we were both young when i first saw you, i closed my eyes and the flashbacks started

Jan 09, 2012 15:19

Title: Non, Je ne regrette rien (No, I regret nothing)
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Characters: Blair Waldorf
Pairing: Blair/Dan, (Blair/Chuck, Blair/Nate minor)
Genre/Rating: Reflection/Fluff
Summary: She used to have pigtails and wear oversized bangles she stole from her mother's boudoir. Now she's discarded headbands and changed the costume jewellery for ( Read more... )

fandom: gossip girl, character: nate archibald, fanfiction: gossip girl, character: chuck bass, pairing: blair/dan, character: blair waldorf, character: dan humphrey, pairing: blair/chuck, fanfiction

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Comments 20

porter1_3 January 10 2012, 10:19:02 UTC
great story, perfectly fluffy :)


enemeriad January 10 2012, 13:37:26 UTC
aw thank you! i was trying to keep it really light. <3


slayerboy2009 January 10 2012, 13:01:22 UTC
awwww <3 *dies of cuteness.*


enemeriad January 10 2012, 13:37:53 UTC
naw! thanks thanks! i appreciate the comment muchly.


thebadunkadunk January 10 2012, 15:35:21 UTC
Really liked it! Great premise, great execution...I wish the writers would just take a hint already and let Blair get some closure from Chuck

Also I never realized how gross Blair Bass sounds/looks. Blair Waldorf is very much a power name, thankyouverymuch. (I always imagine her hyphenating no matter what, or keeping her last name)


enemeriad January 10 2012, 23:23:37 UTC
fajkdlsf;alksdjf. thank you! i was really trying so hard to make it a slow, soft piece and not rushed. thank you for noticing!

omg, i agree with you here to the moon and back. i think it's TIME for her to wake up to herself. maybe in ten years time when they've both stopped trying to hurt each other but for now.. put her with dan!

haha, isn't it yuck? sounds like a mutant species of fish. mmh, i think she'd stay a blair waldorf. even blair humphrey sounds a little odd. personally, i like her name just as it is.

thank you so much for the comment! xox


lusimeles January 10 2012, 20:19:39 UTC
This is absolutely gorgeous. Blair is so completely BLAIR and yet also... better, here - I don't know if that makes any sense. I love that you showcased her vulnerabilities.


enemeriad January 10 2012, 23:44:27 UTC
this... coming from you...

thank you thankyou thank you! i really wanted to get behind her facade and expose her a bit. so thank you!


lusimeles January 11 2012, 00:08:02 UTC
I definitely think you succeeded! She's such a complex character and I'm really glad for fandom, because the GG writers certainly aren't doing her much justice later.

(Just added you, btw! ♥)


enemeriad January 11 2012, 00:14:04 UTC

she is and i think sometimes the repeated spiteful behavior or her's isn't really going anywhere and they compensate by making her 'feel sorry' about it later. but they're wasting time with louis. like.. seriously.

yay! mee too. hehe.


dulcedeusex January 12 2012, 15:36:52 UTC
Wonderfully introspective. And all I want for her in the end. Great job!


enemeriad January 14 2012, 13:08:39 UTC
naw, thank you! she's a wonderful personality to write from but not the easiest one. are you a dair shipper?


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