"Oh, is it my turn? I've been waiting."

Dec 19, 2008 02:10

1. I realise that I need to stop abusing my headphones. Because even though ONE set is cheap enough at $25, the fact that I bought my third one for the year today? Means I've spent $75 so far! WTF. I never MEAN to break my headphones, obviously. But I just... do? And it sucks, because these are the nice clip-on kind, which produce AMAZING-quality ( Read more... )

desperate housewives, broadway, meme, lollerskating brb!!, i fail, meryl streep, music, lj - in48frames, movies, capslock flail

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Comments 113

scandaloussteph December 18 2008, 18:59:20 UTC
I am addicted to the music of the latest iTouch advert
Around the Bend - The Asteroid Galaxy Tour


ellixian December 18 2008, 19:00:11 UTC
Sweet. Thank you! XD


unwisetrack December 18 2008, 19:06:06 UTC

Oh, this really crack me up and my mom was like "What's so funny? What? Tell me! But if it's anything about that Meril you don't have to say it!" But yeah, Meryl is the bench nazi! :D


ellixian December 18 2008, 19:08:51 UTC
AHAHAHA. I thought it was BRILLIANT, seriously. She's so funny! And I love how indignant she got and just INSISTENT that no one should EVER think she wanted benches of ANY sort. Heh.


unwisetrack December 18 2008, 19:44:50 UTC
And about that Friends List Soundtrack Meme, you should really have Happy Together by The Turtles, it's really nice. I have been addicted to it for few days now. You can find it at SS forum, go search for Adaptation and there it is! :)


irnbruise December 18 2008, 20:19:38 UTC

momentsofbeing4 December 18 2008, 19:13:11 UTC
lol@ Meryl padding herself up to help get roles!! You can't imagine anyone thinking she's not attractive enough though.

ooo, my song of the moment is Gartan Mother's Lullaby as sung by Meryl, which I know you already have :D I love it so much!


ellixian December 18 2008, 19:15:51 UTC
Wasn't that hilarious though? I LOVE the way she told the story. Not sexy enough, harrumph. She's PLENTY sexy. ;)

And I APPROVE of that song AND have it, as you know. It's going on the fanmix too! What a great reason to pimp it to the world. XD


xixlovexgreenx December 18 2008, 19:57:45 UTC
currently my fave song...hmm...
West....sung by Julia obviously. xD
or And There It Is sung by Lisa Brescia...

I am so predictable...xD


ellixian December 19 2008, 16:41:06 UTC
Predictable... but GOOD choices!! XD I'll pick one - or maybe put both - on the mix, as they're AWESOME. ♥


xixlovexgreenx December 19 2008, 18:19:45 UTC
I obviously like my choices as well! *hugs those songs*
And they are totes AWESOME.


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ellixian December 19 2008, 17:00:23 UTC
Ooh, thank you for the recommendation! It's been ages - far too long - since I've listened to Celine, and she sounds even better than I remember. I LOVE how she emotes on this song... and really gets into it but doesn't OVER-sell it, you know?


(The comment has been removed)

ellixian December 19 2008, 18:57:05 UTC
I must admit I really AM impressed - I think her diction and the way she rounds her vowels are MUCH improved on this song. (I liked her earlier English songs, but I always felt that she was trying to correct for her French accent too much?) Now it sounds more natural. And lovely. ♥


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