Harry's Real Friend

Jul 02, 2013 19:27

Title: Harry's Real Friend
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Dursleys
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Abusive treatment
Word count: 600
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for old_magick, who requested a sequel to Harry's New Friend. My apologies, but this one isn't any fluffier than the original.
Summary: Harry wonders if he imagined it.

Harry was subdued on the drive home. He had made a friend today, or at least what Harry assumed was a friend. He didn't have much experience with making friends. He wasn't given much of a chance earlier today, either, as Draco's mum had called him away from Harry just when Harry was beginning to enjoy himself.

The experience had seemed magical. Harry was minding his own business when another little boy had approached, spoken to him, shared treats to feed the ducks in the park, and even shared some of his chocolate. Things like that didn't happen to Harry. His life consisted of being badgered and bullied by his cousin, belittled and buffeted by his aunt and uncle, and relegated to sleeping in a cramped cupboard under the stairs. He never had enough to eat, and no one ever gave him sweets or shared anything else with him.

But, Draco had.

It was a bittersweet moment for Harry. He had made a friend and lost him in the space of only a few short minutes. Harry wouldn't trade it for the world, however. For the first time in his life, someone had shared with him, made him smile, and treated him like an equal. It was a heady feeling.

Now, it was over.

That point was brought home rather painfully when Dudley shoved Harry as they were going up the walk to the house. Harry fell forward, scraping his hands and banging his knees. Dudley simply laughed as he continued on into the house. Harry got to his feet and brushed himself off. Aunt Petunia scolded him and told him to wash his hands before he set the table. Harry did as he was told, lingering in the kitchen in hopes of nicking some food before he was banished. Aunt Petunia seemed preoccupied, and Harry was able to sneak two bites in without getting caught. When it was time for dinner, he was sent to his cupboard with a plate of cold leftovers.

Harry sat on his pallet, frowning at the odd crinkling noise he heard. He set the plate aside and reached into his pocket, withdrawing the shiny wrapper that came from the chocolate Draco gave him. Harry smiled. He opened the wrapper and smoothed it out. He brought it to his nose and inhaled the faint scent of the delicious treat. Harry had been on the verge of thinking his new friend had been just a dream, but holding the candy wrapper in his hand again let him know he hadn't imagined it or simply wished it.

It was real.

Harry's mood lifted. He really had met another little boy at the park today, one who had talked to him and shared with him and played with him, if one could consider feeding ducks as playing. Draco had even told Harry about white peacocks. Why, they must be real, too! If white peacocks existed, so, too, must the wonderful places that Draco had told Harry about. He hoped he would get to visit them some day.

Harry carefully set the candy wrapper on the little shelf that housed his purloined toy soldiers. He looked away from it long enough to pick his plate up once more, and then his attention returned to the shiny wrapper. Suddenly, Harry's cold dinner didn't seem so bad, nor his cupboard quite so cramped.

He had a friend.

Harry's Generous Friend

verse: harry's friend, gift: birthday, rating: pg

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