Secrets to Keep 44

Nov 22, 2015 16:12

Title: Secrets to Keep 44
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Ginny/Karin, Daniel/Astoria, Luna, ofc, children
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1110
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for hpfan88, who requested more of Secrets to Keep
harrydracompreg Prompt No. 59 - first friend
Summary: Luna is back to attempt photographing the entire clan.

Harry couldn't hear himself think over the din in Malfoy Manor. The entire Potter-Malfoy family had gathered for an updated family photo. Not only were Harry, Draco, and their six children in attendance, but also Ginny, Karin, and the twins were there, along with Astoria and her fiance Daniel.

The family had become so large that Luna brought an assistant with her this time. Now that the news of Harry and Draco's relationship was public, there was no longer a need for secrecy. Doria, the assistant, had her own baby with her--a six-month old girl who was currently playing with some of Evan's toys on a blanket spread over the floor. Evan sat beside her and petted her dark, tight curls.

"It appears that Evan has made his first friend," Draco drawled.

"He needs another sibling," Harry murmured. "If we survive the photo-shoot, I'll drag you upstairs and knock you up the duff."

Draco shivered with desire and dismay. "No more babies," he hissed.

"That's what you said after Carina was born."

Draco merely harrumphed and tugged at his collar.

Harry chuckled and sauntered away. He drew his wand and swished it to and fro, Summoning several chairs and placing them in front of the large fireplace in the formal drawing room.

Luna clapped her hands together once. "Places, everyone!" she called out.

Draco scooped up Evan, who fussed at being removed from the presence of the other baby. Draco successfully distracted his son by pulling faces at him.

There were five chairs in front of the fireplace. Ginny sat in the center, holding Nicholas. She was flanked by Karin on one side, who held Patrick, and Astoria on the other side. Draco deposited Evan on Astoria's lap and stepped back. Carina perched primly on the chair beside Astoria, while Lily sat at the other end, next to Karin.

Harry moved to stand behind Ginny, while Draco stood behind Karin, and Daniel took up a place behind Astoria. James stood next to Draco, and Scorpius and Albus moved into position next to Daniel.

"Perfect!" cried Luna, raising her camera.

Nicholas reached out and grabbed Patrick's sleeve, starting a squabble. Evan's face scrunched up at his brothers' antics, and he began to fuss again.

Doria moved to stand next to Luna. She clapped her hands once, then she sprouted ears and a pointed muzzle.

"A Metamorphagus," Draco breathed.

All three of the little boys looked at Doria in wonder, and Luna snapped a quick photo.

"That was okay," she said, "but we can do better."

"James, stop fidgeting," said Draco.

"My new shirt is itchy," James muttered.

"My shoes are pinching my feet," Scorpius complained.

"Shush, all of you," Harry said firmly.

"Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom."

"You can hold it for two more minutes, Carina," said Draco.

"Alright, everyone, look this way, please," Luna chirped. "Evan, that includes you."

Doria waved her arms and grew a beak.

Evan goggled, Patrick gasped, and Nicholas giggled.

Luna took another photo.

"Da-addy!" wailed Carina.

"I'll take her," said Astoria. She stood up and handed Evan to Daniel.

Draco nudged James aside and strode out from behind the chairs. He walked to Luna's side and looked at the display on her camera. "That's probably as good as a group photo is going to get," he said. "Next, we'll do some of just the children, then some other, smaller groupings."

"Take five, everyone!" called Luna.

Albus and Scorpius began to tussle, and Harry relieved Daniel of Evan. James tugged Lily's braid, causing her to yelp and smack his hand.

"Who would like to wash dishes by hand tonight?"

The four older children froze and stared at Draco in horror. Even Daniel looked alarmed.

"That's better," said Draco. "I believe take five means you may relax for a few moments. It does not give you leave to act like guttersnipes."

"Dad, what's a guttersnipe?" Lily whispered.

Daniel cleared his throat. "A guttersnipe is an outcast child, who lives on the streets and must scrap for everything he or she can find to eat," he imparted in his best, tutorial voice.

"Weren't you a guttersnipe, Dad?" Albus ventured.

Harry leaned forward and aimed a glare down the row at his son. "I didn't live on the streets," he snapped.

Albus wasn't done yet. "But, you told us your Muggle family was mean to you and didn't give you enough to eat."

"They also made me do the dishes by hand," said Harry, reminding Albus of Draco's threat.

Albus gulped and nodded.

Astoria returned, with Carina capering along beside her. Astoria came to an uncertain halt. "Did I miss anything?" she asked faintly.


Lily sat, bouncing a grinning Evan on her knee. Albus and Scorpius sat to her left, each of them holding one of the twins. James sat on Lily's right, with Carina standing to the side. She had a mulish expression on her face.

"I don't want to sit on James' lap," Carina sulked. "I'm not a baby."

"No, you're not," Harry agreed. "However, James will be sad if he's the only one not holding someone."

Carina turned to look at her oldest brother, and James stuck his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout. "Please, Carina?" he wheedled.

Harry smiled approvingly at James, while Carina regarded him suspiciously. "Oh, very well," she huffed, giving in with ill grace. Carina clambered onto James' lap and smoothed the skirt of her new dress. "Don't wrinkle me, Jamie," she admonished.

"I won't," James promised solemnly.

Luna stepped forward, camera at the ready.

Evan grabbed a handful of Nicholas' hair, making Nicholas squawk.

Draco opened his mouth, but Carina beat him to it. "Evan Lucius!" she scolded.

Evan released his half-brother and turned to stare at his sister in surprise.

"No, no," Carina said firmly.

Evan subsided and faced front again.

"How does she do that?" Draco whispered in awe.

Luna snapped a quick photo. "Carina has an old soul," she said, shrugging slightly.

Harry's eyes widened. "But, how-"

"Look at me, everyone!" Luna called. The children all beamed at her obediently, and she took two more pictures of them. "I believe that's a wrap," Luna pronounced. She turned to Harry and Draco. "I'll come back in two days with your photos. Come on, Doria, let's get packed up."


Harry climbed into bed next to Draco and released a weary sigh. "The photo session went better than I anticipated," he said.

Draco yawned. "That's because Doria was a marvel at entertaining the children."

Harry sidled closer and draped a leg across Draco's thighs. "Do you believe what Luna told us, about Carina having an old soul?" he asked.

"Nothing about Carina would surprise me any more," said Draco.

Harry splayed one hand over Draco's stomach and began sliding it downward, ever so slowly. "Shall we make another one, just like her?"

"Mm," Draco hummed agreeably. His eyes opened, and his muscles tensed. "Sorry, what?!"

Secrets to Keep 45

content: humor, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), comm: harrydracompreg, verse: secrets to keep

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