[OPEN TO ALL] The Halloween Party

Oct 31, 2008 14:11

Who: All the residents of the Mansion. ♥
Where Outside the Mansion
When: During the entire duration of the Halloween Event.
Rating: G-PG. ♥
Summary: Tripped too many traps already? Don't worry, you're not the only one. At least you can join the fun~ ♥
the Story: ( So you got thrown out too, huh? )

euphemia li britannia, azure kite, eiko carol, beast boy, saix, haseo, vexen, arland

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bloodluna October 31 2008, 16:14:43 UTC
Saix is not a person generally taken to looking pleased. It's a Nobody thing; he has his reasons. His reasons for looking displeased today are numerous ( ... )


cryopathic November 1 2008, 19:48:04 UTC
To say Vexen's outfit is undignified is a bit of an understatement. His clipped description of it to Saix was accurate, but missed out on so much, like the bright yellow shoes that came with it (thank whatever gods listening that they aren't heels, or Vexen would have stomped through the mansion barefoot), or the way the now-slightly-scorched bow sits awkwardly on Vexen's head, accompanied by a pair of faux mouse ears.

And that's saying nothing of the dress, a frilly-hemmed red-with-white-dots, just-above-the-knee confection with puff sleeves and a squared neck that proudly advertises Vexen's lack of cleavage. Despite all that, the academic isn't looking any more or less bothered by his situation; the source of his calmness, though, is harder to pinpoint.

Maybe the glass of punch he's holding in his hand isn't as innocent as it looks... or maybe he really is used to this happening. He doesn't notice Saix when he arrives.


bloodluna November 1 2008, 22:58:05 UTC
Vexen, despite the clothing, doesn't immediately stand out. The weird and wonderful variety that makes up the captives of the mansion at any other time, and it is slowly becoming captivity to Saix's mind, has been excelled today with the bizarre and fantastic costumes they've been stuck into.

There is something about a tall, blond man in a froofy, red and white polkadot dress, with mouse ears and a matching bow that does tend to stand out, however.

Saix silently passes judgement. Their conversation earlier had left out some of these details, but it had told enough that Saix suspected Vexen had come off the worst, and now the evidence of his eyes suggested that was accurate.

Saix approaches him, without a word, although the flicker of a smirk at the corner of his mouth does a lot to express his thoughts at present.


cryopathic November 2 2008, 03:58:19 UTC
Vexen would have to be blind not to see the moth-eaten berserker that approaches (likely, he'd make a comment about the smell, once he got in earshot) but he doesn't go out of his way to say anything.

If Saix isn't going to be initiating the conversation, he certainly isn't. That smirk tells him the berserker is probably going to have a lot to say, so he sighs and braces himself.


bloodluna November 2 2008, 04:08:45 UTC
Saix does have a lot to say. There are comments on the footwear, the headgear, the overall garishness of the outfit, all wrapped up in a single comment stating quite simply, that Vexen had left out a lot of the details. They might not have been crucial details, but they were significant when combined like this.


It seems, however, that the effects of his encounter with the ghost hadn't abated as yet, which means that Saix's attempt to say anything at all leaves nothing more than silent air to pass his lips.

He stops trying to speak halfway through the first word, looking momentarily a little irked at the inconvenience. He had hoped that this nonsense would be done with once he was outside the mansion.


cryopathic November 2 2008, 04:23:37 UTC
Vexen doesn't appear to have picked up on Saix's speech impediment. He arches a brow at the berserker, taking another sip from the bloody-looking liquid in his glass, and simply looks at him.

"I realize that the eyesearing atrocity that is my clothing would be enough to render anyone speechless, but you're taking that a bit too literally, don't you think?" It probably didn't help that the dress was worn through in places, hinting at white cloth beneath.

"Have you had something to eat yet? It's all quite good." Vaguely, he waved at the food spread on the behind him.


bloodluna November 2 2008, 04:32:32 UTC
Saix's frown develops into a minor scowl and he shakes his head in answer to the question about having eaten yet. There's no point in trying to answer verbally, quite evidently, so he leaves his response at that for now.

Except for giving Vexen a very slow and deliberate look over, starting from those terrible shoes and working up to the ridiculous bow on his head. He shoots Vexen a look of question and then reaches for the hem of that ridiculous dress.

Vexen had mentioned that it came with warm underwear, and Saix wants to know if that is what he thinks it is, but he isn't exactly in a position to ask at the moment.


cryopathic November 2 2008, 04:45:59 UTC
The scientist's response to a hand reaching for his skirt is to grab it by the wrist, smiling faux-sweetly as he promptly attempts to grind Saix's toes under the heel of one foot. "I wouldn't recommend it," he informs the berserker succintly, smile showing entirely too many teeth.

