Sep 27, 2009 00:14
Sammy had everything ready for Doctor McCoy but was still rushing around checking to make sure that everything was fine and dandy before she finally slowed her ass down to a stop and breathed for a second or five. She quickly thought over all the things that had to be done and mentally checked each one off until she knew that she had finished. Sam then went to check in with the bioteam that she had sent Doctor McCoy’s way and to other locations. “Zosto,” she called into the comm. “How’s it gonna?” she asked the coom. It took a few minutes for the Zosto to call her back.
“It’s good Doctor,”
“Okay call me when you’re sending someone our way okay?”
“I will,”
“Good,” Sam sighed a little. “Jovan out.”
She hit the button that cut off the communication and turned to give Chapel a few orders and awaited the first person to come up.
character: npc,
timeline: day 13,
character: cavendish,
character: rousseau,
character: mccoy,
character: jovan,
character: spock,
character: kirk,
character: creed,
mission: bacchus ii,
character: corin,
location: med bay,
character: garrovick,
character: macarthur