"shine on, you said / you can do what you want to"

Nov 10, 2008 01:12

1. WOW. I have basically... just sat here and inhaled a TON of Hershey's chocolate kisses. So not good for me. *weeps* I found a bag of the dark chocolate ones that I brought back from New York in June but never got around to, you know, giving to other people. So I guess I'm gonna be eating them ( Read more... )

iconage, yoga, i fail, meryl streep, movies, bookdorking, sleep patterns of fail, om nom nom nom

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Comments 20

llyfrgell November 9 2008, 18:15:46 UTC
*waves ( ... )


irnbruise November 9 2008, 19:07:59 UTC
Waiting where? Do you feel like sending me the Xanadu song so I don't have to buy the whole CD? :P


llyfrgell November 9 2008, 19:11:41 UTC
I bought it yesterday at TOTC - James Barbour's "we're closing tomorrow ohnoez" curtain speech guilt-tripped me into it. I can send you the Xanadu song if you don't mind that it might take a while - I'm the slowest person ever at putting things on computer/iPod and this week is nuts anyway.


irnbruise November 9 2008, 19:58:31 UTC
Of course - there's no rush. I should just go buy the CD myself, but I'm lazy.


vertical_chaos November 9 2008, 18:34:20 UTC
1. I just ate a ton of dark chocolate kisses myself. YUM!! At least dark chocolate is good for you... Right?

3. Y'all have assigned seats in movie theaters?!?!? I'm not sure if that's cool or weird. :)

5. If I'm reading books in a series and buying them, I HAVE to have them in the same format. I was going to hold off on the Twilight series until they were all i paperback because I wasn't finding the first two in hardback, but then Virgin had a box set of all 4 in hardback.

10. Sleep well!!


in48frames November 9 2008, 20:42:54 UTC
I was going to ask the same thing about the cinemas! I don't think theatres here would ever be full enough for that except with the big blockbusters.


lanafromoz November 10 2008, 09:36:34 UTC
They started having seat allocations here this year too! They're trying to make it more appealing to book in advance online or something!


ellixian November 10 2008, 17:01:59 UTC
We definitely have assigned seating, and it's been this way all my life! So free seating is the strange thing for me - though I got used to it when I studied in the UK, of course. It's kind of nice, actually, because weekends usually see pretty packed theatres (apparently Singaporeans have nothing better to do than go see movies, who knew!) so it's good to have the option to have excellent seats if you book ahead.


tamoshan November 9 2008, 19:00:07 UTC
3. assigned seats in movie theaters? hmmm
can you request ones not next to annoying people? ;)


ellixian November 10 2008, 16:40:54 UTC
3. Yes, assigned seats! It's been this way for always here - helps in getting excellent seats in back of the cinema - and well, next to non-annoying people? Only on the rare occasions that I go to the cinema with my friends and sit in the middle. ;)


tamoshan November 11 2008, 00:31:13 UTC
i've been in a full movie theater maybe a handful of times in my life.. back row seats aren't hard to grab


phineas_gatsby November 9 2008, 21:14:40 UTC
it's okay to judge by the cover just a little bit. Totally enhances the book.

For example...my copy of Pride and Prejudice has a photograph of Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle on it. Other copies are plain, or have a painting of some sort that kind of relates. Which one is more fun? Obviously, Mr. Hottie.

BUT--I will take the creepy eyes over Mr. Redford for The Great Gatsby, just because it's tradition. So, yes, covers count.


ellixian November 10 2008, 16:38:40 UTC
Hee. I'm glad my shallowness is shared.

Colin Firth pretty much makes anything pretty. I couldn't deny that. Who wants other copies. Who wants some boring PAINTING when you could have Colin - preferably completely soaked through - on the coveR?!

LMAO. Well chosen on Gatsby as well. My. We are dorks, aren't we?


tsusmagne November 9 2008, 21:51:16 UTC
hehe... was the local animation movie Sing to the Dawn?


ellixian November 10 2008, 16:29:31 UTC
Dude. Yes, yes it was. We could hear the song start after we'd shifted theatres. SO GLAD WE DIDN'T GET STUCK IN THERE.


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