the chances of a singaporean winning an oscar just went up one million percent!

Nov 11, 2008 01:13

1. Fuck I really really NEED to stop eating chocolate. Also, I had bought myself dinner (couscous and grilled vegetables) and was finishing it off when my brother - freshly done with mandatory military service and apparently now a fledgling cook - brought me samples of HIS dinner. Fried pork slices coated in a cereal/breadcrumb mixture of his own concoction. So now I've eaten way too much all day. SIGH.

2. It's only 1.19am but I'm really going to try and head bedward. (Yeah, all your reactions are similar to the one in my icon right now, yeah?) Honestly though. I was TERRIBLE at work today. Aside from the times when I was chatting with weazel_luv, I was sleeping or almost sleeping and ARGH. No wonder I managed to survive on no sleep on Sunday. FAIL, ME. So I'm gonna try and sleep a little more.

3. I am totes phoning it in at work these days though. I don't even know why I bother anymore. I would like very much to contract a non-fatal, non-painful, non-debilitating illness that would require me to be at home, in bed, for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, I used up THAT karma, and didn't appreciate it then because it meant missing out on Ian McKellen doing Lear and the Seagull live. YUP. MY LIFE SUCKS AND I ALREADY HAD CHICKEN POX LAST YEAR. :P That being said, I DID spend those two weeks watching House i.e., it was awesome times.

4. AND OMG GUESS WHAT?! I'm SO PROUD to be a Singaporean today!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO CAN RECITE MY PLEDGE? Chinese mega star Gong Li! (Yeah, I'm being sarcastic, but hey, it's a sight better than having Fann Wong represent us in Hollywood, no?)

Yup. Randomly enough, she's now a Singaporean.
This was FRONT-PAGE NEWS in our local paper. Above the fold and above an article promising financial relief to deal with, you know, the GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS. I like our priorities.

According to that article, I was apparently upset that she did not turn up for a ceremony of some sort back in August. Wish I'd received THAT memo. I think I was too busy dying at work...

5. And now, sleep. I'll post an iTunes-ish meme tomorrow. I bet you all can't wait for that. :P

lj - weazel_luv, randomness, family, i fail, om nom nom nom, starstalking, sleep patterns of fail

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