[OPEN TO ALL] The Halloween Party

Oct 31, 2008 14:11

Who: All the residents of the Mansion. ♥
Where Outside the Mansion
When: During the entire duration of the Halloween Event.
Rating: G-PG. ♥
Summary: Tripped too many traps already? Don't worry, you're not the only one. At least you can join the fun~ ♥
the Story: ( So you got thrown out too, huh? )

euphemia li britannia, azure kite, eiko carol, beast boy, saix, haseo, vexen, arland

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Comments 61

bloodluna October 31 2008, 16:14:43 UTC
Saix is not a person generally taken to looking pleased. It's a Nobody thing; he has his reasons. His reasons for looking displeased today are numerous ( ... )


cryopathic November 1 2008, 19:48:04 UTC
To say Vexen's outfit is undignified is a bit of an understatement. His clipped description of it to Saix was accurate, but missed out on so much, like the bright yellow shoes that came with it (thank whatever gods listening that they aren't heels, or Vexen would have stomped through the mansion barefoot), or the way the now-slightly-scorched bow sits awkwardly on Vexen's head, accompanied by a pair of faux mouse ears.

And that's saying nothing of the dress, a frilly-hemmed red-with-white-dots, just-above-the-knee confection with puff sleeves and a squared neck that proudly advertises Vexen's lack of cleavage. Despite all that, the academic isn't looking any more or less bothered by his situation; the source of his calmness, though, is harder to pinpoint.

Maybe the glass of punch he's holding in his hand isn't as innocent as it looks... or maybe he really is used to this happening. He doesn't notice Saix when he arrives.


bloodluna November 1 2008, 22:58:05 UTC
Vexen, despite the clothing, doesn't immediately stand out. The weird and wonderful variety that makes up the captives of the mansion at any other time, and it is slowly becoming captivity to Saix's mind, has been excelled today with the bizarre and fantastic costumes they've been stuck into.

There is something about a tall, blond man in a froofy, red and white polkadot dress, with mouse ears and a matching bow that does tend to stand out, however.

Saix silently passes judgement. Their conversation earlier had left out some of these details, but it had told enough that Saix suspected Vexen had come off the worst, and now the evidence of his eyes suggested that was accurate.

Saix approaches him, without a word, although the flicker of a smirk at the corner of his mouth does a lot to express his thoughts at present.


cryopathic November 2 2008, 03:58:19 UTC
Vexen would have to be blind not to see the moth-eaten berserker that approaches (likely, he'd make a comment about the smell, once he got in earshot) but he doesn't go out of his way to say anything.

If Saix isn't going to be initiating the conversation, he certainly isn't. That smirk tells him the berserker is probably going to have a lot to say, so he sighs and braces himself.


[It was either this or the dress. :P]/[Also, HTML fail. Orz] notanewgameplus November 1 2008, 03:24:43 UTC
Haseo didn't mind what he was wearing. It reminded him of the good old days when he was the feared PKK known as the Terror of Death...minus the great power he had with it. To say it was very spikey was an understatement ( ... )


[A WILD EIKO APPEARS] carolling November 1 2008, 19:28:45 UTC
If Haseo was listening to anything going on around him at all, he'd soon be aware of an odd, squeaky noise coming towards him.

About a meter away from him, it stopped.

"Hey, mister? Do you really like the dirt or something?" The voice, high and light, was genuinely confused.

Should Haseo look up, he would find himself confronted by an odd sight-- a girl with a horn on her head stuffed in what looked like a penguin suit, though one badly in need of repair. It was all covered in patches. Evidently, the squeaking came from her steps along the ground. The pack on her stomach was brimming with candy, but she didn't look particularly happy.

"You should probably get up," the girl said. Notably, she wasn't doing anything to help him up; then again, she was only a little more than half his size, so...


[OH SNAP ITS A REPLY] notanewgameplus November 3 2008, 02:02:20 UTC
Haseo grumbled again. Great, someone saw him. He lifted his head to see whoever is speaking and discovered a small penguin that reminded him of that video game he remembered playing when he was younger.

The first thing the 'Prinny' would probably notice about Haseo's face is his eyes. There is no pupils. No irises. Just...white.

"What do you want?" Haseo said irritably as he picked himself up.


Re: [OH SNAP ITS A REPLY] carolling November 4 2008, 01:49:00 UTC
Eiko's seen a lot of things in her time, but blank white eyes are a new one. Then again, she was the one with the great big HORN on her forehead.

"I don't want anything," she answered flippantly, penguin suit wiggling. "Just checking to see if you're even awake."

Suddenly, the girl's expression turned a little more calculating.

"Did you get any candy?"


euphiepink November 3 2008, 12:29:31 UTC
Euphie mostly keeps to herself during the party, feeling a bit weird especially wearing her sexy witch costume while casually drinking fruit punch on a halloween styled glass. "At least this event is seemingly peaceful..." She thinks to herself.

She simply observes the few guests that managed to attend the halloween party.


madeinoblivion November 4 2008, 04:32:44 UTC
Arland can't decide if its a wild ride or wildly disappointing, when he bumps roughly onto the grounds and rolls to a stop in what seems to be like the remnants of a dumped hayride ( ... )


cryopathic November 4 2008, 05:01:12 UTC
All the way across the other side of the party, Vexen catches a glimpse of Arland in his costume, and has to suppress a snort into his current glass of punch.

The mansion never seems to run out of a delicious sense of irony, does it? Moodily, he takes a deeper gulp of his drink and looks away.


madeinoblivion November 4 2008, 21:32:29 UTC
Luckily for Vexen, the replica's quickly and quite happily occupied with all the apple bobbing and dipping and rolling of caramel-corn clusters to notice his creator among the mix of masked and costumed people.

His eyes may have glossed over him once, twice, but of course no one in something like that could ever possibly, possibly be his scientist.


bloodluna November 4 2008, 13:32:41 UTC
Saix very barely raises an eyebrow at the appearance of the replica. A berserker for the berserker, and a scientist's monster for the synthetic child. Either the place lacked originality, or had a finely tuned sense of irony.

It's irony, he decides, due to the fact of his own current disability. The mansion in the very least has a sense of humour, and it appears to come at their expense.


azureflamegod November 5 2008, 19:39:40 UTC
Reaching the top of the tower wasn't really Kite's top priority. Still, if there was a prize at the top, perhaps it would lead to more answers about the mansion itself. And it's not like it was potentially life-threatening, right?

Unfortunately, these were not Kite's thoughts as he was ejected out a window, still writhing in pain as he landed on the grass. He was completely soaked in water, which was rapidly evaporating into steam as he tried to dry himself. Somehow, his mummy wrapping remained completely intact through all of this.

He liked last Halloween better. At least decapitation was a quick fix.

After a few minutes of flailing around and trying to set himself on fire, the pain started to subside and the AI began taking in his new surroundings. It was a party, of course. Wonderland seemed to like big parties a lot. Hopefully all of that screaming of his didn't disrupt anyone's fun. With a groan, the AI dragged himself onto a chair and dried off some more, boredly gnawing on a sucker.


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