closed | in progress [4/8 threads finished] | got no salvation, got no religion

Jan 21, 2010 19:24

Who: commarogue, idkmybfftony, watchful_knight, ethereallawyer, 2ndhandlion, geokinetic , wayward_sam, yes_imagenius, bloodcakedarmor, bloodluna , manticorean, viva_la_impala, kyokugen_sun, saved_ur_ass
Where Kitchen, hallways between there and Sam Winchester's floor, outside in front of the mansion
When: Bendy time to Friday evening (enjoy the benefits of bendytime?)
Rating: R (violence, language, multiple character deaths)
Summary: Faith finally snaps, enjoying a killing spree and some of the characters rally to ( Read more... )

max guevara, spencer reid, sam winchester, mia fey, saix, ruby, lithuania, terra, faith lehane, america, sasagawa ryohei, hubb mccann, dean winchester, derek morgan

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Comments 144

006 | fighting saix commarogue January 22 2010, 00:30:51 UTC
She has to get away from the bodies. Her heart's threatening to explode in her chest from being hitched up so fast, and Faith stumbles backwards away from Reid and his stupid friend. Fucking Feds, had to stick their noses in everything.

Faith's feet pound against the ground as she heads to the front of the mansion, she isn't even sure what she's doing anymore. Escape. She just had to escape. Get out, find a way to get out and stop it all. Where's Ruby, why hasn't she hunted Faith down yet? Put down the rabid dog that Faith is.


006 | fighting saix bloodluna January 22 2010, 10:45:55 UTC
People had died. More than one, and in all likelihood, there would be more to come unless someone did come to put the rabid dog down. Saix had long made his views on the matter known, and still, killing one another was a favoured pastime in the mansion ( ... )


006 | fighting saix commarogue January 22 2010, 18:28:34 UTC
"And you must be Biker Smurf," she answered, and it might as well be a resounding 'fuck you.' Faith knew a little bit about having darkness inside, what with all demon descendant bullshit flowing through her veins, but she was looking to tap into hers through this entire ordeal. An ordeal that had grown much larger than she expected ( ... )


006 | fighting saix bloodluna January 23 2010, 17:18:19 UTC
Though he could tell from the tone of Faith's voice that she was being dismissive, and mocking, Saix couldn't understand what she was actually calling him. Not that it mattered; he wasn't one to allow himself to be angered by that sort of reaction anyway.

Already she was backing away, too, looking for somewhere to run, or somewhere to fight. Good. Being outside already gave Saix a small advantage, but not the same advantage as he'd have had at night, under a full moon.

That meant this would take a little longer.

He opened his arms, holding his weapon in one hand, focussing on the feel of an unrisen moon. It took him off his feet, leaving him hanging, suspended and impervious in midair for a few moments.

"Can you feel it? The moon's power."Not that Saix was paying attention to the words coming from his mouth, or to any reply that there might be. He landed back on his feet, lowered there carefully as if by unseen hands ( ... )


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action commarogue January 22 2010, 00:32:13 UTC
He's not the person she wanted to come look for her to avenge Sam. As it is, she's not hesitant, just tired, and she turns slowly to face where the yelling is coming from. Dean's face is red and she's pretty sure he's got a gun on him. She shrugs, shutting down the guilt she'd felt before the fight with Saix, and twirls his enormous weapon in her deft hands.

She ignores the others - they don't have a stake in this scuffle like Dean does. Faith doesn't gloat, though, like she usually would. Doesn't make a sexual remark, or even grin. Her face is grave as he closes the distance between them.


007 | dean I Bringing a gun to a knife fight viva_la_impala January 26 2010, 02:33:02 UTC
Sure enough, the barrel of the gun is trained at the spot between Faith’s eyes. Dean’s trigger finger looks damn itchy too, as his entire body shakes with suppressed rage. Dean prided himself on keeping his cool in most situations. He may have gotten cocky or hot headed, but he very rarely outright lost it. Faith, however, had hit Dean right in his Achilles heel. Sam. Take out Sam and the whole tough façade just fell to pieces like the straw figure it was ( ... )


007 | dean | Bringing a gun to a knife fight commarogue January 26 2010, 18:35:18 UTC
Faith shrugs and practically ignores him, watching Saix's weapon as she hefts it from one hand to the other. She stops walking toward him, and finally does take stock of his presence. Dude looks like he's about to fall apart. She knows that feeling, that's the norm for the most part. She grins faintly when Dean's shock registers on his face; finally, maybe these people were getting it. Small girl, big punch.

