Indulgence 12

May 26, 2012 16:07

Title: Indulgence 12
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature!fic, forced bonding
Word count: 1075
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for hogwartsvixxxen, who asked for more of Indulgence, with a prompt of storm sex.
Summary: Draco surrenders to Harry, unaware he has delivered himself to the vampire of his nightmares.

Harry had retired to his bedroom, but he wasn't sleeping. He had slept the day away, after all. Harry was considering how best to feed from his Chosen one when a soft knock at his door interrupted his plotting. He hastily transfigured his clothing into pyjamas and answered the door.

Draco hovered in the darkened hallway, appearing anxious and out of sorts.

"Has something frightened you?" Harry asked.

Draco averted his eyes and admitted, "I'm scared of storms."

Harry's entire body tightened with anticipation, but he kept his expression carefully neutral. All that he wanted was so close, but he must resist the urge to reach out and grab it. His Chosen one must come to him of his own free will. "Would you like some company?" Harry asked politely.

"I don't want to keep you awake," said Draco. "However, would...would you allow me to sleep in your bed?"

Harry struggled to keep his fangs from descending.

"I'll stay on my own side," Draco was saying.

Harry halted his guest's nervous babbling by reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair out of Draco's eyes. "You may sleep in my bed," Harry murmured. "If all you want to do is sleep, that's okay. If you want anything else, let me know." He moved away and returned to his bed.

Draco hesitated only a moment more before he entered Harry's private domain and closed the door softly behind him. Lightning illuminated the room, allowing Draco to find his way to the bed.

Harry's body thrummed with arousal, but he tamped it down. Draco must surrender himself willingly in order to be bound to Harry for all time. He had waited this long, he could wait a bit longer.

Draco crawled into bed on the opposite side of Harry. They lay there, neither touching nor speaking. Rain continued to pelt the windows, and wind battered the trees outside, creating odd shadows that flickered across the walls with each flash of lightning.

Harry felt Draco jump when thunder crashed outside. He was about to reach for his Chosen one when Draco made the first move. He rolled toward Harry and placed his hand on Harry's chest.

"Harry, I..." Draco trailed off uncertainly and dampened his lips with his tongue before continuing. "I want you."

Harry's breath quickened with desire and triumph. However, he needed his Chosen one to surrender completely. "Are you saying you want sex?" he pressed.

In answer, Draco scooted closer, draping a leg over Harry and frotting his burgeoning erection against Harry's hip. "I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move, Harry," he murmured. "I want you. I need you."

It was what Harry needed to hear. His Chosen one had finally come to him of his own free will. All Harry had to do was claim Draco's body and partake of his blood to bind his Chosen one to him. Eager now, he coaxed Draco to lie on his back while he settled atop him. Harry kept most of his weight on his elbows and knees as he rubbed himself against Draco and kissed him.

Draco moaned and arched up beneath Harry. A crash of thunder caused him to jolt and cling to Harry in the darkness. "Don't make me wait," he pleaded.

Harry backed off and pulled his pyjama top over his head before dropping it over the side of the bed. He grabbed the waistband of Draco's bottoms and tugged them down, flinging them aside as well. While Harry moved to divest himself of his own pyjama bottoms, Draco yanked his pyjama top off, leaving them both naked. Harry wanted to pounce on his Chosen one, penetrating Draco with cock and fangs both, but he knew he must go slowly. He helped himself to the contents of a bottle of lubricant and reached between Draco's legs. Draco opened to him willingly, making Harry's fangs and cock ache.

Harry plied Draco's lips with drugging kisses while he slipped two fingers inside of him to prepare his Chosen one. Draco mewled and tightened around Harry's fingers, tempting Harry to cast all caution aside and simply take what he wanted. He struggled to maintain his patience. He waited until Draco was panting, twisting and begging him before he moved between his Chosen one's thighs and positioned his cock.

Another flash of lightning brightened the room as Harry thrust himself inside his Chosen one. The accompanying boom of thunder drowned out Draco's impassioned cry and Harry's guttural growl of possession. With a mighty effort, Harry stilled above Draco. He felt his Chosen one clenching around his cock as Draco sought to adjust to the sudden fullness within him. When Draco lifted up, impaling himself further, Harry drove in deeper. This time, he didn't stop. He had waited far too long for this to take it easy any longer. Harry set about fucking Draco, hard and fast and deep. He pounded into his Chosen one, reveling in the sensation of Draco's slick heat grasping at his cock in greedy need.

Draco's hand moved between their straining bodies. His fingers wrapped around his prick, and he began to stroke his throbbing flesh. Caught up in the frenzied coupling, there was nothing gentle in the way he wanked himself. The sounds of sex were muted by the noise of the storm that raged outside the house. Intermittent illumination limned their entwined bodies in pale blue light as they moved together on the bed.

Impending release tightened Harry's balls and quivered across his lower back. His fangs descended, and he lowered his head to Draco's throat. "Mine," he snarled.

Draco climaxed, and as his body writhed beneath Harry's, he cried aloud, "Yes!"

Harry's fangs clamped into his Chosen one's throat, and he convulsed with pleasure. Hot, sweet blood flooded his mouth even as he filled Draco's spasming channel with his ejaculate.

Draco's mind was suddenly as open to Harry as his body was. Harry felt his Chosen one's ecstasy, mingled with fear and revulsion.

"No!" Draco shrilled, struggling to escape, but it was too late.

Their bond was complete.

Indulgence 13

content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, verse: indulgence, rating: nc17, creature: vampire, content: bonding fic

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