"shine on, you said / you can do what you want to"

Nov 10, 2008 01:12

1. WOW. I have basically... just sat here and inhaled a TON of Hershey's chocolate kisses. So not good for me. *weeps* I found a bag of the dark chocolate ones that I brought back from New York in June but never got around to, you know, giving to other people. So I guess I'm gonna be eating them. ;)

2. I'm pretty amazed at my ability to survive an entire day on just over two hours of sleep. I wound up getting to bed at about ten past nine IN THE MORNING, and then getting up at 11.30 so I could shower before meeting my friend for lunch (yes, I was late). And unlike at work, I didn't feel the need to doze off throughout the day. Probably because I'm not doing soul-suckingly boring things like reading and filing or whatnot, but whatever.

3. Here's a little story about HOW MUCH I FAIL. After lunch, my friend and I were going to see the new Bond movie - so I collect the tickets, note that it's cinema 10, and herd said friend in the direction of the huge lighted 10 sign in the corridor. We settle in our seats amd start giggling about the cheerfully cheesy trailer advertising some brainless Emma Roberts movie... and REALLY GETTING INTO IT, because I may be ancient, but I still love fluffy chick flicks like that. But then someone who works for the cinema - he had the t-shirt and everything - came over and asked us nicely for our ticket stubs. TURNS OUT I HAD BROUGHT MY FRIEND INTO THE WRONG THEATRE AND WE WERE JUST WAITING FOR A TOTALLY DIFFERENT MOVIE TO START. *weeps* I'm just amazed that the people whose seats we were so rudely occupying hadn't come right up to us and told us to GFTO - they actually contacted service staff, wtf! I'd have just demanded the idiots in my seats to LEAVE. I'm glad we were alerted to being in the wrong cinema though. They were showing some stupid local animation movie based on a literature text we all had to do in secondary school. The trailer = DIRE.

4. Quantum Of Solace! Was fun, insofar as relentlessly dark, violent movies can be fun in a totally perverse way. There are next to NO moments of levity in this film. And not that I can judge since I... errrr, haven't seen any Bond movies all the way through beyond Casino Royale, but this one FELT more Bond-like to me (based on the reading I've done about the franchise in magazines and stuff) despite the complete lack of dodgy humour. (Aside from the name of Agent Fields... which you only discover in the credits, mwahahaha.) Casino Royale felt like BOURNE, not BOND. This one, at least, went a little crazier with the conspiracy theories and wacky megalomaniacal villains rather than get all super-poncey about the Bond origin story.

5. Today I also felt a ridiculously strong URGE to just READ again. I haven't read properly all year - I've managed to sneak in some fantasy and kids' books around the edges, but mostly I've not had time for recreational reading outside of work and the interweb. I strolled through a couple of bookstores today though - I love just BROWSING, don't you? - and so suddenly wanted to be stuck IN a book, just living that world and those characters and argh. I resisted buying anything new, because god knows I have enough unread books scattered around my room. But I'm going to READ something, once I'm done with my current issue of Empire. I'll get to read when I go to Melbourne too! :D

6. On a related but decidely silly note: is anyone else here a book dork who actually... um, totes judges books by their covers? *weeps* If I have the pick of the same book with different covers, odds are I'll pick the one that I find prettier and more aesthetically appealing, even if it means a small price differential. But it also means I just... won't buy some books I DO want? Like Cornelia Funke's Inkdeath, which completes the trilogy - I WANT IT, and I don't even mind that buying the hardcover would mean it doesn't match my paperback copies of the other books. But the paper it's printed on is annoyingly smooth photocopier paper, so I feel like I'm reading a textbook rather than a NOVEL. So I'm not buying that until it comes out in paperback. :P Also, I will never buy this sulphurous edition of A Lion Among Men because it's so YELLOW. The American edition is SO MUCH PRETTIER, AMIRITE.

7. Yoga again. TOUGH instructor today. He made us jump around like frogs, up and down our mats, WTF. O_O Why do I do these things to myself I will never understand.

8. Christmas has come to Orchard Road (our main shopping district). There are Christmas trees and decorations everywhere already. Although, randomly, I think it's only in Singapore that you can walk down the street and have someone playing an er hu version of Yesterday Once More, wtf. I live in a weird, weird land.

9. I am deeply concerned by the fact that I JUST posted a batch of 75 Meryl icons yesterday, and already I have nine new ones. Not to mention the almost 30 I have from Falling In Love which I'm not posting until I'm done spamming the heck out of that movie. (Seriously, how can I resist? Look at the PRETTY!)

10. And now I'm DEFINITELY going to go to bed, before 2am (or about 2am, anyway), since I don't even know how it's almost 2am and yet I'm subsisting just fine on less than three hours of sleep. It must be the chocolate. :P

iconage, yoga, i fail, meryl streep, movies, bookdorking, sleep patterns of fail, om nom nom nom

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