closed | in progress [4/8 threads finished] | got no salvation, got no religion

Jan 21, 2010 19:24

Who: commarogue, idkmybfftony, watchful_knight, ethereallawyer, 2ndhandlion, geokinetic , wayward_sam, yes_imagenius, bloodcakedarmor, bloodluna , manticorean, viva_la_impala, kyokugen_sun, saved_ur_ass
Where Kitchen, hallways between there and Sam Winchester's floor, outside in front of the mansion
When: Bendy time to Friday evening (enjoy the benefits of bendytime?)
Rating: R (violence, language, multiple character deaths)
Summary: Faith finally snaps, enjoying a killing spree and some of the characters rally to ( Read more... )

max guevara, spencer reid, sam winchester, mia fey, saix, ruby, lithuania, terra, faith lehane, america, sasagawa ryohei, hubb mccann, dean winchester, derek morgan

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007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action commarogue January 22 2010, 00:32:13 UTC
He's not the person she wanted to come look for her to avenge Sam. As it is, she's not hesitant, just tired, and she turns slowly to face where the yelling is coming from. Dean's face is red and she's pretty sure he's got a gun on him. She shrugs, shutting down the guilt she'd felt before the fight with Saix, and twirls his enormous weapon in her deft hands.

She ignores the others - they don't have a stake in this scuffle like Dean does. Faith doesn't gloat, though, like she usually would. Doesn't make a sexual remark, or even grin. Her face is grave as he closes the distance between them.


007 | dean I Bringing a gun to a knife fight viva_la_impala January 26 2010, 02:33:02 UTC
Sure enough, the barrel of the gun is trained at the spot between Faith’s eyes. Dean’s trigger finger looks damn itchy too, as his entire body shakes with suppressed rage. Dean prided himself on keeping his cool in most situations. He may have gotten cocky or hot headed, but he very rarely outright lost it. Faith, however, had hit Dean right in his Achilles heel. Sam. Take out Sam and the whole tough façade just fell to pieces like the straw figure it was ( ... )


007 | dean | Bringing a gun to a knife fight commarogue January 26 2010, 18:35:18 UTC
Faith shrugs and practically ignores him, watching Saix's weapon as she hefts it from one hand to the other. She stops walking toward him, and finally does take stock of his presence. Dude looks like he's about to fall apart. She knows that feeling, that's the norm for the most part. She grins faintly when Dean's shock registers on his face; finally, maybe these people were getting it. Small girl, big punch.

"How" He brings a little of the fire out of her again, with that gun in her face. "Or, how about," her lips purse as she plays at thinking hard. "You make me?"

Her arms spread wide and she jabs the staff down into the ground to lean on. The pain and injuries she's incurred has started to grow dull, though she could catalog them all if asked. Pain's nothing new.


007 | dean | Bringing a gun to a knife fight viva_la_impala January 26 2010, 23:35:56 UTC
He knew right away that the way she swung Siax's weapon around she could crush his skull in with one swing unless he was fast, really fast. Somehow he doubted he could be that agile. No. Better to disarm her. She was strong, certainly, but he'd taken some hard licks before and come out on top. He could deal with broken bones. Pulverized bones? Not so much.

Noting the fire returning to her eyes as they fall on his gun, Dean tightens his grip on the trigger and brings the barell level. She wants this and in his experience, pretty girls usually get what they want. Shifting the focus of his aim, he lets of a shot toward her shoulder.

"I can do that."


007 | dean | Bringing a gun to a knife fight commarogue January 27 2010, 00:04:53 UTC
Oh good, he wants to play ultimate chicken, the type that's kicked into overdrive from the start. She tucks the claymore in and moves to roll to the ground with it in an attempt to dodge the shot, but she's slower now what with all the broken bones and bleeding cuts. Faith bites off a yelp when the metal sears into her flesh, distracting for now from the pain in her broken ribs.

The world spins around her but soon Faith hops back up on her feet, and is reeling to face Dean again. "I really fucking hate guns," she says before swinging the weapon over her head with her remaining good arm and launching it directly at him. Not a second later, she's following, rushing toward him in hopes that the claymore she just made into a projectile effectively disarms him.


007 | dean | Bringing a gun to a knife fight viva_la_impala January 27 2010, 00:13:35 UTC
He thinks the shot connected, but he's not sure. She's moving to fast. As she tucks herself into another roll he gets off another shot, but it's wide. As she comes out of the roll he tries to aim again. He's got to get her to drop that blade, but she's swinging it over her head now, and then it's flying at him. It's all he can do to duck out of the way as the huge claymore comes hurling at him end over end.
He tucks in on himself and dodges to the side, dropping to one knee, his hands covering the sides of his head. The wake of the claymore feels way too close for comfort. Taking a tentative peek, he has just enough time to register Faith coming at him before the girl smashes into him and his gun goes flying. Why didn't he keep it on a bungie or something?!


007 | dean | Bringing a gun to a knife fight commarogue January 27 2010, 17:22:42 UTC
As soon as she barrels into him and they hit the ground, Faith is perching on top of Dean and rearing back to deliver her fist to maybe his face. Maybe she isn't completely clear on what she wants to hit, just that she's going for breaking something.