"How" He brings a little of the fire out of her again, with that gun in her face. "Or, how about," her lips purse as she plays at thinking hard. "You make me?"

Her arms spread wide and she jabs the staff down into the ground to lean on. The pain and injuries she's incurred has started to grow dull, though she could catalog them all if asked. Pain's nothing new.


007 | dean | Bringing a gun to a knife fight viva_la_impala January 26 2010, 23:35:56 UTC
He knew right away that the way she swung Siax's weapon around she could crush his skull in with one swing unless he was fast, really fast. Somehow he doubted he could be that agile. No. Better to disarm her. She was strong, certainly, but he'd taken some hard licks before and come out on top. He could deal with broken bones. Pulverized bones? Not so much.

Noting the fire returning to her eyes as they fall on his gun, Dean tightens his grip on the trigger and brings the barell level. She wants this and in his experience, pretty girls usually get what they want. Shifting the focus of his aim, he lets of a shot toward her shoulder.

"I can do that."


008 | ryohei escorts (drags) faith to her cell, ruby comes to call commarogue January 22 2010, 00:34:04 UTC

The pain in her head is throbbing, but it's not enough. Heat rushes in her ears and all Faith can smell is blood, mostly hers by this time. The fight hasn't left her; she just has no more energy to express it. Her hands are raw, her ribs cracked in too many places to count, an arm out of commission. She's pretty sure her eye is swelling up too but she can barely see through the haze of confusion as it is.


She should be fucking dead. That's what all this was about, get pissed, get stupid and get dead. She looks blankly away when Ryohei shoves her in the empty room, and she refuses to make eye contact. Don't let him know there's anything left inside her. Maybe if he thinks she's just an animal, he'll do it. He could put her down.


008 | ryohei escorts (drags) faith to her cell, ruby comes to call kyokugen_sun January 22 2010, 22:49:35 UTC
Everything has happened too fast. Ryohei's had no time to process any of it beyond the fact that Faith is an immediate and lethal threat. He's had no time to do anything but react and do as he's told, let alone try to figure out why she's doing any of this. It hasn't even crossed his mind that it would end, at least temporarily, if he killed her. Killing as an option never crosses his mind, regardless of the situation ( ... )


008 | ryohei escorts (drags) faith to her cell, ruby comes to call commarogue January 23 2010, 06:58:36 UTC
She practically falls into the room; sure sign that the slayer is worn down to almost nothing. The wall proves her best bet at staying upright

Faith's been mostly subdued. By her count, she's got at least 10 important broken bones -- hand bones, an arm, possibly her collarbone and definitely several ribs. That said, she's not known for stopping due to fast approaching death. She eyes the handcuffs and if it didn't hurt like a bitch, she'd leer at Ryohei and make an inappropriate joke.

She stares off into the corner while he works. Boy's got a powerful hit but it's not the killing kind, it's just the breaking kind. Faith's too broken to do much more than look it right now, while she holds in her ribs and pushes some of the hair matted to the blood on her cheek away.


008 | ryohei escorts (drags) faith to her cell, ruby comes to call kyokugen_sun January 23 2010, 07:07:27 UTC
Ryohei doesn't speak as he cuffs her hands behind her back and her ankles together. There's really nothing he can think of to say, except maybe to apologize for breaking some of her bones, and that just seems inappropriate under the circumstances. Besides, if he's completely honest with himself, he doesn't feel that badly about it.

He does feel a little bad about restraining her in what can't possibly be a comfortable position, but he doesn't say anything about that either. He just makes sure she isn't going anywhere and steps back out into the hallway. Closing the door behind him, he slumps against the wall, not sure of what he's supposed to do now or of what he's waiting for.


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