out.
Things haven’t been easy
Between me and you,
I guess that there are things that you can’t undo

Maybe I was naughty once but now I’m nice!

(Boy you made the list, you know I checked it twice.
Well guess what, you're still on it! Hahaha!)

sylar, christmas, gabriel, heroes, g, advent calendar, fanfiction, the killers

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