personalized meme

May 09, 2006 19:34

I got these five questions from
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serenity, joss, hp, firefly

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Comments 5

ishtar79 May 10 2006, 04:11:28 UTC
Actually I thought that people were way over-reacting w/the backlash to BtVS S7. Personally I enjoyed that season a lot. I get that Kennedy was annoying, but people get so intense about nothing, I mean if you can't have Tara then what does it matter who Willow hooks up with? I get that fans wanted the whole final season to revolve around the core Scoobie gang, but then we wouldn't have had a plot arc for the finale season.... For me S7 was WAY better than S5!

Don't know if S7 was necessarily better than 5, but I agree, the fan reaction was *ridiculous*, and it put me off the Buffy fandom for good.

And yes, the Kennedy!hate was...puzzling. I was huge Tara fan (though didn't really ship W/T towards the end. I thought Tara could have done better), but Kennedy was alright. Not my favorite, and not Tara, but that was sort of the point? For all the bitchin' about how arrogant and sexually aggressive Kennedy was, can you imagine the fan reaction if Willow's new love interest was a shy, sweet Tara-type. The fans would be having... ( ... )


embers_log May 10 2006, 07:10:57 UTC
"And I laugh at creators telling fans how to interpret a scene in interviews. Once the final product is released, you can't control how people interpret it. And if you think fans missed a certain point you made, perhaps you should have made your point clearer. ;)"

I don't think a creator should try to control how their readers (or viewers) interpret the text, and similarly I don't think that the creator ever has an obligation to fulfill the publics expectations.

I hate these online polls or ads in Variety, or whatever, trying to force the results on a fictional show that they (the fans) themselves envision. I really feel that the author/creator has to be free to fulfill their own vision.


callmeserenity May 11 2006, 20:42:36 UTC
I like your Firefly/P&P crossover idea. That amuses me greatly. Simon and Darcy competing for women. LOL.

But, I really don't see Simon ever falling for Mary. He'd be more into Elizabeth. He seems to like spunk.

Ack-now you've got me thinking about it!


embers_log May 11 2006, 22:05:39 UTC
oh I didn't mean that Simon would fall in love with Mary, I meant that after losing Kaylee he would be reduced to slim pickings...and Mary would snap him up before he could do anything about it.
I don't believe that Elizabeth would give Simon a second look with Mal around. Simon just isn't good a repartee, he can flirt or make a compliment without turning it into an insult...nope: Elizabeth would not be won by Simon (and I think that Darcy wouldn't have a chance with a silver tongued devil like Mal around!).


callmeserenity May 12 2006, 00:14:49 UTC
That's a good point. Lydia, however, would go nuts for Jayne (did you mention that already? You may have.)


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