
Nov 21, 2015 21:04

Title: Aggression
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Bill/Dennis, omc
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature fic, knotting
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1130
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for kaellite, who requested a sequel to Transgression
Summary: Dennis benefits from Bill Weasley's aggression.

Dennis shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable. Silently, he cursed the bloody wooden chairs in the bistro, and he cursed his date for bringing him here. Dennis looked across the table and stifled a sigh. Howard was gazing at him intently, as if waiting for Dennis' approval. He was older than Dennis by about ten years, and he was as bland as custard. Dennis tightened his jaw to avoid yawning. The only reason he'd agreed to go out with Howard was because he'd had far too much excitement in his life recently.

Dennis shifted again. His arse was still sore from Bill Weasley's not-so-tender mercies. Dennis' cock flexed in his pants, and he forced himself to concentrate on Howard's vapid rambles in an effort to cool his ardor. It worked to some extent. Howard was bloody boring, but Dennis caught occasional flashes of intensity in the man. He wondered if that would translate to the bedroom, but he wasn't certain he wanted to find out.

Finally, the interminable meal came to a merciful end.

"Thank you, Howard," Dennis said as they headed out the door. "I had an enjoyable evening."


"At least allow me to see you safely to the Apparation point," Howard offered gallantly.

Dennis could come up with no reason to refuse that wouldn't leave him looking like an ungrateful wretch, so he simply nodded his acquiescence. However, as soon as they turned down a dimly-lit alley, Howard muscled Dennis up against a rough brick wall.

"Would you like to come home with me?" he asked before leaning close and trying to kiss Dennis.

Dennis turned his head at the last minute, and Howard's lips grazed his cheek. ", I need to get home," he demurred.

"You're just being coy," Howard accused. "Everyone knows what a little slag you are. Why do you think I treated you to dinner? It wasn't for a simple goodnight kiss."

Dennis was outraged. "How da-"

The rest of his exclamation was muffled by the urgent press of Howard's lips against his own. Dennis tried to push Howard away, but his struggles were ineffectual against the heavier bloke.

"Perhaps you two should get a room."

Howard broke off snogging Dennis and stepped back with an annoyed huff. "Weasley," he greeted tersely.

Dennis took the opportunity to scoot away from Howard.

Bill Weasley's eyes locked onto him. "Creevey," he said, "is this bloke annoying you?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Howard scoffed. "Dennis and I have just had dinner, and we were on our way home. Come along, Dennis," he added, one hand reaching out.

Dennis shrank away from him.

"I think you should leave. Alone," Bill said to Howard.

"Now, see here, Weasley..."

Howard's words trailed off as Bill's eyes flashed amber in the darkness. He turned and fled down the alley, leaving Dennis alone. With a werewolf.

"Th-thank you, Weasley," Dennis stammered. He began edging away. "I'll, uh, I'll just be going now."

"I would be remiss if I did not see you safely home, Creevey."

"That's not necessary," Dennis managed in a whisper.

"Oh, but I insist." So saying, Weasley wrapped an arm around Dennis' waist and guided him through the alley to the Apparation point.

Dennis wanted to argue, but he was aroused beyond belief now. Having a strapping werewolf come to one's rescue could do that to a bloke. It was all he could do not to fling himself on Weasley and demand to thank him properly. Dennis didn't object when Weasley tugged him closer, drew his wand, and turned them in place. Dennis lurched against Weasley when they stopped spinning, and he looked around himself in confusion.

"Where are we?"

"My flat," Weasley replied.

Dennis felt his pulse leap, but whether it was in desire or trepidation, he wasn't sure. "O-okay," said Dennis. "If you'll show me your Floo, I'll get out of your hair."

"You're not leaving."


Weasley stepped closer, and Dennis took a hesitant step back.

"I fought for you, and now it's my privilege to mate with you," Weasley said. He could have been remarking on the weather, for all the emotion in his voice.

"But, I'm not a werewolf," Dennis said weakly.

Weasley smiled. "That doesn't matter," he said. "Would you like to take this to my bed, which is quite comfortable, or would you rather I fucked you on the floor here?"

"Bed," Dennis managed to croak. His breath shortened when Weasley herded him down the hall and into the master bedroom.

"Take your clothes off," Weasley ordered.

This reminded Dennis of their first sexual encounter, and he was both thrilled and terrified. Would Weasley want to spank him again? Dennis' cock throbbed with excitement. He quickly removed his clothing, unashamed of his rampant erection.

"Get on the bed, on all fours," said Weasley. He'd cast his shirt aside and was undoing his jeans as he spoke.

Dennis hastened to obey him. He clambered onto the large bed and crouched there, arse in the air, awaiting the werewolf's pleasure. Dennis quietly cast the spells needed to facilitate the impending mating. In moments, Weasley joined him on the bed.

Weasley draped himself over Dennis' body and murmured in his ear, "Do you willingly submit?"

Dennis quivered. "Yes," he whispered. The next sound he emitted was a gasping groan as he was split open by Weasley's engorged cock.

Weasley didn't pause until he'd bottomed out inside of Dennis' tight hole. "Mm, you feel good, Creevey," he hummed. His rough, calloused hands stroked Dennis' hips and thighs until Dennis felt himself relax. Only then did Weasley pull back and thrust in again. He repeated the motion, settling into a steady rhythm of shagging.

Dennis was thrilled. He couldn't believe he was on the receiving end of Weasley's passions again, and this time without the rancor that had dominated their first coupling. Dennis got a hand around his prick and started jacking himself in tandem with the hot strokes of Weasley's cock. It was the best shag ever, even better than the previous time Dennis had been bent over and fucked by Weasley. Then, he'd been as scared as he was aroused; now, however, there was nothing but pleasure.

The pleasure built and built until Dennis could no longer contain it. He climaxed with a cry of delight, spurting in his hand while he clenched around Weasley's thrusting cock.

Weasley growled and pounded into Dennis even harder, driving him up the bed until Dennis was forced to brace a hand against the headboard. Weasley finally finished, digging his fingers into Dennis' hips as he roared in carnal delight. Dennis felt a curious pressure where their bodies were still connected, and he realized with a start that Weasley was not shrinking and slipping free.

"What's going on?" he asked, craning to look at Weasley over one shoulder.

"It's called knotting," Weasley replied. He smoothed his hands over Dennis' back in a soothing gesture. "It's how werewolves claim our mates."

Dennis gulped. "Mates?"

Weasley grinned at him and nodded. "Mates."


gift: birthday, content: rarepair, creature: werewolf, content: creature fic, rating: nc17

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