RR -- Crime Procedural Shows

Jul 13, 2007 09:25

Here's how it works:

Every Friday, I post a theme. It might be as simple as a fandom or a pairing, or it might be a premise or story category. Anyone who's interested can comment to that post, reccing one story that meets that week's theme.

The rules are simple:
-No more than one story recced per person, per theme.
-Include a link to the story (or a link to each part, if the story has more than one)

That's it. Unless specified otherwise in that week's theme, you get to choose the fandom, the pairing, the length, the rating, etc. Feel free to rec your own stories, stories by your friends, or fabulous fic that you've loved for years and that no one has ever recognized before. Heck, if you want you can rec something already I've already recced, though it's extremely unlikely I'll be reviewing fic a second time. I'll read all of your recommendations and they'll get added to my pool of possible stories to review.

(As a side note, while you're welcome to rec stories of any length, pairing, rating, yadda, yadda, if you really want to increase your chances of getting the story reviewed in this community you should probably shoot for longer, completed fics with happy endings. Especially the latter. It's hard to picture me reccing something too sad.)

What do ya'll think? Sound like fun?

This week's theme:

Crime Procedural Fandoms (i.e., Bones, Monk, CSI, NCIS, etc.)

(As a side note: if you're just awash in crime procedural recs and want more details, the shows I listed above are pretty much in order of how much I want to read fic in each fandom, and I'll be happy to give you my pairing preference as well.  Just post a comment to let me know you want more info.)

recs by our readers

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