She's got no weapons, and his gun is far enough away that she doesn't have to worry about it being a problem anymore, so she cradles her fucked up arm to her chest and continues trying to beat Dean's face in.


007 | dean | Fisticuffs viva_la_impala January 27 2010, 21:21:53 UTC
There is the momentary flashing of bright lights behind Dean's eyes and his head hits the floor, but it quickly clears. It's not unusual for him to find himself on his back with a woman on top. Seeing her fist heading towards him he brings an arm up to divert the blow. Her fist slams into his radius and ulna like a mallet and his arm goes tingling numb. This doesn't stop him from grabbing her with his other arm and trying to hurl her off him.The girl's a viper. He needs even ground.


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action commarogue January 28 2010, 17:39:14 UTC
She's using all of the pain now, rather than ignoring it. She down a few good limbs, and Dean's not a bad fighter, so his attempt at moving him doesn't go awry. Though, it mostly just pisses her off and she rolls away from him, in an attempt to get better ground. She isn't planning on stopping any time soon; somebody is going to have to physically shut her down.

Faith sweeps out the not somewhat broken leg in anticipation of Dean's rising from the ground. If she gets him, great. She'll be back on top. If not, that's fine too, he'll probably think a top position gives him some kind of control.


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action viva_la_impala January 28 2010, 21:58:20 UTC
Rolling to the side, onto a knee and then onto his feet, Dean barely misses the swipe or her leg. Getting his balance back he glares at her and then searches for the gun. It's tempting to go for it, but more tempting to just pound her into the ground with his fists. He lunges at her with a right jab towards her face.

"Why did you kill him you bitch?!"

He follows up the right jab with a low left handed uppercut.

[OOC:Feel free to rough him up good. He wont stop till he's unconscious. I just don't want you to feel the thread is dragging. I want it to still be fun for you. I like it, but I know she has like...2 more people to pound. Girl has stamina up the yin.]


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action commarogue January 29 2010, 00:43:10 UTC
Okay, so the punching isn't all that fun, since it actually kind of hurts. She takes the hits head on, her head jolting back with each subsequent one and when she comes back from the uppercut, she grins and spits out the blood at his face.

"Fuck you, that's why," she says before bringing her elbow around toward his temple. Faith's head comes flying up at his after and she grabs him by the collar to try to ensure that it hits hard. Once she's through with that, she's shoving him off of her and bringing her good leg up into the air, in order to slam her heel down onto him; chest, stomach, wherever it hits she's sure it's going to hurt.

[ooc: whoops! Okay, will do and don't worry if I felt that way I'd poke at you bb. Faith is my favorite baby, I'll never be bored with her. ^^]


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action viva_la_impala January 29 2010, 05:09:50 UTC
He can hear the wet smack when his fist conects with her jaw. It's always a satisfying sound. The followup punch, though, is less so. This girl is solid, rock solid. That actually hurt a little on the giving end.

He blinks, recoiling when she spits blood at him, allowing her time to get in the hit with the sharp edge of her elbow, she jabs him over the right eye, making him see stars, the follow up headbutt sends him realing backwards. Her added shove, has him nearly doubled, so her leg drop hits him in the back and he goes sprawling face down.

Spitting blood momentarily he struggles to get back up, trying to whipe blood from his face onto his sleeve. While still crouched he brings is leg around to kick hers out from under her. Once she's within range he wollops her with right cross, not caring where it lands, and putting a lot of weight behind it.


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action commarogue January 29 2010, 05:44:13 UTC
She's on her feet as quickly as she can once Dean isn't on top of her anymore. At this point, she's driven by pure instinct, the need to be the last one standing. Everything else has faded away, which means she's smiling because that was precisely what she needed. The distraction.

Faith immediately follows once Dean hits the ground and she hops his attempted sweep (must be a Winchester thing), but she takes his fist in the chest, cracking one of the already fucked up ribs. She returns with an attempted kick to his knee and then reaches to grab at his hair and plant her knee in his face, even though she's leaving everything open to attack in the process.

Now she's just barreling forward, with even less regard to technique than she started out with.


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action viva_la_impala January 29 2010, 06:47:35 UTC
Her foot catches Dean's knee and he staggers, bringing a defensive arm up to just barely deflect her grab for his hair. Istead of getting her knee in his face, he gets it in the midsection and arm, causing him to real back further. Something definately cracked that time. Coughing wetly, he attempts to shake the numbness from his arm, while bringing the other arm up to defend his midsection like a boxer.

"You pack quite a punch. For a girl."


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action commarogue January 29 2010, 07:01:13 UTC
"Nice try, big bro. I'm used to that one, seeing as we're all girls." Faith doesn't expand of course, because you know. Crazy.

She grabbed his arm with her bad one, and brought the fist of the other down across his face again. And then again, with no intention of stopping.


007 | dean, max and ryohei catch up to the action viva_la_impala January 30 2010, 03:49:38 UTC
Fighting against that numb arm, Dean brings it up finally to grab her good wrist midswing, and try to hold her off. It's a bit of a stalemate, but he attempts to catch her behind the knee so he can bring her down and pin her.


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