we were both young when i first saw you, i closed my eyes and the flashbacks started

Jan 09, 2012 15:19

Title: Non, Je ne regrette rien (No, I regret nothing)
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Characters: Blair Waldorf
Pairing: Blair/Dan, (Blair/Chuck, Blair/Nate minor)
Genre/Rating: Reflection/Fluff
Summary: She used to have pigtails and wear oversized bangles she stole from her mother's boudoir. Now she's discarded headbands and changed the costume jewellery for ( Read more... )

fandom: gossip girl, character: nate archibald, fanfiction: gossip girl, character: chuck bass, pairing: blair/dan, character: blair waldorf, character: dan humphrey, pairing: blair/chuck, fanfiction

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lusimeles January 10 2012, 20:19:39 UTC
This is absolutely gorgeous. Blair is so completely BLAIR and yet also... better, here - I don't know if that makes any sense. I love that you showcased her vulnerabilities.


enemeriad January 10 2012, 23:44:27 UTC
this... coming from you...

thank you thankyou thank you! i really wanted to get behind her facade and expose her a bit. so thank you!


lusimeles January 11 2012, 00:08:02 UTC
I definitely think you succeeded! She's such a complex character and I'm really glad for fandom, because the GG writers certainly aren't doing her much justice later.

(Just added you, btw! ♥)


enemeriad January 11 2012, 00:14:04 UTC

she is and i think sometimes the repeated spiteful behavior or her's isn't really going anywhere and they compensate by making her 'feel sorry' about it later. but they're wasting time with louis. like.. seriously.

yay! mee too. hehe.


lusimeles January 11 2012, 00:19:22 UTC
I don't even get why they had to introduce Louis, like everybody KNOWS he's just a smokescreen so we're all just waiting for that storyline to come to a head already. But I miss the Blair who had schemes and plans of her own - this version feels like a pod person. I'd actually rather have her spiteful than plain-out drab, y'know?



enemeriad January 11 2012, 00:28:10 UTC
they were angling to complete blair's princess fantasy.. but seriously.. kajdslkafjd he's so annoying. and they have zero chemistry. it's pretty sad.

this is true.. she spends most time on screen now being unhappy and like 'oh louis isn't the fantastical dream version of himself i created in my head.' sighh.
and they've ruined everyone else too. nate has some serious mum issues now, (diana? really!?) sjdklfa, serena has no story line, poor chuck is on this path of redemption but the whole 'i'll be good to not get blair' is weak.

i miss season one and two.


lusimeles January 11 2012, 00:35:54 UTC
Seriously, yes. I actually thought it would've been much more interesting if Blair had been the one to have the affair with Tripp instead of Serena.

S1 was epic! I liked S2 up until Bart's death, where it all started to go downhill. I'm actually liking Nate and Serena's SLs this season - at least they both have paths (and Nate wears power well, though I grant that Diana was an obvious misstep) - but Blair is my biggest disappointment. Chuck's redemption just feels a little too heavy-handed for me; I liked him best as his douchey but mostly fun (to watch, at least) shark-sweater-wearing S1 self.

Do like Monkey though. Those damn writers.


enemeriad January 11 2012, 00:41:47 UTC
now there's an interesting thought.. blair's 'spiral' with carter was short lived. it would've been soooo cool to see her go absolutely mental for like three episodes.

agreed. but still, i thought ed westwick did an amaazing job of chuck post-bart's death. the scene up on the roof was so sad. :(
i guess.. it's just that nate's position felt so rushed. like all of a sudden he's now the editor in chief. i get their powerful but idk.

lol, yeah. he's get's a puppy and now he's saint bass. um no.
hahah yes! at least them when he was being all sentimental and stuff it gave more complexity and weight to his character!


lusimeles January 11 2012, 00:48:51 UTC
Oh, definitely. I think we need more rebellious!Blair. She's long overdue for a real spiral.

Agreed that Ed Westwick was phenomenal in his portrayal of grief - I just feel like Bart's death was the turning part of GG, the part after which everything else kind of fell apart and the show no longer felt like itself anymore.

Nate's SL is rushed for sure, but I suppose I've learned to expect very little these days from the GG writers. GG has never been great at the whole reality thing even for a group UES insiders!

Ugh, agreed. I think they're just trying to redeem him for Blair's sake, but the trajectory doesn't feel organic or even particularly plausible. It feels like Ed barely tries in his scenes these days either, and I don't blame him.


enemeriad January 11 2012, 01:01:39 UTC
jkfasld. i can just see it. a complete serenaesque meltdown. it's a shame that they didn't do it earlier because now it would be counterproductive because she's already 20-21 and it would defeat any character development they've attempted thus far.

yess! i liked bart and chuck's scenes. they were soo sad. and after that, when they introduced his 'mother' i dont think that was dealt with very well - much less resolved.

i dont know what they're thinking. what is wrong with them. i think some of them should just read fanfiction and steal ideas from there. the show would be a million times better ahah.

lol, definitely. he must be so sick of the awkward stilted dialogue. i'm pretty sure the writers don't even try for anyone but blair and chuck/dan anymore.

i basically skip through all of gg these days and just watch the chair and dair scenes because they're the most interesting. everything else is... bland.


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