Yup, looks like Summer is FINALLY over here in Northern California. I can smell the rain coming. It's actually NOT 90 degrees today, and we may not even have to turn on the air conditioner for the first time in mooooooooooooooooooooonths.
I just watched this awesome documentary: Helvetica. It is all about typeface and design. I learned a lot. I also followed up with more research on my own
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Joe is looking at Gwen, while Sarah looks into the camera. She's prepared properly for that. At times, she looks scared silly. She is shaking, but is working HARD to stay calm. She is NOT comfortable, but so far, with 75 minutes to go, she's holding.
It's 90 minutes away, but I am making a prediction. Palin will come off as a talking head spilling out memorized talking points. She's proven that she cannot put together a rational sentence on her own
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If you're on my friends list, I want to know 36 things about you. I don't care if we never talk, or if we already know everything about each other. Short and sweet is fine... you're on my list, so I want to know you better
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There are moments on one's life where you know how you've been preparing your life to be ready at that given moment in history. Since the first time I put my telephone on that 90 baud modem and saw a BBS on my screen I have been preparing for this. The Commandant of the Coast Guard has issued an executive initiative to do what you and I, my dear
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