the reason there is no chocolate left is that i ate all of it. D:

Nov 12, 2008 02:21

1. I have a sneaking suspicion I might be narcoleptic. I shall have to test this theory by actually getting regular amounts of sleep at night to see if I still fall asleep at random points in the day, but wtf. I slept quite well and quite a lot the night before and still I was COMPELLED to sleep throughout the day at work. WTF. Is it because I have no pressing work to do? Or the fact that the new office is as cold as the Arctic and I'm hibernating? I DO NOT KNOW. Need to stop sleeping like that in plain sight though. It's AWFUL.

2. Family dinner - my younger brother cooked his cereal-breaded pork meatballs thing, which was yummy - and then we watched embarrassing home videos. OMG. Like, EMBARRASSING. I was such a shameless camera whore as a kid. :P Although, mirime, I have to say you were one of the most adorable children in EXISTENCE. I spent the whole time squeeing at how cute you were!


4. It's wrong to be as amused by one of my own icons as I am with this, but:
It started with someone in a forum pointing out that Meryl's glasses in this photo are ridiculously similar to a certain Mr Potter's. I ran with it thereafter, what can I say. *weeps at my patheticness*

5. I started reading again! Granted it's hardly great literature as it is the 30th book in the by-now ridiculously tired and punny Xanth series by Piers Anthony (is it the 30th? it might just as easily be the 35th or some outlandishly huge number like that), but these books always make me happy. They might be silly and fluffy and pure fantasy - at least the later ones, the first nine still remain some of the best, most imaginative books I've ever read - but it feels like coming home. It feels like my childhood. ♥

6. No iTunes meme 'til tomorrow. I be tired and have not the energy to be uploading songs just now.

7. I still want to be in NYC on Nov 24. Someone going for Julia's concert, please promise to, like, come straight home and post the setlist and FLAIL VERY LOUDLY IN CAPSLOCK for me, yes? YES?

iconage, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, i fail, lj - mirime, meryl streep, bookdorking, family, om nom nom nom, sleep patterns of fail

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