AIDS day - same old, same old

Dec 01, 2005 19:36

I'd like to tell you about a 19 year old guy who went by the name of Silvio. He was handsome, bright, and mother's darling. He was also a junkie and a cousin of mine. Last but not least, he was the first case of AIDS I took notice of. Back then, not too much was known about AIDS. When his mother and his sister went to clear out his small flat, they had professional help, and the whole team looked like they were out to fight EBOLA, with full-body suits, masks etc.

Nobody wanted to touch Silvio's corpse at the cemetary. He was moved with long poles. I know this because my dad was there, and the only one who touched him.

Silvio died in February or March, I think. I later learned from my dad that the official number of "death by AIDS" (which is wrong, anyway, as you don't really die of "AIDS", but you know what I mean) for the whole year was lower than the actual number of people arriving at the cemetary in the first three months. Means: people were lied at. Anything new here? Not really.

Today, young people have a very relaxed attitude towards AIDS. Even the young gay community, who really, really should know better, lacks the experience of seeing people die of this bloody virus, and just don't seem to bother with safe sex. Consider yourself whacked up the head, you morons.

Same goes for you straight "true love waits" and "creative interpretation of abstinence" kids: Yes, you can get HIV from oral and anal sex too. If you had two working brain cells, you'd know.

Everybody else: yes, you can get it, too. There is no age, race, religion or sexual orientation who can't get it. It's not a "gay and junkie" illness. It's a thread to the whole planet. What's so difficult to understand about the concept of "you could die, too"?

My cousin died many, many years ago. And now another International AIDS Day has come and will go, and not much has changed. AIDS is on the increase. Whole villages in Africa are empty save for the kids - also infected by HIV - with the parents dead. Maybe I'm overly cynical here, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if some individuals out there were delaying help, support and protection for Africa for the sole reason that they are quite happy about all those people dying.

Oh, and as we're already talking about "protection": how are you today, Mr Ratzinger? Ooops - sorry. You're pope now. My apologies - I grew up somewhat connecting the terms "pope" and "moral institution", and so I find it difficult to think of you now when the term "pope" comes up. I'm aware that you don't care, but I make you and all those on this planet who follow your "no condoms" philosophy personally responsible for every. single. person. dying of AIDS, especially in Africa. If you are right, and there WILL be a Judgement Day - uh boy, I really wouldn't want to be in your skin.

Do I sound frustrated? You bet.



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