When Leonard first woke up some -- damn, two? -- days ago, to go on this mission to Bacchus II, he expected some boring mission scanning plants. He certainly wouldn't have predicted this.
Being chased out of Sickbay by a flock of crazy, horny people. Slowly becoming one of those crazy, horny people. Leonard paused momentarily out in the
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ON, damnit! On. His. Ass ( ... )
Now where the hell would something lubricating, and safe for internal use, be kept in a science lab?
This wasn't Leonard's territory. He didn't know where to begin to look. Sighing both in impatience and agitation -- his brain could multitask like you wouldn't believe right now -- he looked back down at Spock. And momentarily forgot how to breathe as he took in the naked, fit, beautiful body before him. Aroused, wanting, desperate and waiting. For him. It was all for him. It... it was everything a secret part of him wanted, and more than any conscious part of him could hope for. Suddenly, that fear was gone.
"Spock, we need sum lube. Now."
As tempted as he was, he was definitely sure he couldn't touch himself. He was too damn hard up, apt wording aside. Only a few caresses -- poor inadequate caresses when compared to what he could have instead -- would be his undoing. And god only knew what Spock would do to scratch his own itch. Orgasm might loosen up a man... eh, so to speak. But not that much, if the Vulcan was feeling even a fraction of what Leonard was.
Question was... did Spock? Actually feel even remotely as aroused as he was? Because as much as Leonard loved his job, he was in no mood to whip up a hypo cocktail.
He sat there mutely watching Spock play chemist. Admittedly, most of the time he was just watching that ass. But hell, ( ... )
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