The Official 2012 Heroes Advent Calendar Sign-Up Thread!

Nov 25, 2012 18:03

(Banner by the wonderful mafalda_yu! Meredithleon has also contributed her fabulous banner-making skills. You'll see banners from both of them this season!)

The advent calendar will start some time in December, one day removed from Christmas for each entry people sign up for (ten people sign up and we'll start ten days out from Christmas). This post is where you should post a reply to indicate which day you're signing up for. Days are available on a first-posted, first-served basis. People who posted to last week's early-bird post already have their days reserved.

What qualifies for an advent entry is fairly loose. It must be a fanwork dedicated to Heroes, created for or initially published at the Advent Calendar, which will be hosted here on heroes_fic. Fiction (drabbles, novels, or anything in between), art, videos, poems, essays, photomanipulations, Texts from Primatech, etc. are all fair entries. Topics can be any pairing, any orientation, any ship, any rating, and general.

Here's something a little different from previous Advent Calendars - we want YOU to post your own entry. In the past, people emailed links to the host who would make the post to the community and update the links on the main Advent Calendar post. I'll update the links, but you are to post a link to your submission on heroes_fic on your day. This will cut down some of the coordination needed. If you want to PM me the link to your submission, feel free! Otherwise, I'll look for them each day.

Here is the calendar of days (I will try to update this daily as days are claimed and if we go over 12 entries, I'll add more days on the front):
24th - Dancingdragon3
23rd - Desree_rd
22nd - Paynesgrey
21st - Lornrocks
20th - Mafalda_yu
19th - Means2bhuman
18th - Meredithleon
17th - Anivad
16th - Game_byrd
15th - Jaune_chat
14th - Game_byrd, filler (space available if someone else wants to claim it)
13th - Punk4life
12th - Game_byrd, filler (space available if someone else wants to claim it)
11th - Game_byrd, filler (space available if someone else wants to claim it)
10th - Ravenidiot
9th - Mafalda_yu
8th - Eriksselest
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