There are moments on one's life where you know how you've been preparing your life to be ready at that given moment in history. Since the first time I put my telephone on that 90 baud modem and saw a BBS on my screen I have been preparing for this. The Commandant of the Coast Guard has issued an executive initiative to do what you and I, my dear readers, do every day here in LiveJournal and all the other areas of this place we call the Internet.
Well, COMO Kerrigan is going to look at the Chief of Public Affairs on this, and Robert will look to me to get it done. As it stands right now, I am positioned to be THE guy for the Auxiliary to lead this effort. When ADM Allen gave the order, my boss was ready with initial answers and plans. Robert was amazing seeing this coming. He sent an e-mail out to the national leadership this very morning and he and I just talked on the phone for two hours planning the next step. I have the basis for the team as soon as we get the go ahead as soon as we have the GO.
We all talk about making a difference, well,
chiefted and
january know we SAVE LIVES and that is a pretty good feeling at the end of a long day(s).
First step is to write a White Paper on all of this. I have about two weeks with early drafts needed by the end of this week. We are starting things off small. We've been crawling for several months now, and we are ready to walk, and soon we'll be running.