Regardless, the frills just peeking out from under the dress's hem tell their own story.


bloodluna November 2 2008, 05:02:54 UTC
Saix grits and bares his teeth at having his toes crushed like that. They're not protected by the heavy boots he usually wears, wrapped and bound instead, in keeping with his current outfit.

He pulls his arm out of Vexen's grip and gives him a rather severe look. That reaction wasn't entirely necessary, as far as Saix is concerned. It wasn't as though Vexen would be naked under there, after all.

Not if that peek of what appear to be bloomers are anything to go by.

Conveying an insincere apology with only the dip of his head and the very slight roll of his eyes isn't entirely easy, but it is the best he accomplish for the moment. Vexen could be ever so uptight when he wanted.


cryopathic November 2 2008, 05:25:26 UTC
Whether or not Vexen isn't wearing anything under there isn't the point. It's more or less whether or not he'll allow himself the indignity of having his skirt lifted in public. "Thank you," he responds, tone entirely too saccharine. He releases Saix and steps back, eying him critically in turn.

"You look like you should be in an exhibit," he announces, sipping at his drink. "Holding a stone spear. Threatening a bear. Smelling of mothballs." Then he blinks, as if something has finally occurred to him.

"While I appreciate the lack of commentary on my current condition, I must say I'm surprised you're managing to hold your tongue."


bloodluna November 2 2008, 05:35:50 UTC
Ah. Yes. Well done, Vexen, you've finally noticed. Saix had wondered how long that might take. It was not as though he'd be inclined to hold his tongue under current circumstances by choice. Especially not when Vexen starts on his witty observations about Saix's outfit. Saix was not the one wearing a dress at present.

He gives Vexen a pointed look, and draws his finger across his own throat, miming as succinctly as possible the fact that the problem is his voice. He may have to take a little more care with how he treats some things in future, when this was a consequence.


cryopathic November 2 2008, 05:48:53 UTC
"Ah." Vexen arches a brow, then smirks. Not unlike an event he remembers happening some time ago. "Can't speak, then? You really must tell me what happened to you sometime."

He's enjoying this, obviously, horrid dress or no. He's relaxed-- as much as he can ever be, at least. It's pleasant enough to be in Saix's company when he isn't being an utter prat, so he's settled himself to enjoying the silence while it lasts. He doubts it will be permanent.

But still...

"You should get some soup. It might warm that throat." Not half-smiling, no.


bloodluna November 2 2008, 06:00:43 UTC
The sink and subsequent set of Saix's shoulders and downwards tilt of his chin suggest that Vexen's chances of ever being told in any detail what had happened to make him lose his voice ranged from the slim to the non-existent. An unfortunate encounter with an angry ghost wasn't something he exactly wished to discuss, largely because the question would arise of what he'd done to make it angry.

Saix somehow suspects that Vexen may think he deserved it.

His lips move as though muttering something under his breath; something along the lines of Vexen being a fussy mother again, or at least doing a good impression of one, with the bonus that this time he was dressed the part. Still, with the reluctance of someone who does not wish to appear that they are doing this because they've been told to, Saix does as he's told, even if the appearance of the soup is considerably less than appetising.


cryopathic November 2 2008, 06:19:01 UTC
Despite how it looks, a taste of the soup will reveal that it's really far more tasty than initial impressions would suggest. Vexen looks largely disinterested in the sight of Saix eating, now that he knows there's no conversation to immediately be found. His gaze wanders over the rest of the people gathered here, eyes narrowed, and he says nothing.

Aside from the odd outfit, a slim silver chain's been slipped around his neck, long enough to slip into the collar of his dress. Not that Vexen ever seems like much of a jewelry person.


bloodluna November 2 2008, 12:13:27 UTC
Saix sniffs the soup before he tries it, the idea being that his sense of smell will let him know what he's in for before he subjects his tongue to the concoction. It's an intelligent enough idea, and it does smell considerably better than it looks - granted, it may be difficult to smell as bad as it looks - it just happens to be an unfortunately animalistic thing to do for someone wearing a dead wolf ( ... )


cryopathic November 2 2008, 12:25:31 UTC
Vexen does have rather deadly aim with those flats. He doesn't look like he's eaten himself, but it's entirely feasible he's been here much longer than Saix, so he might have finished early. Though he'll glance over at Saix once in a while and smirk, he doesn't offer any commentary; perhaps he feels the need to pointlessly monologue unnecessary, given that one look speaks a thousand words.

Constantly looking over does mean he catches it when Saix scratches at his stitches, and he frowns. (Notably, one of his own arms is still in a sling-- it wasn't broken persay, but he does need to refrain from doing anything strenuous, like shield-lifting.)

"Don't do that," he offers automatically. "I know they itch, but you're not doing yourself any favors."


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