Special Challenge for slythindor100

Jun 04, 2007 01:40

Title: Intentions
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG
Warning(s): I think this qualifies as "schmoop"
Word count: 465
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for a special challenge at slythindor100, in which we were given a choice of five movie quotes to use, with bonus points if we used said quote in a story about Draco's birthday. I chose You are the only person that can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time. from The Hot Chick.
Summary: Harry has a special surprise for Draco's birthday.

Harry wanted Draco's birthday to be special, so he arranged for them to dine in a small, private room in one of London's poshest restaurants. Members of the staff were renowned for their service and their ability to be discreet--exactly what Harry wanted.

On the evening of Draco's birthday, they were conveyed to their destination by Muggle limousine, which Draco found utterly fascinating. He had long turned his nose up at Muggle transportation, but the luxuriant limo met with even his fussy approval. He and Harry engaged in leisurely kisses on the way, exercising remarkable restraint.

Upon their arrival at the restaurant, they were whisked to the privacy of their small dining room, where a bottle of champagne was waiting on ice. They conversed quietly over dinner, touching frequently. Had anyone been observing them, it would have been quite obvious that they were enamored of one another.

It was over a dessert of chocolate torte that Harry cleared his throat nervously to garner Draco's attention. "I love you, you know," he began simply enough. Draco set his fork down and leaned closer, a soft smile playing about his lips. Harry leaned forward also, and took Draco's hands in his own as he continued, "You are the only person that can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time. You excite me and calm me, and you bring out the best in me while tolerating the worst." Harry paused to take a breath, and Draco responded with a trembling sigh.

Reaching into his pocket, Harry produced a small, velvet-covered box. Draco's eyes widened. "Draco, you will make me so incredibly happy if you agree to marry me," Harry intoned, lifting the lid to reveal an ornate silver ring.

Draco gasped. "That's a Malfoy family heirloom!" he exclaimed.

Harry nodded. "I spoke to your mother about my intentions and received her permission to ask you for your hand in marriage. She's the one who gave me this ring."

Draco gaped at him, clearly stunned. "Harry, I...I'm touched that you would do something so traditional and chivalrous."

Harry grinned, pleased with the response. "Are you going to make me wait until my birthday for your answer?" he teased.

Draco wrinkled his nose at Harry as he reached for his hand. "As if my answer would be anything but yes," he bantered back.

Harry removed the engagement ring from its box and slid it onto Draco's finger. It was charmed to fit perfectly, and Draco held his hand out and admired the tangible proof of Harry's love for him. "What are you thinking?" Harry asked after a moment.

Draco sighed. "I'm thinking this is the best birthday I've ever had."

Cross-posted to slythindor100

subject: drabble, content: proposal, challenge: slyth special challenge, content: fluff, rating: pg

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