RR -- Teeny, Tiny Fandoms

Jun 16, 2008 09:02

It's Teeny, Tiny Fandom Week here at Epic Recs.  And by Teeny, Tiny Fandom Week, we don't mean ER's usual definition of small fandom (which still includes The X-Files) or even the world's definition of small fandom (which includes Jeeves and Wooster), we mean *really* tiny fandoms.  Ones where you can count the number of epic stories on one hand (or, in some cases, on one finger).  Whee!

Before we get to the reccing, there's something I've been meaning to do for a while.  First, I should explain that I have recently discovered that fanfiction.net is not completely awful.  Yes, its interface sucks, and it's a memory hog, and its advertising is completely obnoxious, and the entire manga/anime section is an exercise in dashing raised expectations, but there *is* some good fic there, if you're just willing to look.

Fortunately for everyone, Raimond has managed to take care of most of the above problems with her fantastic program, Fanfiction Downloader.  Just cut and paste the URL for the first chapter of the story you want to read and the program downloads all chapters of the fic and saves them as a plain HTML file with nothing but the story text.  Simply brilliant.  (Note, there are other sites supported aside from ff.net, but sadly their interfaces are so freaking bad I can't even figure out which stories I want to read on those archives, *sob*).

Why am I bringing this up now?  I'll be reccing some fic from ff.net over the next few months and as some are very long, I'm not going to link to each chapter.  Instead, I'll post the main URL to the story and note that it's located on ff.net.  After that, it's up to you as to how you want to read it.

Now, on to the reccing!

Things to keep in mind:
-Recced stories can be any length, any fandom, and any pairing, as long as they fit the theme
-You don't need to write a review (unless you want to).  All that you need to include are title, author, and link to the story (all parts if there are more than one).

That said, have at it!

Today's Topic: Teeny, Tiny Fandoms
Previous Topics:
- Marriage of Convenience
- Harleqin AUs
- Homeless!fic
- Humor
- Fluff
- Crack!fic
- Holiday!fic
- Silly!fic
- Attempted Suicide
- Horror
- Amnesia
- Hurt/Comfort

- Long Due South AUs
- Crime Procedurals (anyone posting Bones (Boothe/Bones) or Monk (Stottlemeyer/Disher) fic gets a rec in any fandom of their choice, even if I have to acquaint myself with the fandom first)
- Due South fic (F/V would be a bonus, as I haven't read any before)
- The Sentinel
- Highlander
- Smallville
- Monster Harry Potter Epics
- Vids
- Original Fiction
- Small Fandoms

- Epic McShep

fandom: small fandom, recs by our readers, *admin

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