Heroes Advent Calendar Sign-Up!

Nov 17, 2012 23:07

Okay all! Listen up. The advent calendar will start some time in December, one day removed from Christmas for each entry people sign up for (ten people sign up and we'll start ten days out from Christmas). This post is where you should post a reply to indicate:
  • if you're interested in signing up for a day,
  • if you have a preference for a particular day, and
  • if you're signing up for more than one day.
Once we have an idea of how many expected participants we'll have, I'll make another post next weekend where we'll set up a calendar and let people pick their days. If you want to lock in a particular day, do so on this thread. Once I open next week's thread, it will be first-posted, first-filled. Anyone who misses this post can still sign up on the general post next week (they'll just lose the option of early date lock-in).

What qualifies for an advent entry is fairly loose. It must be a fanwork dedicated to Heroes, created for or initially published at the Advent Calendar, which will be hosted here on heroes_fic. Fiction (drabbles, novels, or anything in between), art, videos, poems, essays, photomanipulations, Texts from Primatech, etc. are all fair entries. Topics can be any pairing, any orientation, any ship, any rating, and general.

(Those who have indicated an interest in making banners or graphics for advertising the event, please let me know when you'd be able to supply something. I want to do a general blitz of the heroes comms next weekend.)
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