personalized meme

May 09, 2006 19:34

I got these five questions from
Ishtar79 :

1. If you had to choose any country other than the US to live in, which
would it be and why?

I think I would pick England, preferably in Oxford (I spent four days there once and I loved everything about it).
England is so conveniently in English, and within a short easy flight to the rest of Europe. 
I could hook up with Lord Peter Whimsey, or Detective Morse, and live happily ever after...

2. Do you think the fan backlash against Buffy season 7 is deserved or
not? Explain your reasons.

Actually I thought that people were way over-reacting w/the backlash to BtVS S7.  Personally I enjoyed that season a lot.  I get that Kennedy was annoying, but people get so intense about nothing, I mean if you can't have Tara then what does it matter who Willow hooks up with?  I get that fans wanted the whole final season to revolve around the core Scoobie gang, but then we wouldn't have had a plot arc for the finale season....  For me S7 was WAY better than S5!

3. If you could magically make a crossover between two shows you watch
(or have watched) in the past, which two would it be, and how would the
episode go?

Oh now this is a challenge...  I loved the proposed cross over between Firefly and Enterprise which appeared in Finding Serenity "Mirror/Mirror: A Parody by Roxanne Longstreet Conrad.  I loved how quickly the Serenity crew managed to take over the Enterprise...
oh, but that isn't the question is it?  Let's see...I would like to combine Firefly with  Pride & Prejudice.
Our BDHs land in Regency England and they actually blend in pretty well.  Of course Mr. Darcy takes one look at Zoe and never gives another thought to Elizabeth, but that is okay because Elizabeth has become infatuated by Mal and is now dreaming of spending her life sailing through time and space on board  Serenity.  Jayne (of course) runs off with Lydia...but it all works out because he can actually support her (mercenaries earn good money). 
Wash manages to keep Zoe's love, but by then Mr. Darcy has fallen for Kaylee who is pretty excited about seeing if she can put a floating chandelier in Pemberly.  Simon realizes, too late, what he lost by not telling Kaylee he loved her (Mr. Darcy does NOT have that problem!) but he does manage to win the heart of Mary. 
I know, it needs work.

4. Name three of your current favorite books.

I.  I am currently reading, and loving,  a lot of Terry Pratchett.  The book I'm reading at the moment is Only You Can Save Mankind, and the whole theme of the kid playing a video game where the space aliens are real, and really die...against the background of his parent's pending divorce, and his country involved in the Gulf War.  When TP does it right, he is amazing!

II. Of course any current list will probably have to include Harry Potter, maybe I would wait until the 7th and last book...but at the moment a friend just finished reading my copy of the 6th one (can you believe she could wait this long?  AND be unspoiled for the big huge spoiler?).  Anyway talking to her reminded me about how much I love this series.

III.  Shall I say Jim Butcher's Dresden series?  That would really confirm that 'Trendy' lable I won (see below a few posts ago).... but I was just unpacking the old ones and Lenore just finished reading the newest one, and it all reminds me that I love those...

Books are definitely fun, great entertainment, beautifully presented (I never complain about the casting or the sets & costumes, books are always just the way I like them!).

5. Is there any limit to how much interaction a show's
writers/creators/actors should have with the fans? I'm talking more about
'directing' the fans' thoughts and raising their expectations, not so
much about JM being inappropriate with teenage fans. ;)

Another really interesting question:  Because I'm sure everyone who has even glanced at my lj can see how much I love having Joss Whedon interact with the fans.  I love his posts at Whedonesque (and the few blogs he did at the old Universal Serenity board).  And I particularly love things he'll say in passing in interviews which make it clear that he is aware of the fans and their POV (whether he intends to cater to them or not, usually not).  I loved the slash asides he would throw in during BtVS, Ats, and Firefly... making it clear that he had read some of the fanfic....
I see no down side to all of that.

I'm not involved in the HP fandom so although I think JKR's comments to her fans (the few I've heard) are all a huge mistake, I can't say that I really care one way or the other.  She isn't quite as stupid as Anne Rice who wanted to prosecute the people who were writing Lestat fanfic!  LOL

I guess I should say, if the creator  wants to control their fandom then they are making a huge mistake.  If you can laugh and enjoy the embarassing stuff then that is cool, but if you want to control what they write, say or think then you should just get off line!

serenity, joss, hp, firefly

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