Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #102

Aug 03, 2014 18:38

Another month, another drabble challenge!

For August, the prompt is "I feel better already.".

You can use it any way you want to, and you may write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, gen fic, etc. Combine it with other prompts, if you like.

Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until August 31 at 10:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me.

Below is my entry for this month:

Title: Harry's Generous Friend
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco, Mrs Figg
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 675
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ JMDC #102 - "I feel better already."
♦ Gift for JMDC #101 winner bleedingangel84, who asked for a sequel to Harry's Real Friend, with the prompt of accident.
Summary: Harry meets Draco again in an unexpected place.

Harry glanced at Mrs Figg, relieved to see she had finally dozed off. He disentangled himself from a trio of cats and crept quietly towards the front door. Harry didn't want to cause any trouble for his neighbor, but he'd been cooped up in her home all day, and he just wanted to step outside. Maybe he could find something to play with.

There were several more cats milling around outside. Harry sat down on the ground and wiggled a leaf, laughing when one of the cats pounced on it. He entertained himself by playing with the cats. It was fun and relaxing, and Harry began to appreciate Mrs Figg's love for felines. He found a few small pebbles and tossed them to the bottom of the yard, grinning when one rambunctious cat chased after them.

Unfortunately, one of the pebbles rolled into the street just as a lorry came lumbering by. Harry was horrified, and he reacted without thinking. He willed the cat to come back to him, and it did. Harry would have marveled at his feat, but his vision went black, and he knew no more.


"...magical accident...it best to bring him here...overexerted himself...needs rest to restore his reserves...scar with a bandage...his identity safe..."


Harry opened his eyes and struggled to focus. His head hurt, and he raised his hand, expecting to feel a lump. His fingers encountered a bandage on his forehead.

"I wondered when you would wake up."

Harry thought he recognized that voice. He located his glasses on the stand by his bed and put them on. "Where am I?" he gasped.

Harry was in a small, bright room, and he'd been tucked into a surprisingly comfortable bed. He turned his head to see who had addressed him. "Draco!"

Draco nodded. "I remember you. You're the boy from the park. Harry, is it?"

"Yes," nodded Harry. "Where am I?" he repeated.

"We're at St Mungo's," said Draco. "My parents brought me here, because I had a fever, and I had to spend the night. Looks like you got conked on the head."

Harry brought a hand to his head again, frowning when he prodded the heavy bandage over his right eye. "I don't remember it," he said.

"It's probably for the best," Draco said wisely. "Now that you're awake, let's play Gobstones."

"I don't know how to play," Harry muttered.

"I'll show you," said Draco. He climbed out of his bed and hopped up on Harry's. Draco had a pouch in his hand, and he dumped the contents on the bed.

Harry picked up a smooth stone and eyed it quizzically.

"Okay, here's what we do," said Draco.


Harry yelped when his stone split and spattered him with stinking goo. "I'm not very good at this game," he sighed, wiping his face with his sleeve. He'd couldn't count the times he'd lost a point and been gobbed.

Draco laughed, but it wasn't a mean laugh, like Dudley directed at Harry. Rather, Draco simply looked like he was enjoying himself, and Harry couldn't be angry at him. Besides, Draco had been gobbed a few times, too.

"You'll get better at it with practice," said Draco.

The door opened, and both boys turned to look. Harry was disappointed to see Mrs Figg come bustling in.

"Harry, dear, it's time to go home," she said.

"Yes, ma'am," sighed Harry. He gave Draco a wobbly smile. "Thanks for teaching me Gobstones."

Draco scooped the stones into their pouch and thrust it at Harry. "Here," he said. "You can have these. You need to practice, and I have four more sets at home."

"Th-thank you," stammered Harry, unused to such generosity. He scooted off of his bed and put his shoes on, while Draco clambered back onto his own bed.

"I hope you feel better soon, Harry," Draco said.

Harry smiled at him. "I feel better already."

Harry's Christmas Friend

challenge: jmdc, gift: jmdc, verse: harry's friend, rating: pg

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