Fleeing Out Party

Nov 20, 2015 20:48

Title: Fleeing Out Party
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Dean/Seamus, Ron
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hogwarts365 Prompt #114 - peace
Summary: Seamus and Dean make their escape. Follows Twisting Out Party.

Dean was at a loss for words. "Er...?"

Ron continued on. "Dennis didn't twist my arm so I'd let him suck me off," he said, voice sullen. "All he had to do was offer, and I was too selfish to think about the consequences. Then, instead of begging Hermione for forgiveness, I practically drove her into Bulsrode's greedy clutches, and I did the same thing with Ginny where Parkinson was concerned."

"Parkinson?" chirped Seamus.

Ron simply nodded. "At first, I kept blaming the fact that Harry wasn't around for everything, but I reckon I'm the reason he didn't even show up tonight," he said. "I wasn't exactly a good mate when he first came out to me."

"Why not?" Dean demanded. He winced when Seamus jabbed him in the ribs with a finger.

"Because I'm a right arse hole," snarled Ron.

Seamus began edging away. "Dean and I are going to leave you in peace to enjoy your nibbles," he said. He turned and fled, dragging his boyfriend with him. They escaped into the corridor outside of the Great Hall.

"That was awkward," said Dean.

"I think my dick completely deflated," Seamus added in a lowered voice.

"Yeah?" Dean drawled. He drew Seamus close and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Seamus shifted to fit their lower bodies more snugly together. "You did promise to suck me off," he murmured, grinding his groin against Dean's with furtive, subtle movements.

"Get a room!" someone yelled.

Seamus flushed, and Dean snickered. "Let's take that suggestion to heart," he said. "After all, I do owe you a blow job, and I don't think I want an audience."

"I definitely don't want an audience," Seamus agreed. He stepped back and settled for taking Dean's hand. He tugged his boyfriend towards the staircase. "To Gryffindor, my good man!"

They dashed up the steps, cheered on by a few hooligans milling around in the hallway. Dean and Seamus slowed down once they were out of sight. They continued on in silence, until Seamus could no longer hold his tongue.

"Ginny and Parkinson?"

Dean shrugged. "If I fancied tits, I'd do Parkinson."

"Should I spell some tits on myself?" teased Seamus.

"Ugh," Dean grimaced. "Now my dick just deflated."

Popping Out Party

comm: hogwarts365, rating: pg13, content: rarepair, verse: coming out party, content: hogwarts era

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