Bad Werewolf 4

Apr 25, 2017 19:50

Title: Bad Werewolf 4 Sequel to Bad Werewolf 3
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco (minor Drapple)
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Language, bad werewolf
Word count: 275
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hp_creatures April prompts - blue, swimming
dove_drabbles Prompt No. 55 - Go ahead, live a little
Summary: Draco has planned a romantic picnic, but Harry would prefer to jump in the lake.

Draco glanced at his husband, only to see that Harry's attention had wandered. Again.

Draco sighed and began quartering a small apple with a paring knife. They were meant to be having a romantic picnic on the Manor grounds, but Harry couldn't stop gazing longingly at the blue, inviting lake.

"Would you like to go swimming?" Draco asked before taking a bite of his apple.

Harry looked back at him and blinked. "And leave you and your apple here all alone?" he teased. "I couldn't possibly."

"You and I both know you're dying to jump in the lake," said Draco. "Go ahead, live a little."

Harry's expression brightened. He stood up and shucked his clothing before transforming into his wolf form. Harry bounded towards the lake before turning and pelting back to thank Draco with wolfie kisses.

Draco nearly fell over as he tried to fend off Harry's sloppy tongue. "Ugh, just go," he grumbled. He couldn't help but chuckle when Harry ran away and jumped into the water with a mighty splash. Draco reclined on the blanket and crunched his apple as he watched Harry paddling through the water. His husband found a large stick floating on the surface, and he made a game of taking it in his mouth, flinging it away, then swimming to retrieve it.

Draco laughed at Harry's antics, then lay on his back and closed his eyes.



A droplet of water landed on Draco's cheek, waking him from a dreamless nap. He swiped at the drop and sat up, causing Harry to take a step back.

"Harry!" cried Draco. "You're dripping wet. No, don't you dare sh-it! Bad werewolf!"

comm: hp_creatures, rating: pg, creature: werewolf, content: creature fic, content: established relationship, comm: dove_drabbles

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