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Comments 19

geek6 December 1 2005, 20:10:26 UTC
i think part of the reason why young people today are so complacent is that there aren't the huge ad campaigns like we saw 20 years ago to frighten them half to death..

that and the fact that with current drug therapies people with AIDS no longer have a life expectancy of 1 or 2 years ..(though they still have a terminal illness it's just much more 'managable').. which in itself was a damned scary thing to face..after all when you're 20 you don't believe you'll ever die...

sadly.. too many of them are finding out their mistake when its too late..


erestor December 2 2005, 00:32:24 UTC
I absolutely agree with you. And I just CAN'T understand why there are no huge campaigns anymore. Let me guess - "we have to save money"... this makes me so, so angry! Today's youths are rather tough, and as you say "I'm 20, the world is mine, I'm unbeatable" - so yes, we DO need shockers to make them aware. >:(


deathangelgw December 1 2005, 22:58:22 UTC
it isn't just a matter of complacency in this matter. There are actual organizations that are going around telling people, especially gays, that you don't need to worry about AIDS and that it's all a hoax or some such shit. But it's also a big fat thing called LAZINESS. You have every right to be frustrated...join the club.


erestor December 2 2005, 00:34:08 UTC
Oh yes, of course - "AIDS is only a hoax"... "condoms don't protect"... yadda yadda yadda. Plus the ever-popular "I can't get AIDS, I'm not gay". head->desk->repeat. >:-( Spreading such bullshit should be punishable, because indirectly, it causes the long, long suffering and final death of people.


deathangelgw December 2 2005, 01:59:20 UTC
*snorts in amusement* God *really* kept the idiot machine running, didn't he?


mirien December 1 2005, 23:02:40 UTC
I remember being 10 or so and the high profile AIDS had. I was scared witless and I was only a kid, but the memory lingered and now in my 30's, I have not forgotten it. Surely better to be scared witless when you're 10 than dead when you're 25?

People have short memories, it seems. AIDS awareness campaigns need to be constant and comprehensive, dammit. People still believe half the myths that circulated about AIDS and are not aware enough of the facts.

In addition, I think there is a case of 'Not In My Back Yard' with regard to Africa, and that I find unforgiveable.

And with all due respect to the Catholics who may read this, don't even get me started on Ratzinger.


morgulq December 2 2005, 00:09:47 UTC
*grins* I'm Catholic, but not willingly, so I'm not offended. Recently, is seems, blindness is listed amongst the virtues of a good Catholic, as is ignorance.

*sighs* And people wonder why I have to be, literally, dragged into a church.


erestor December 2 2005, 00:37:31 UTC
Oh definitely - and the "scared witless" part has been highly neglected for a couple of years! They hear "there is a treatment" and think this means "you can be healed", which is wrong, wrong, wrong. We need more campaigns, shocking campaigns. And those who promote NOT to use condoms and spread crap like "AIDS is only a myth" must be dragged in front of the judge and punished, because they help spread a deadly illness.

As for Ratzinger: there are few people who do more to harm the reputation of Christianity than he does. Banning gays... supporting exorcism... no to condoms... they don't need exorcists at the Vatican, they need shrinks. Good ones. Lots of them. >:(


delaese December 1 2005, 23:09:34 UTC
Hon, I share your anger, your frustration, and hurt. When I worked at Angles, most of the staff had it, and you had better believe we did all we could to educate. We talked to gay youth organizations, we explained about condoms and how to avoid getting a hole in one, (few folks know that lip balm can eat through a condom in moments) and other things. I still have pamphletes in my desk to hand out, just in case. But education is not enough, not when we still have people out there who claim it is God's will, only affects gay people, (bullcrap, current stats show that one of the fastest growing groups to get the disease are upper class white women, because hey! Hubby buys a hooker every Friday!) and the Pope is against condoms because OOO! PEOPLE HAVE SEX WITH THOSE! Guess what, jackass, they're having it without them, too.

Tp quote you, Oh Best Beloved, "Let it rain brains, Oh Lord."


erestor December 2 2005, 00:40:18 UTC
Yes, I know that you and I share our frustration here. Lip balm - oh yes! You know, Miss C. and me worked for quite a while on weekends at the local "Condomeria", where we didn't only sell condoms and lubricants, but also helped educating youngsters. It wasn't an "erotic shop", it was supported by the government, because teenagers are more likely to talk to some folks at a cool indie-shop than to their parents.

And I still get the shivers if I remember how many of them used VASELINE as a lubricant with the condoms. Or skin cream. :-( Terrible! And all those guys who thought they don't need condoms because "I will take care". Small shop, and about the only place of that kind in a town of a 150'000 citizens. You'd think this would have been important enough to get more support! >:(


delaese December 2 2005, 23:43:47 UTC
Yes, you would. It's madness. Our little AIDS-awareness programme was paid for by us out of our own pocket. And the MOST frustrating part is the way parents seem to think that it's okay to just let their male offspring run around and mate with anything they can get on top of, while the girls have to be careful. Well just where do they think these girls who are careful are getting AIDS from? BINGO! Their whoring husbands!


hidden_hero December 2 2005, 17:19:48 UTC
...the Pope is against condoms because their purpose it to prevent the conception. Sex is only for making more believers.

It's also the reason he's against homosexuality....it's a waste of sperm....

God hates to waste a good ejectulation.


This is also why churches are up in arms about masturbation, but then we won't get into the discussion of how that is Nature's way (or for those into that...intelligent design..thing) of keeping those little swimmers fresh and ready for action ~ so in a way to forbid handjobs is go against God's intent *cough*.

*gonna go crawl back under a rock now*


erviniae December 2 2005, 00:36:28 UTC
Very well said Erestor.


erestor December 2 2005, 00:41:04 UTC
Thank you, Erviniae. Please imagine the background sound of teeth gnashing and paper basket kicked across the room. *sigh*


erviniae December 2 2005, 01:02:29 UTC
I can imagine it and I want to add something as well. I send my boys to Catholic schools. I HATE the hypocrisy of the church, Unfortunately where I live, in a big city, there aren't any decent public schools (which is another issue tht irritates me ( ... )


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