When Leonard first woke up some -- damn, two? -- days ago, to go on this mission to Bacchus II, he expected some boring mission scanning plants. He certainly wouldn't have predicted this.
Being chased out of Sickbay by a flock of crazy, horny people. Slowly becoming one of those crazy, horny people. Leonard paused momentarily out in the
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“Well why don’t you do something about it Doctor,” he said sharply running his free hand up into that all to perfect hair, taking a grip and pulling him down into a hard kiss. Spock’s teeth knocked against Leonard’s and he was sure he tasted his own green blood on his tongue mixed with a metallic tint that was purely sweet. His mouth didn’t stop there; he tilted his head and took the kiss to a whole new leave that had yet to be explored by either pair. Hungry and heated, warm, anger, love, everything was put into that moment as Spock moved against Leonard, moved with him, challenging him to take the control away from the normally controlled Vulcan.
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