Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #16

Jun 03, 2007 13:53

Wow, it's the first weekend in June already, which means it's time for this month's Monthly Drabble Challenge! I came up with the prompt a couple weeks ago and couldn't wait to post it. *grins* For June, your prompt is to use a completely lame pick-up line. It can be an old and tired one, such as "What's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?", or you can come up with an original one of your own. Harry and Draco can be in an established relationship or not, and the pick up line can work or not. All I ask is that it be as absurd as possible. Feel free to use it anywhere in your drabble. As always, longer fics and even artwork are welcome. Please post your response in your own journal, or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in comments below. This challenge is open until Sunday, June 10, at 11:00pm CST. Next Sunday, I'll post links to the responses and draw a name from among those participating to receive a drabble from me. Here's my own entry:

Title: The Most Appalling Come On
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Language and suggestion
Word count: 314
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Flagship entry to June's Monthly Drabble Challenge, with the prompt of lame pick-up line.
Summary: Draco is studying for an exam; Harry would like to study Draco.

After putting the groceries away, Harry wandered into the living room to join Draco. His boyfriend was stretched out on his stomach on the floor, books and papers strewn all about him as he studied. Draco was two years into working on a degree in Potions, and Harry couldn't be prouder of him.

Harry plopped onto the sofa and took the opportunity to ogle Draco's arse in his fitted trousers. Feeling a sudden tightening in his own jeans, he spoke up. "Draco..."

Draco's eyes narrowed in irritation. He recognized that sultry tone in Harry's voice. "Forget it," he snapped without looking up. "I'm studying for my final exams."

Harry was momentarily taken aback, but he was undeterred. He tried again. "My cock would like to examine the interior of your superior posterior."

Draco's head whipped around to glare at him. "Potter!" he yelped in outrage. "That is the...the most appalling come on I have ever heard!" Harry looked completely crestfallen, and Draco took a small measure of pity on him. "I may be ready for a break, but you'll have to do better than that," he sniffed. "Now, remove yourself from my presence until you come up with something better."

Harry brightened considerably and scrambled into the kitchen to think it over. Draco went back to his studies.

A few moments later, Harry strutted back into the living room, wearing the cheesiest leer known to man. Rocking back on his heels, he waggled his eyebrows and suggested, "How about a little game of Whore on the Floor?"

Draco was shocked into momentary silence, but then he slammed his book shut and shouted, "Get out!"

In the face of his boyfriend's formidable temper, Harry's erection wilted, and he did the only sensible thing he could do--he bolted for the safety beyond the front door.

challenge: jmdc, content: humor, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: awful lines

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