RR -- Epistolary fic

Aug 11, 2008 08:24

Due to a fluke in timing, we're getting a lot of these Readers' Recs posts at one time.  Though this week is because of one of the more fun reasons: we're having another theme week!  That's right, this week all of our reccers will be posting stories that are either entirely composed of correspondence, or at least where correspondence plays a big part of the story.  We know there are more stories out there like this, so we're asking ya'll to rec your favorites to us!

Things to keep in mind:
-Recced stories can be any length, any fandom, and any pairing, as long as they fit the theme
-You don't need to write a review (unless you want to).  All that you need to include are title, author, and link to the story (all parts if there are more than one).

That said, have at it!

Today's Topic: Epistolary fic

Previous Topics:
- Marriage of Convenience
- Harleqin AUs
- Homeless!fic
- Humor
- Fluff
- Crack!fic
- Holiday!fic
- Silly!fic
- Attempted Suicide
- Horror
- Amnesia
- Hurt/Comfort

- Long Due South AUs
- Crime Procedurals 
- Due South fic 
- The Sentinel
- Highlander
- Smallville
- Monster Harry Potter Epics
- Vids
- Original Fiction
- Small Fandoms
- Teeny, Tiny Fandoms
- Magnificent Seven

- Epic McShep 
- Rare Pairings

- Free for All 

recs by our readers, genre: epistolary

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