A Willful Partner

May 26, 2012 20:42

Title: A Willful Partner
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, subterfuge
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 975
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: A birthday gift for nursedarry, who wanted a sequel to An Unwilling Partner, with a prompt of "What could possibly go wrong this time?"
Summary: Harry digs himself in deeper.

Harry woke up with Malfoy curled against him, snoring softly. Such a mundane foible was oddly endearing, and Harry couldn't resist pressing a kiss against his partner's temple. Malfoy stirred in Harry's arms and blinked his eyes open. He grumbled and pushed away from Harry, clambering out of their shared sleeping bag.

As Malfoy bent to retrieve his scattered clothing, Harry admired his partner's arse.

Without turning, Malfoy said, "Stop staring at my arse."

Harry grinned. "Can't help it," he said. "It's a fine arse."

"Naturally," Malfoy shot back. "We Veelas are irresistible." He was tugging on his clothing as he spoke, and then Malfoy disappeared out the tent flap.

Harry sighed and wriggled out of the sleeping bag. He wasn't looking forward to another chilly wash in the nearby stream, but it was his own fault he and his partner were still in the Forest of Dean. Harry smirked to himself. Cold ablutions were worth the phenomenal sex he'd had last night.


Harry went through the pretense of searching for signs of their quarry, all the while considering how and when to break the news to Malfoy that Dresden had triggered one of Hermione's containment spells. He wondered if Malfoy would be angry.

"Potter! Damn it, where are you?!"

Harry winced. His partner had a formidable temper. "Over here!" he called, rising from his resting place beneath a tree and dusting off the seat of his trousers. He followed the sound of Malfoy's cursing and found his partner in a stand-off with an owl.

"This bloody bird has a message for you, and it won't trust me to accept it," Malfoy grumbled.

Harry held his arm out, and the small Ministry owl flew to him immediately and extended its leg. Harry removed the message, and the owl winged away. Unfolding the note, Harry read:

Potter, I expected you and Malfoy to report back yesterday. Return at once for your debriefing on the Dresden case.

There was no signature, but Harry recognized Shacklebolt's distinctive, bold scrawl.

"Well?" Malfoy demanded.

"Er, it's from Hermione," Harry lied. "She was reminding us not to attempt Apparition."

"Does she think we're daft?!" exclaimed Malfoy. He turned away, still muttering.

Harry sagged in relief. With luck, he and Malfoy could spend one more night in the forest and enjoy another shag or two. After all, what could possibly go wrong this time?


Nothing had been said, but as Harry got ready for bed in their tent, he could feel Malfoy's eyes hot upon him. He turned to look at his partner. "Fancy another shag?" he asked casually.

"Only if I get to top," Malfoy responded.

"We could switch again," Harry suggested.

"Your technique leaves much to be desired," sniffed Malfoy. "I top, or no sex."

Malfoy's high-handedness was almost enough to make Harry sleep alone. Almost, but not quite. "Fine, you poncy Veela," he snapped. "But, mark my words, your arse will be mine next time."

Malfoy didn't argue. Instead, he went about zipping their sleep sacks together while Harry removed the pyjamas he had just put on. Harry scrunched into the sleeping bag with Malfoy. He groaned as their naked skin slid together, while Malfoy hissed at the chill Harry brought with him.

"On your back and open wide, Potter," Malfoy ordered.

Harry huffed in annoyance, but sex was sex, and he wasn't about to debate positions. He turned onto his back and parted his legs, humming when Malfoy budged between his thighs. Malfoy rummaged about and managed to get lubricant on his fingers. He reached beneath Harry's balls and poked one finger into him, followed by another.

"Oy!" Harry protested, twitching at the abruptness of it all.

"Would you rather go without lube?" taunted Malfoy, working his fingers in and out.

"I'd rather...ooh!...I'd rather top," panted Harry.


Malfoy pulled his fingers free, making sure to scrape Harry's prostate along the way. Harry groaned and bucked up under him. Despite his complaints, he was eager for Malfoy's cock. Harry didn't have to wait long. Malfoy crouched above him and guided himself into place. He pushed his hips forward, sinking past Harry's rim as he penetrated him. Harry grunted and squirmed. He tried to pull his knees up, but there was no room in the confines of the sleeping bag. He settled for splaying his legs out like a frog on either side of Malfoy's pumping hips.

"Should have been shagging you ages ago," said Malfoy as he moved on Harry.

Privately, Harry agreed. Top or bottom, sex with Malfoy was brilliant. Harry tried to get a hand on his cock, which was no easy task. He and Malfoy were wedged rather tightly together. At last, Harry got a grip on himself. He couldn't wank, but he could give his cock some pleasant squeezes. The extra stimulation helped tip Harry over the edge, and he climaxed with a rough shout.

Malfoy thrust harder, groaning when the pleasure overtook him, too. He filled Harry with his precious Veela seed before collapsing atop his partner with a satisfied sigh.

"You're squashing me," grumbled Harry.

"Ruddy nag," sneered Malfoy, pulling out of Harry and trying to find space to lie without lying on part of Harry. They were almost forced to cuddle, but Harry didn't mind.

"Once this case is over, I intend to shag you in a proper bed," Malfoy said. He yawned and slung a leg over Harry.

The prospect of further shags compelled Harry to confess. "Ahem," he began, clearing his throat before he continued. "About our case..."

Partners' Clash of Wills

gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), content: creature fic, content: top!draco, rating: nc17, verse: willing partner, creature: veela

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